Congress Returns From Recess for Votes on Domestic Violence Prevention, Expanding Breastfeeding Accommodations at Work

How do you feel about this week’s congressional schedule?

  • 3,405

    Please tell me why those two issues would take any of you more than 2 mins? Breast feeding and violence against women? Really? Come on. Time to look into reduced pay for you all.

  • 27.8k

    @burrkitty asked Do you want women to work or not? * @burrkitty, LOL! I think you’re asking this of White Conservative Christian men, so the answer is going to be “No. The Bible says God created woman to serve man." Probably, like in the 50s and 60s it will be OK for women to do some work before getting married. *

  • 23

    Are you kidding me? We have police and numerous social agencies. This is so redundant. Don't spend more money. Breast feeding, again you kidding? I do just fine without government help!

  • 872

    This is what congress has to work on? It’s amazing, the amount of problems that this administration has made,that their focus is on this. Biden has driven this country into a crisis that will take a string individual to correct. The town hall he had was a disaster! It really showed how weak of an individual he really is. Who is actually running the country? Mask mandates that have caused mass departure of police and firemen, truck drivers being fired, first responders being terminated, all because their are not getting the vaccine. The president thinks it’s great! So tell me just how is that Biden vote working out for you? #Go Brandon #Empty shelves Joe.

  • 27.8k

    Government as Busybody and Micromanager Can someone definitively explain to me or justify the illogic and inconsistency of people who want absolutist government involvement in women’s reproductive rights but get angry about mask and vaccine mandates. Definitely not truly Pro-Life. The mind of the 21st Century Right seems [Pick one or more or insert one or more [illinformed, illogical, irrational, erratic, overly emotional, paranoid, untrusting, arrogant, self righteous, ..., ...]]

  • 27.8k

    Wow! I am stunned!!! A sensible comment regarding Pumping breast milk from @Carina. Maybe someone is covering for the usual troll today!? See

  • 27.8k

    Contrarian A contrarian is a person who holds a contrary position, especially a position against the majority. I am not opposed to Congress taking the time and making an effort to deal with more mundane issues like pumping breast milk and domestic violence. Already the House passed the P.U.M.P. Bill. Importantly, some Republicans joined in with some “Yeas.” One of my high school teachers taught a pendulum view of history. This was after Humphrey lost to Nixon. (Recall: It was Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, then Humphrey vs. Nixon.) Anyway... Perhaps it takes the relatively small but still important issues to slow the Pendulum's current swing to the right; but it will take time for the Pendulum to start swinging to the left.

  • 3,907

    No accountability no checks on Shipping industry for purposeful exacerbation of problems & wanton gouging Going into winter fuel & gas gouging Irrational price increases on essentials Gop resistance on health care, vaccines, education, social programs, climate change, practically everything Dumbkopf’s big lie and continued unchecked treasonous interference Shame on you congress Shame on you scotus

  • 1,302

    MORE B/S

  • 2,934

    Congress needs to prove their worth

  • 42.2k

    Some good actions scheduled but as far as I am concerned, it is mostly just background noise and busy work. The Build Back Better Plan, the Infrastructure Bill, dealing with the Climate Crisis, HR.1 and the Lewis Voting Rights Act are the most critical legislative actions. The Insurrection Committee’s work is also very important. Then we have the police reform bill, Roe v Wade legislation, controlling the spread of willful disinformation and protecting Democracy from the Republican Faction by calling out their dark money benefactors and getting another record breaking voter turnout to prove to the Republican Faction that they cannot ‘wire’ the midterms - and also to politically excise their cancerous growth from the body politic. … … … Surely there are other critical things needed like dealing with Russian aggression, Chinese expansionism as well as other legislation dealing with gun violence, Citizens United and systemic racism. The perfunctory actions of Congress are much less important than what it is that they accomplish for the future of the people of this country. We need a record setting voter turnout to gain the Congressional Seats needed to make these things happen. The obfuscation and delay by the Republican Faction and their claim that they do not want Big Government when the Democrats are in power is certainly not the way they act when they are in power. Democrats work on government of, by and for the people. The Republican Faction works on bigger government of, by, and for the PAC and their well laundered dark money benefactors.

