IT: ⚔️ China increases military presence near Taiwan, and... Should Democrats use reconciliation to raise the debt limit?

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  • 7,949

    Another school shooting…in Texas…doesn’t even make Causes anymore. I guess it will be just an accepted trend. Sad Most/least school shootings

  • 7,949

    Now McConnell has a temporary deal? What he has are investors screaming because the stock market is beginning to crash. Dumbass. What did he think would happen? Stop playing games.

  • 25.8k

    Not really off topic. Early today I was listening to one of those all news all the time radio stations through my Amazon Echo aka Alexa. They broadcast the Senate Minority Leader's false statements about the Debt Ceiling and the Democrats which he made earlier in the day. Seems main stream media has not learned the lesson of the Trump years. Any false or misleading statement made by a politician should always be placed in a truth sandwich. Or framed as editorial in nature.

  • 25.8k

    The NY Times gives us a seemingly silly way to solve the debt crisis—mint and deposit a Trillion Dollar Coin. It is just revisiting an old argument. We used to say, "Just print more money! Who'd even know?" NYTimes: What a Trillion-Dollar Coin Can Teach Us What a Trillion-Dollar Coin Can Teach Us

  • 388

    So some Democrats are poised to accept and celebrate McConnell’s newest offer of a short term lifting of the debt ceiling. Hmmm. That takes us into the 2022 campaign cycle. In the event they continue to block raising the debt ceiling, the Republicans risk a cost on election day as economic damage takes effect. Mc Connell doesn’t appear to do anything that doesn’t have a political power gain for himself. He also in the not-to-distant past has employed running out the clock as a strategy. It’s not impossible that he is calculating that a series of short term debt ceiling lifts would bring us closer to election day and the worst of the economic damage wouldn’t become apparent until afterward. The Republicans and Mitch would evade a diminishment of their hold on Congress due to voter outrage. If the Democrats do not accept this offer and Manchin, Sinema, and other so-called members of the moderate caucus do not agree to alter the filibuster so the debt ceiling can be lifted despite Republican filibustering, McConnell will spread his hands and claim that he tried to avert the crisis, but the unreasonable, partisan Democrats wouldn’t collaborate so it’s really their fault. A win-win in the predatory McConnell’s eyes. Never mind that the American people pay tge price. Call me cynical, but my impression of McConnell is of a conscienceless, unscrupulous politician who will do anything to keep power. Here’s an article excerpt from this afternoon: “Senate Democrats emerged from a closed door special caucus meeting on the debt ceiling on Wednesday and said they intend to take GOP Minority Leader Mitch McConnell up on his short-term debt ceiling increase. Multiple senators and aides told ABC News Democrats are rejecting McConnell’s other offer that would have Republicans expediting Democrats passing a longer-term debt ceiling increase using the budget reconciliation process that they’re using to pass the multi-trillion dollar social spending bill.”

  • 388

    Off topic: Here’s something from Esquire worth thinking about. “We recently chose to stop spending $300 million a day on whatever it was that we were doing in Afghanistan. We are still currently on track to spend more than $7 trillion on various military pursuits over the next decade. Some Democrats in Congress have proposed to spend less than half that over the same 10-year period—$3.5 trillion—on silly things like childcare and addressing the onrushing ecological meltdown that threatens human civilization as we know it. This has, predictably, been cast as Crazy Liberals Run Amok. Only investing in our own citizens and making it a little less miserable to live in America are considered to be adding to The National Debt. Spending on bullets and bombs and planes that don't work is a sacred rite of our civic religion, which is why the $700 billion defense-spending bills pass each year with basically zero scrutiny or fanfare. Where is that money coming from? Indeed, where is it going? Nobody much cares, particularly political reporters. But it's a different ballgame when we talk about some significant social spending—which, by the way, is offset by changes to the tax code that lower the actual cost of the bill well below $3.5 trillion. By some estimates, like this one via the Washington Post, it would be offset by $2.9 trillion in new revenue, bringing the actual budgetary impact to $600 billion. (The Trump tax cuts had an impact of as much as $1.9 trillion.) That same Post report traces how a $3.5 trillion bill would actually fit fairly neatly into larger trends in spending relative to the expansion of the American economy, and represent a far smaller intervention in real terms than FDR's New Deal. Plus, there's evidence that investments in kids "generate generational returns that ultimately pay for themselves."” Do the people who need help through social programs need a rich lobby of their own such as that of the defense industry and Big Pharma?

