Taliban Rejects U.S. Cooperation Against ISIS-K in Afghanistan

How do you feel about the Taliban rejecting U.S. cooperation against ISIS-K?

  • 304

    Biden's withdrawal was a total screw-up and because there is no small force and no base to maintain some control the American's will have to go back into Afghanistan to clean up Biden's mess! When that will be we don't know, but it will be anything but messy!

  • 87


  • 37

    Bagram should have transitioned better. It could have served as a good evacuation rendezvous back up option.

  • 303

    I don’t think that America should be offering the Taliban anything. No money nothing. They are the enemy of America, what amazes me is our government does not see that. But of course it is our government they put us in this condition with the Taliban. Joe Biden and his large disaster. One disaster after another after another over and over again. Why were the ships not empty that are in California why were there no truckers to deliver what was there. And then you got Buddha Jed you know what his name is the guy who is on maternity leave. Doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.. has no business in that position. But just remember when he bailed out of running for president. He was promised a job in the Biden administration. That’s why he got out. Not that he would’ve ever been voted in as president. There’s an old saying you can fool some of the people some of the time. But you can’t fool all the people all the time. America is waking up. We’re not sleeping anymore. We know what is going an in our schools. It is our tax dollars pay for public schools. And this Democratic Party is going to try and change everything. So that the boards on these city schools are not voted in by the voters. They’ll be voted in by the state. So parents can’t have a say. When did parents become the enemies of the school. When they are teaching our kids things they do not need to teach them. Their agenda. Not reading writing arrhythmia tech and all the rest of what they should know. There were eight more about sex education. That’s not going to work. The books that are in the schools are not books that should be there. And when you have a person in office in charge of that and there’s son-in-law is producing the books for the school and becoming extremely rich I would say that’s a conflict of interest wouldn’t you. The man should resign from the job. All of everybody that is working in Washington supposedly with Joe Biden. That’s a joke there all the leftovers from Obama years,They weren’t any good then and there even worse now.

  • 2,215

    I am not happy about it. It would make sense to join against our common foe. I cannot blame the Taliban very much, as they have little reason to trust the USA.

  • 382

    The taliban are a sadistic and immoral group of people you cannot make deals with, or is our standard of not dealing with terrorists not in use any more. You cannot trust any terrorist.

  • 388

    What? We just got out to go back in? I think it’s probably better to use shared international intelligence, special strike teams, and special strike weapons to deal with them and others of their ilk. Funding and rebuilding former allies like the Kurds who we abandoned (anybody remember the Bay of Pigs) is also another possibly better solution. Those allies are fighting for their country, religion, and culture. It’s hard to imagine that our motivation and dedication would exceed theirs. They have boots on the ground and an intimate investment. They know the terrain, strategic thinking, and historic methods unique to that culture. They are also less likely to be viewed as invaders and an occupying force, so there’s less chance of driving to the other side those whose hostility is activated toward invaders, I think.

  • 132

    Trust??? We don’t need no stinking trust America! Clean up your own domestic terrorism. What democracy tries to restrict votes? Yours! As a wise little tyke on TikTok said - worry about yourself!

  • 196

    I'm not surprised at all.

  • 890

    Do you trust the U.S.? Help is always needed though and they should except it.

  • 245

    I'm happy that they are rejecting our offers of assistance. US involvement in other situations as rapidly escalated to troop assistance and then troop involvement. We don't want to make that mistake again, especially this soon after our withdrawal.

  • 795

    What a sad state that Biden put us in. Time to replace him.

  • 75

    Is this a case of the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I hope not. But, the Biden administration is deceitful.

  • 1,696

    First off...if they actually want to kill each other...let them. They hate the US with a passion so did you really think they'd still want us involved? The only thing we need to do is be on the ball about what's going on and if there's anything brewing against us. You can't help anyone who refuses to help themselves. You can't be the police in other countries. Twenty years waisted trying to change a country that in the end would not. They just waited, built up their tribes and swooped in so fast to take their country back. I honestly don't believe that ISIS-K is really an enemy to the Taliban. Enough trying to help other countries who hate the US. Our own country has major problems to fix! ... ... ... We have our own homegrown terrorists and other batshit crazy nutjobs tearing down our democracy. They want one batshit crazy nutjob ruler! They want authoritarian rule! They want to take away the rights of anyone whose not rich! They are the me me me regime. They are truly the ass backwards batshit crazy nutjobs who need to be stripped of their positions. Not one of them does their job. They are nothing more than a waist of space and oxygen. Are they trying to copy the Taliban where women are dirt and have absolutely no rights!?! Sure seems that way now doesn't it!?!

  • 468

    Good. As long as WE STAY OUT OF IT then let them fight amongst themselves to their hearts content. What’s the point of intervening between two terrorist groups quarreling with each other? Afghanistan is over. We wasted a ton of money and lost. Let it go.

  • 474

    No surprise there. Looking at it from their perspective, why would the Taliban, after getting us to leave after 20 years, now want to take a chance of U.S. troops possibly being in-country again? They do need to be the ones to bring security to Afghanistan and defeat ISIS-K and other terrorist organizations. If they don’t, it won’t go well for them, or the Afghan people. If they were smart, and truly wanted to show the world that they are committed to achieving a terrorist-free Afghanistan, they would accept our offer of help. The Taliban should also take steps to remove the terrorists in their government as well and govern wisely.

  • 7,958

    If you drew a Venn diagram with the Taliban on one side and ISIS-K on the other, the most profound thing they have in common besides their extremist religious beliefs is their hatred for the USA. The Taliban’s refusal to join together with the US to fight ISIS-K is NOT a shock. The good news is, if they’re busy fighting each other they will have little time to plot terror attacks against us or our allies. The other piece of good news is that NONE of our men and women have to die protecting our enemies in Afghanistan!

  • 507

    They’ll be begging for our assistance and from their neighbors before the year is out. Don’t give them a dime and let them sort it out. The price of wanting to be in charge is their task to overcome.

  • 674

    Don’t care Time to fix our country We gave family when not one of the idiots cared enough to make a whimper let alone a fuss because it wasn’t politically in their favor So anyone that cares now can sit down and stfu

  • 468

    Frank-001 said: “It seems the rest of the world has to stand by and from time to time look in to see how the insanity plays out.” HA! You are exactly right! Just like all the US allies did when 45 was elected.