IT: SoCal oil spill shuts beaches, kills wildlife, and... Which (if any) infrastructure bill do you support?

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  • 98

    One that California pays for.

  • 101

    Who has actually read this bill?

  • 2,427

    Burrkitty, you are on a roll! ❤️😊❤️😊

  • 41.9k

    If the oil spill was caused by a tanker’s anchor, that is even more reason to shut it down or find better means to protect the pipeline’s integrity. … … … To be clear, there is much in the worlds economies that are highly dependent on oil besides it’s major use as a fossil fuel. Oil products are used extensively for building materials, textiles, pharmaceutical, plastics and of course, lubrication - and oil will still be required to meet these needs. The problem is and will continue to be the use of oil (and natural gas) as a combustable energy source. Literally millions of years of carbon sequestered under the earth from past life is being pumped indiscriminately into the atmosphere to the point that the more accessible carbon deposits have has been seriously depleted in a just one hundred years. Carbon deposits from many millennia of past life are being pumped from the depths and re-deposited into our atmosphere. It will literally take a thousand years for natural processes to remove this carbon from CO2 deposited into the atmosphere from manmade sources, primarily that of fossil fuels. … … … Oil use will have to be significantly curtailed and it’s role as a fossil-fuel greatly diminished for the world to even have a chance to prevent the increasingly self-sustaining global chemistry driving the Climate Crisis from fundamentally changing human life as we know it. If you thought the pandemic was hard, just wait for the Climate Crisis to kick in - and the longer we wait, the longer we sacrifice the future to near term profits, the worse it will be.

  • 468

    How many more times must we have these disastrous accidents before we learn? Fossil fuel is a terribly destructive energy system. We must move to renewable, regenerative energy and stop the destruction of our ONLY HOME. There IS NO PLANET B!!

  • 3,405

    Michigan will be next. We have had a number of anchor strikes on the Canadian Oil Pipeline of the Canadian Oil Company, Enbridge. It is 70 years old and rusting out under the Mackinaw Bridge in the most pristine vista of Great Lakes water where the currents are as strong as those of Niagara Falls. They never come when you report a spill. Like Calif. it takes them a couple of days to report it. Then a couple of more to show up. The Coast Guard told our Atty Gen. Bill Schutte and a gathering of Congressmen a little over 10 years ago that there "will be no clean up in the Great Lakes after an oil spill because of the currents, it is impossible"! And so until you can realize what lies ahead for the second largest fresh water supply in the World, which is the Great Lakes (the largest is Lake Baikal, it is in Russia); you will continue to make money from the greasy, dirty Canadian oil companies while they destroy our water..........What exactly is wrong with this picture?

  • 41.9k

    REPOST: … … … There is no guarantee that the Senators holding things up will actually honor their commitments so yes, pass the reconciliation bill first. Manchin has made many ‘very principled’ arguments, but they keep changing every time he states them. Sinema is impressed with her Senatorial power and has just been saying F.U. to her constituents and the electorate. … … … The issues really boils down to what it is we want to do and not so much the cost. Then detail how much each part would cost and the urgency of need associated with each piece. Something has to be done soon, so the people who really want these programs (70% of the electorate) can see some results. The bigger problem would be to not deliver enough and lose the support of the electorate and unleash another reign of authoritarian terror by either the ‘the trump’ or any other trumps vying for the power of an autocratic governance. I think the Dems should see what can be done with and lay out options for $1.75, $2.0, $2.25, and $2.5 Trillion with a detailed listing of what has to be left out or changed to get from $3.5 Trillion to each of these points, along with the relative urgency of need so they can set contents at each level. Then it becomes quite clear what cannot be done or what has to be curtailed to get to each of these levels. Let the nay sayers publicly be on the record for the piece-parts that they want to cut and got cut because of them. … … … I think we will not be able to get the whole program at this time. The next best strategy is to clearly define the parts that have to be left out and who decided that these parts needed to be left out and settle between $1.75 and $2.5 Trillion. This would show the electorate that this administration can deliver and provide a rallying cry to continue the process by electing the right people in the midterms and for 2024. … … … The worst thing that can happen would be to substantively underfund the the Build Back Better program and open the doors widely to the regimented, militarized Republican Faction to kill all of it.

  • 139

    Michigan oil pipeline 5 can be compared to the catastrophe in CA. We need Line 5 shut down to protect 80% of North America’s fresh surface water or we will all be doomed. A 99 year lease of a tunnel to put Line 5 in is the worst idea when we are moving away from fossil fuels to stop the carbon pollution that is causing climate change. Do take the time to watch this video.

  • 7,925

    Under Trump’s administration the republicans ran up a 7.5 trillion dollar deficit which the tax cut of 2 trillion dollars is on going every year. The senate increases the deficit several times which was not enough to pay for the deficit created under Trump and the Republican Party tax cut. As far as the 3.5 trillion dollar go it is not been approve or appropriated, plus it’s over ten years. The Democratic are going to pay for it is, to tax the wealthy and corporations that don’t pay any taxes or if you feel this is wrong, than you can pay for it all. Sense the 60’s corporate and wealthy taxes have been shifted from corporations and wealthy to the American people (99%), now corporations and wealthy pay nothing, but want a free lunch! If you feel this is OK, than keep voting Republican, you as American people the 99% will get to carry the full burden, even if all the money is at the top.