  • 1,814

    Why not? Biden is weak and China knows it. Plus, they own Hunter Biden and half of the socialist Democratic party

  • 7,949

    How about we eliminate the debt limit, pass a hearty infrastructure bill (paid for by those who haven’t been paying their fair share)? With that investment & the ending of the military conflict in Afghanistan, we should be able to move in the direction of reducing our national debt while increasing the quality of life for every American! I don’t understand why these concepts are so hard for some of you to grasp? Especially, so-called moderate Democrats (aka-Republicans/corporate shills)! Countries ranked by investment in infrastructure (see 2019 list-we’re at the bottom). Countries with the highest quality of living (USA now #20). Richest countries in the world USA #7 11 million kids in the USA living in poverty

  • 165

    China has demonstrated its willingness to use force (as in Hong Kong) so do not discount their posturing against Taiwan as theatrics. We have little influence in the matter.

  • 310

    Eliminate the filibuster.

  • 39

    Blah blah blah blah.

  • 215

    These A holes are looking to take control of us all. They are already cutting the chips for our cars and goods we use and they make the chips that control our ILS systems at airports. We need to fight back and build our industry up quick and smack them down.

  • 280

    It’s time for the Democrats to Shit or get off the pot. Do something! Get the two Republicans disguised as Democrats (Manchin/Synema) to help move Biden’s plans forward!

  • 204

    Time to act. Eliminate the filibuster.

  • 208

    China will take over Taiwan will Biden naps!

  • 7,813

    Every major dictatorship test America, to change the subject away from domestic and human rights problems at home! Nothing new and China feel Taiwan is part of its country they most likely feel the same about Japan, North and South Korea and all its neighboring border countries? Republicans are American internal problem, just like Texassssss is the nanny state of women rights and health, plus anyone can have a gun if they can walk or not. My feelings is all children born in Texas should be the Ward of the state, sense the state is forcing women to carry them to term. At the cost of the state taxpayers, the state should take care of the child until they are 18 yrs or be sued for the expense of all children born in the state for the expense of raising them, whether the child is wanted or not! We can have the children Hitler camps in Texassssss, they did that with the immigrants.

  • 130

    Democrats should use reconciliation to do the business the Republicans refuse to do. How long can the former GOP carry-on as obstructionists? They do nothing they have responsibility to do per thei oath and the constitution. They incite insurrection, they refuse to pay the interest on the debt they created under their great lying messiah who used our US Treasury as his family piggybank. The Republicans will not act as honest Americans so the Democrats must do what is expected of public officials. I urge everyone to vote the freeloaders with (R) associated with their name out of public office.

  • 64

    Eliminate the debt limit.

  • 1,313

    There are a lot of people yelling on this forum and not a lot of conversation. Like I said in a previous comment, all Democrats need is the reconciliation process. Take responsibility for your spending and use the 51 votes you have in the Senate to pass this enormous boondoggle of a bill. And, guess what? You can add the debt ceiling! Chuck Schumer won't do it because it "takes too long." The Democrats are the majority party. They have the power. Oh, and Manchin won't get rid of the filibuster. Or Sinema. So stop trying to shift the blame. Own what you say you want to do. I wouldn't lend out a second credit card to someone who already has maxed out their first card. No way. Not in a million years. We need to pay our debts.

