Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples' Day?

Should the U.S. stop celebrating Columbus Day?

  • 55

    Yes--- we must also celebrate the national day of mourning.

  • 70

    Yes, he was a terrible person, even in his own time. Which is why the Spanish empire at the time even put him in prison.

  • 38

    Indigenous Peoples’ Day, please! Columbus was obviously NOT the first to discover America! Indigenous Peoples’ Day would be a wonderful, long overdue honor to our First Peoples! I lived in Northern Arizona, and there are Navajo and Hopi still living in poverty, and dealing with unearned discrimination. Let’s start paying back at least some of what was stolen from these people!

  • 147

    I like the idea of recognizing indigenous people. But a day set aside just for them won’t take back the slaughter and eradication of whole tribes and that they still were pushed from land they had been on for generations. For other countries Columbus discovered what he did so that should be recognized. As for the US, I think it should be indigenous peoples day. Instead of still taking away from them these many years later, let’s give something. Just saying.

  • 101

    Columbus was a slave trade genocidal rapist and I’m sick of kids learning that he was a great explorer. Let’s have indigenous peoples day and while I’m on it, more Native folks in the cabinet and running for office.

  • 34

    You cannot erase history! I support Columbus Day!

  • 34

    this is ridiculous. Christopher Columbus what is a brave and courageous man whoWas part of his time. He was also probably afraid. Give me a break.

  • 741

    As the fact of the matter is that Columbus really didn’t discover America that happen long before he was born first by the native American Indians then by the Vikings. Columbus Day has really turned into an excuse to have a sale of the store so it’s kind of pointless.

  • 192

    No, what the US should stop celebrating is Martin Lucifer King day. He was a communist agitator, lover of White prostitutes, and a disgrace. Still waiting for the FBI to release its files on this moron. Also Juneneeth is a total farce. Instead of celebrating their supposed freedom from slavery, they should be celebrating the achievement of creating ghettos and slums everywhere they infest themselves, bringing violent crime to every once safe community when they move in. As an Italian, I am outraged that they want to take away Columbus Day and removing his statues throughout the country. Anybody that is offended by Columbus, don't let the door hit you in the ass, leave the country.

  • 23

    Columbus Day or Indigenous Peoples Day… celebrate whatever you want to celebrate.

  • 28

    Columbus is dumb. I was a catholic for a while when I was younger. Catholic pride is fine. Columbus is not fine. We are nuanced, adult individuals. We can hold complicated thoughts in our minds. We can celebrate indigenous peoples. In Alaska, we celebrate Alaska day instead.

  • 26.0k

    Being an Imperialist Means Never Having to Say You're Sorry. "MIT grapples with early leader's stance on Native Americans" "CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) — As the third president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Francis Amasa Walker helped usher the school into national prominence in the late 1800s. "But another part of his legacy has received renewed attention amid the nation’s reckoning with racial justice: his role in shaping the nation’s hardline policies toward Native Americans as a former head of the U.S. office of Indian Affairs and author of “The Indian Question,” a treatise that justified forcibly removing tribes from their lands and confining them to remote reservations."

  • 42

    Assinine political correctness run amok.

  • 472

    What an utterly stupid suggestion!

  • 66

    because IDC, I'm Hispanic that means mixed European and Native American ancestry, and IDC it means nothing to me you don't hear me complaining about Hernan Cortes and the attack on the Aztec empire because IDC this was hundreds of years ago we got bigger issues than making amends to people who died long ago and for those who still hold onto that well get over it life moves on to the victor go the spoils move on! people are starving in the USA and riddled with debt we got bigger issues

  • 98

    We should do away with celebrating Indians already being here.

  • 91


  • 210

    You know Columbus didnt actually discover America; it had already been discovered by the Vikings he just stole land from other people who have very little left now. Not too mention the slavery and sickness we brought to them. I actually do not honor Columbus Day

  • 28

    It should no longer be celebrated as Columbus Day, but kept as national Indigenous Day. It is only fair, and those who count on having this holiday will still have it and learn something.

  • 51

    Why? Indians were no different then other nations. War tribes and peaceful tribes. Will we change today in history