  • 1,696

    When you can't enjoy seafood any more because it's all killed off by these accidents, your tune will change. Pipes corrode. These great pipes are under a tremendous amount of pressure. These great pipes are an eyesore on the landscape and are a huge danger to what's left of the wildlife when they leak. What really pisses me off and should piss everyone off, is the f***ing let's not tell anyone that the dangerous killing shit is poisoning the oceans! "Maybe no one will notice...maybe it will not spread...maybe?" "Nothing to worry about"...right? Wrong!!! But hey...big oil and all its greed won't have any money coming in once the humans die off due to lack of food and clean water. Accidents are occurring more often and are not being reported. Why? Well human error for starters. Greed of course is at the top of that list. We cannot pretend anymore! We cannot put things off anymore! If humanity wants to live on sustainably, actions need to be taken...not pissing and moaning about the cost. We wouldn't be here at this point if issues were taken care of and taken seriously in the first place! Letting things go causes the price tag to go up because there's been no actions taken to prevent all this. Common sense! Priorities!

  • 41.9k

    I support as much of the human infrastructure plan and the Build Back Better plan as the Democrats can agree to. At this time, the most important thing for the Democrats is to deliver on as many of their goals as possible. If they fail to do this, they will be opening wide the doors to the treachery of the Republican Faction to snuff out democratic processes for an autocratic governance of, by and for a political faction - to pick who gets elected, to continue to ignore the will of the electorate on issues of import and drag our future into the abyss for their short term profits. … … … Biden’s legislative initiatives, all of them, are broadly supported by 70% of the voters; Republican leaning, Independent and Democratic leaning voters alike. Yet, with the Senate filibuster as it is practiced today, a minority of the republics can thwart the will of the majority of the people and the will of the majority of the republics alike by essentially just muttering the word ‘filibuster’ and requiring a supermajority of the republics to disagree. There is no political cost for doing so and there is no debate stimulated by doing so - it is just a one and done, no political consequence vote. I feel that the use of the filibuster as practiced today is unconstitutional as the framers specifically called out those very particular significant legislative actions that warranted a supermajority vote such as amending the Constitution or imposing penalties for impeached ‘high’ office holders. A democratic majority was enough for everything else. If they felt differently, why didn’t they require a supermajority vote for the most critical office in our government, the President? Probably because that would been fundamentally undemocratic! … … … The framers never envisioned nor proposed that a supermajority vote be be used as a political weapon to overrule the democratic majority vote from the people’s representatives nor the republic’s representatives. … … … I support all of Biden’s initiatives which are all complementary and address the many issues that prevent our country from reaching it’s full potential, repairs both our infrastructure of people and things, is paid for by moderate increases in taxes for people earning over $400K per year, and gets our country in a position to meaningfully address the coming ravages of the Crisis Crisis which is currently in it’s earliest stages. … … … It is important to get these initiates going ASAP to show the American people, who overwhelming want these initiatives, that we can get them at least started - even if we cannot fully start all of them. With more youthful voters entering the electorate who have a much greater stake in the long term health of world being threatened by Climate Change we should have a strong case for the other parts of the Biden agenda and have a strong rallying cry to rid our country the Republican Faction’s obstructionism and their political interests trumping both the majority of the people’s will and the majority of the republic’s will.

  • 26.1k

    IMPACT Fees for the unvaccinated If your partner or spouse is unvaccinated, it may cost you more in insurance fees — at least in Louisiana. The state’s largest nonprofit health care provider, Ochsner Health, recently said that it was adding an extra charge — about $200 a month — for unvaccinated spouses and domestic partners who are covered by the company’s insurance plan.

  • 1,582

    Both Democrats and Republicans need to act on over seeing Facebook! The Testimony today by the whistleblower that leaked the true intentions of Facebook demand quick action! Facebook has fueled hate, child abuse, and all for profit! Much of the miss information out about anything is a result of Facebook!

  • 666

    Wow. This little sampling of comments is quite revealing, from the constructive and informed to absolute bat shit crazy. I’m amazed the human race has survived this long. I give it a couple more years.

  • 389

    The taxes that Businesses and companies pay are always added to what the consumer pays at the check out. So, ALL TAXES ARE PAID BY THE CONSUMER!!!

  • 389

    The Bill that would work toward a balanced federal budget!!

  • 388

    If the countries on this planet stop using fossil fuels, the multiple ways in which they damage the environment would stop. Although the fossil fuel industry whines about damage to their industry and lost jobs, if they took some of the enormous profits (and reduced the often obscene salaries and bonuses they pay to top executives), they could carry out research into sustainable and non-damaging forms of energy to transition the industry. Bonus: That would cancel the threat of cutting off fossil fuels Russia supplies which serve as leverage Putin has used to blackmail western Europe.

  • 2,427

    Always well said, my friend, jimK. 😊❤️😊❤️ As well as Bicycler, Leslie and so many others...

  • 310

    End our dependency on fossil fuels. Pass the Green New Deal.

  • 2,427

    Oh, Dave, sometimes, I feel that way, too! 👍🏻👏🏻😊❤️