  • 217

    Very concerned about China’s military presence near Taiwan and knowing that Joe and his administration will not do a thing about helping Taiwan. Joe is very compromised with China and Joe broke his campaign promises when he said if he was elected no family member will do business with any foreign country. Well Hunter Biden, Joe’s son, as yet, has not divested his business dealing with foreign country including China, (which reports say, Joe gets 10%). Why hasn’t Joe insisted Hunter divest to keep his campaign promise. Let’s start the investigation on Joe and start with impeachment...oh wait...impeachment is only for republicans, democratic gets a pass. Taiwan knows they can’t depend on the U.S. and that is why they are asking Australia and Japan for help. How sad is that, that we, the U.S. has lost respect and that they don’t feel they can depend on us. It is increasingly obvious that the U.S. is no longer respected under Joe, and didn’t Joe promise on his campaign that he would bring back U.S. respect to the world...again another broken promise...we were more respected under President Trump. There is left over funds from the covid relief money that we could use to help cover some of the debt. Has anyone notice the name of the bills Nancy and Chuck puts on the bill to make it sound good and people would support, like the infrastructure bill, only has a very small amount allotted for true infrastructure, like roads, bridges, highways, broadband, water, electric grid, has less than 10% of the funding going to those, the rest goes to Socialist agenda. Also this so call 3.5 trillion dollars reconciliation spending (which does NOT cost $0 as Joe and the rest of Communist Democrats say it will cost) is all about socialism and lobbyists spending, like the $200 millions or billion,for a park in Nancy’s district, (which by the way donates to Nancy’s campaign). I want to know if every members in congress has even read the whole bill. They want subsides for electric cars for millionaires, as the average citizens would not be able to afford. They want to expend the IRS so they can spy on Americans who spend $600 or more, so if you buy a refrigerator which cost more than $600, the government wants to know that, we all know how the IRS is bias, example remember Lois Lerner. They want to give tax breaks for wealthy in NY and CA and increase to everyone else, even the middle class and poor. Wants to tax U.S. businesses and help those in China. The Communist Democrats wrote this bill with no Republicans input and now they want them to help increase the debt limit so the Americans wouldn’t just blame them. The Communist Democrats wanted to do the legislation alone, they can raise the debt ceiling alone. Also the Communist Democrats tried to sneak amnesty to illegals until the senate parliamentary told them they could not, then they are trying another tactic to get that amnesty in, again sidestep the law they don’t like. This bill is a partisan bill which they would not allow any participation by the Republicans and was told they don’t need Republicans by the Communist they don’t need Republicans to help raise the debt limit. People please insist each congress members to read the whole bill before voting on the bill. Now don’t forget about all the Americans, Green Card holders, and SIV that Joe left behind in Afghanistan to be tortured, live in fear or be killed. Also how this administration has been hindering private groups helping these people out of the country. They refuse to authorizing flights to fly out or to land in other countries. Don’t take your eyes off the crisis on our southern border. There are reports that the government in South America that there are anywhere from 60 to 80 thousands more Haitian coming to America in the month of October and a caravan of about 400 thousands illegals total coming up to America and Joe and this administration doesn’t care. Have you heard the reports that a female American soldier was assaulted by several Haitian illegals. Now ask yourself if Joe and this administration will ever deport them....probably not, as they are more important to the Communist Democrats than Americans are. Ask yourself why is Joe and Kamala and this administration trying to destroy America. The first day Joe was in office, he signed EO to stop the Keystone pipeline, but then gave Russia the green light to build their pipeline to Europe, stop the construction of the southern border wall, but built a wall around the capital building, (proving to the Americans that yes, wall do work) and still paying about $5 million a day to the contractor for not building the wall. Talk about waisted money the government is spending just to have open borders, and then they want more money to waist. Have you heard about Joe’s nominations to head the regulation for the banking that went to school in Russia and don’t believe in the free market, but believe the government should have control in who wins and who doesn’t in their business, that the government know what and how much money you have in your bank account. They are implementing Communist agenda and that is why they are starting to be called the Communist Democrats. Also listening Joe talking about the millionaire and billionaire to pay their fair shares in taxes, but doesn’t mention that his son Hunter is under investigation for not paying his fair share in taxes on the money he got from foreign dealing and he doesn’t mention about reports that Joe himself owes taxes on $500 thousand ...he is a hypocrite. And if you think only people making $400 thousands and more will pay more in taxes are delusional...everyone will pay more. Joe, Kamala, Nancy, Chuck Schumer plus are the ones who are the existential threat to our country and was never President Trump.