Texas Gov. Abbott Bans Vaccine Mandates - Do You Support a Ban?

Do you support or oppose a ban on mandatory vaccinations?

  • 2,427

    Joseph, you are on a roll! 😊❤️😊

  • 314

    I support a ban on mandatory vaccinations. Though I chose to be vaccinated, I strongly dislike any entity that is mandating vaccinations - and especially those who punish those who do not want to be vaccinated. I believe in the vaccination and cautions such as masking so will not stop socializing and working with those who are not vaccinated. I have chosen to not go to any places (theaters, concerts, restaurants, etc.) that require us to show our personal vaccination records to do business with them - and hence discriminate / bar those who are not vaccinated. It is ironic that people support proof of vaccination with picture ID to go to a place of business yet scream that showing an ID to vote is discriminatory.

  • 64

    He’s blatantly opposing science for short-term political gain. Shame on him!

  • 148

    No! What information is he using to support that decision? Certainly not science or even common sense.

  • 741

    I’m with glowworm let’s throw taxes out of the union we really just stole it from Mexico to begin with so let’s give it back.

  • 24

    Private companies should be able to make any decision they want. If that causes them to lose employees, that’s on them. If a person is principled, they won’t go along with something they morally detest just to keep a paycheck.

  • 33

    This is major law against freedom we don’t want things injected into our cells after china made a virus that changed our dna !!!! Somehow I’m thinking they might be responsible for the vaccine or they planned the virus to be treated with exactly the junk that is being in

  • 741

    Wasn’t Abbott a member of a comedy team, Abbottr and Costello is Abbott more of a comedy act than the governor. Only not so funny.

  • 214

    This is in fact a murderous crime against humanity. Abbott owns the massive Texas death toll and medical system burnout.

  • 163

    Mandates are a violation of the Nuremberg laws and others.

  • 23

    I am a physician. The science is clear. The COVID-19 vaccine saves lives. Period. Businesses have had vaccine mandates for decades, where employees are required to get flu shots, or Hepatitis vaccines, and other types of vaccines. Banning COVID-19 vaccine mandates takes away the freedom of employers to create safe work environments and places millions of people at risk of contracting this deadly virus that has already killed >700,000 Americans. Stop the vaccine mandates bans and save lives.

  • 71

    We all got the small pox vaccine, measles/mumps/rubella, polio,etc. So when a deadly virus that has killed over 700,000 Americans is ravaging our communities and still there are those who are taking a stand against the vaccines for reasons it is hard to comprehend, what happens when the Unvaccinated get sick? The reality of the situation in Florida is that I might be turned away from the Holy Cross ER if I am experiencing symptoms of a heart attack because the emergency room and ICU are filled with unvaccinated Covid Patients. How is this right or fair. I am so dam tired of feeling afraid and having those that don’t get vaccinated clogging up the system and preventing those of us who are vaccinated and have other health issues from getting the healthcare we need. How is this right.

  • 27

    The Texas governor is a moron.

  • 159

    Texas governor is as crazy. I wonder why people in Texas support him.

  • 192

    The government has no right to mandate vaccines. Nowhere in the Constitution is the government allowed to interfere in a person's medical choices.

  • 430

    I think Vaccine mandates is one of the only ways to get ahead of the pandemic

  • 21

    My body my choice, remember? All three of you do not represent me in any way!

  • 21

    As with the Biden administration mandates, any government mandate that tells private entities how to run their businesses is against the free market. I disagree with this EO and it's more evidence that Texas Republicans have lost their conservative, free market ideologies.

  • 52

    No one should ever be forced by others to make an inherently personal decision. That includes vaccines and other personal health decisions. I fully support the ban on mandates.

  • 54

    Texas has really gone off the rails on several fronts. With regard to vaccination, I remember in the mid 50’s getting vaccinated for polio. Me and every single person in the UNITED STATES! Do you know anyone with polio today?!?!