  • 412

    I believe it was Strom Thurman or that other old white man, Jessie Helms, who made the comment regarding how unnecessary breast feeding education was. It was something like…. Why do we need to spend money on that, the kid just latches on to the nipple and sucks. And yes, they were in the senate for far TOO many years. Keep ‘em pregnant and in the kitchen. 💙💙💙💙

  • 21

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  • 27.8k

    @Sharon, your frustration comes through. When you say you want facts and fact-based analysis, I agree with you. When you assert that many of our fellow citizens wish to remain ignorant and to allow projection to substitute for acquiring information and to use reasoning and good judgment, I agree with you. When you want to take away the ability of the über wealthy individuals and companies to influence our representatives, I agree with you. We probably both agree that we have crony capitalism and faithless representatives because so many of our fellow citizens have consistently failed to pay attention or the choose to follow false propaganda that caters to their limited understanding instead of the more fact based news. Worse more liberal publication frightened them like children are afraid of monsters under the bed. But, in your recent post you flirt with the further destruction of our Federal government by giving the presidency power over Congress, ie "holding their feet to the fire," to forcr them to do this or that thing, thereby moving us even closer to an autocracy. (The very thing Trump and his Republican backers wanted.) We need our three co-equal, ie independent yet interdependent, branches of government (or something similar but better maybe four or eight co-equal branches) and we definitely need checks and balances. And, we need our fellow citizens to up their game or we all will lose. I'd love to see open discussions on how to make government better, more response to the public at large. At the same time I am interested in learning about how other countries maintain diversity with civility and fair compromise. Scandinavian countries and Germany top that list right now. In response to

  • 2,427

    Larubia, Justices can be Impeached. If they overturn Roe v. Wade, we must impeach those who voted to do so. Love your comments! ❤️😊❤️😊

  • 51.9k

    The voting rights bills must pass. The House must pass both the Reconciliation Bill and the Infrastructure Bill, but only together. The Senate must advance President Biden's agenda or answer to the people next year.

  • 87

    Senators Blunt & Hawley, I urge you to cast your votes for the people - FOR the Freedom to Vote Act.

  • 753

    This is a completely different topic but it needs to be said; let’s end this endless shit show of Donald Trump trying to dodge investigations because he’s afraid. Republicans want get this over with also let’s lay all the facts on the table and let the chips fall where they may and stop this loser Trump from hiding from the truth. He sure makes it look like he is hiding at this point and people have to recognize that after he’s going to such great lengths to avoid any testifying. I for one am sick to death of this loser bozo Trump dragging this country into the ground.

  • 1,085

    It’s mostly just busy-work this week. Again, if Democrats are serious on passing any voting-rights bill, they need to reform the filibuster, otherwise, they are not being serious at all. Democrats need to do more than just confirm judges and offer speeches. Tell Manchin and Sinema to get in line or get they will get kicked off their committee assignments. No more wasting time!

  • 388

    Are these important to consider, yes. Are they the mist important? In my opinion, no. I don’t know whether this is possible in our country, but I wish Biden could deny Congress any recesses or departures from Washington until the most important legislation - by that I mean legislation critical to upholding and strengthening the nature of the democratic pillars of our society and other legislation important to the operation and security of our society - gets finalized with a plan of action for at least getting them to the Senate floor. That means those like Sinema and Manchin don’t get to flit to fundraisers and vacations instead of spending that time devoted to serious consultation about these measures. Members of Congress, in my opinion, should be required to hold a given number of town hall meetings across the states in randomized districts of those states that they are supposed to represent - with constituent attendants randomly distributed among Democratic, Republican, and Independent affiliates and non-affiliates. Constituents would probably be less likely to feel they have to chase representatives into a bathroom if they feel they are being heard and an effort is being made by those representatives to explain their stances on something besides party rhetoric. Poor Sinema! Town hall meetings can be held by video. It’s ridiculous id the President can’t hold congressional feet to the fire when necessary, but party leaders in Congress can. First up should be voting rights, infrastructure, and reconciliation bills, in my opinion. Most Americans favor most provisions in these bills - including increasing taxes on the rich and corporations. Maybe town halls would force members of Congress to at least pretend to listen. Maybe experts in the issues addresses in the provisions of these bills should be recruited to hold town halls across the country to educate constituents, too, before members of Congress begin. Of course, some of the people on this site and others like them will stick their fingers in their ears because they don’t want to dilute their Koolaid with fact and expert analysis, but at least it’s worth a shot, I think.