Texas Abortion Ban Temporarily Blocked

Do you support blocking Texas’ abortion law?

  • 70

    It is not the business of the government or state to force people to go through with their pregnancies.

  • 40

    The VAST majority support this. A woman as a fundamental RIGHT to decide her life and her future. This is a right to privacy issue and I know Republicans are all over that fundamental liberty, right?

  • 182

    Texas law SB8 clearly violates settled constitutional law. The cruelty and pain this law has created will be documented.

  • 28

    The state of Texas passed this bill through a legitimate legislative process. I don’t live in Texas. Why should this law effect me?abortion is complicated. We as a people- both sides- are trying to make this too simple. The conversation should be complicated and nuanced. Texas is making the conversation more complicated.

  • 1,343

    Where is the right to kill an unborn human mentioned in the constitution? I know the answer. It's not there. It was created. Out of whole cloth.

  • 66

    only as happenstance that the govt should not tell anyone what to do with their body not being a woman i don't take this as personal but the thought of anyone telling anyone how to treat their own body is disgusting

  • 45.0k

    Unfortunately, back to square one. .... What the hell!! Need to 'Castrate the Texas Taliban Legislature'! (oh, and let's not forget our 'sexist' National legislators here in the Lone Star state). I want them out! I hope our women in this state rise up! I vote, help me! "Texas Abortion Law To Remain In Effect As Appeals Court Blocks District Judge’s Injunction" ... https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2021/10/14/texas-abortion-law-to-remain-in-effect-as-appeals-court-blocks-district-judges-injunction/?sh=6a3e8d9d5fec

  • 1,271

    They have it right

  • 2,215

    I feel the Judge made the correct decision, and the 5th circuit should have supported that decision.

  • 228

    IMHO whether I agree with their bill or not the 10th Amendment gives them the right to implement it and then possibly repeal it after a future election

  • 1,714

    All sane people do. If not for legal abortion, I would be dead. In one way or another, most abortions are life saving. You have no idea what you are talking about and have NO business even in the discussion. Here’s a better idea. You have an issue with abortion? Perfect solution. Sterilize males at birth. Let’s be the last generation. You are desperate to destroy the planet anyway. Wouldn’t it be the kind thing to do? Fewer people to be wiped out by greed. In many ways, a more sane plan.

  • 228

    this is a no win. One can argue their bill effectively stops all abortion but then also look at the 10th Amendment to say each state has a right to do their own laws as abortion isn't touched on in the Constitution. We see the argument of my body my choice being used for abortion rights but then ignored when it comes to forcing vaccination and mask mandates. So IMHO get the govt out of abortion - keep tax dollars and laws out of it and leave it up to each woman and her doctor. The abortion debate will never end between the right of the baby to life and the right of the woman to chose.

  • 115

    The Federal government needs to recognize States Rights issues and abortion is a States Rights Issue.

  • 1,358

    Churches and the GOP are waging a holy war against America. We need to tax all churches.

  • 182

    There is no person or group that knows better how to make people suffer than an intolerant social religious conservative. Texas SB8 clearly violates US Constitution president. I suggest Indiana representatives Braun, Young, and Buschon read the District Court Judge's ruling.

  • 695

    There is no basis for the ban other than misogyny. Furthermore, no male who has EVER risked an unwanted pregnancy has a right to a vote, or even an opinion, on this matter. And that includes ALL sexual intercourse between them and a female without express, mutual agreement that pregnancy is a desirable outcome. Including when the male is young, when he is drunk, and when he is forcing himself on his spouse.

  • 1,017

    If the Government can mandate you have to be vaccinated or wear a mask, it should be allowed to regulate protection of fetuses and the resulting birth of state citizens. We are facing a deficit in US birthrate we need new citizens protect the unborn, largest racial group are black abortions many tens of thousands sacrificed for choice.

  • 1,017

    Life is precious and needs to be protected. If people do not want children then use contraceptives or abstain from sex. Your liberty is infringed by being made to wear a seatbelt when driving, suicide is illegal and attempt can be pro

  • 1,126

    We will never go back to women having to face life-threatening pregnancies. Abortion must remain safe and legal.

  • 179

    Pay for your own abortion; but wait We are under a Pandemic Virus ALERT NATIONWIDE, so NO ABORTIONS ARE ALLOWED WORLDWIDE AS JOE BIDEN IS INSTRUCTING ALL OF AMERICA 🇺🇸. Sorry NO ABORTIONS.