Celebrate & Honor National Hispanic Heritage Month

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  • 26.0k

    “American Exceptionalism” is not something to praise much less aspire to. Outside academic use in a specific historical context, it has become code for “White Supremacy.” See Exceptionalism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exceptionalism BTW — Trumpism, the Reactionaries, the Insurrectionists, etc. are causing the country to lose whatever made America a great place to live. Think about it. What values make a country a great place to live? Authoritarianism? Intolerance? Corruption? Greed? How about a president who incited an insurrection through his lies?

  • 49
    Voted Happy

    Very proud of my Hispanic Heritage! Boricua!!!

  • 90

    Carina, your constant racist hate comments are not welcome here or anywhere! You should really consider taking some classes and educate yourself on who was in this country before you and maybe learn Hispanics and Indians etc… were here long before you and your ancestors. You embarrass yourself and people like me that continue to strive for exceptionalism is this great country. You are not the select race anywhere in the world. We the people of every nationality are and that’s why it’s America.

  • 27

    What this country needs is to become a melting pot again, not a balkanized hodgepodge of special interest groups who all conflict with each other. I feel like I live in the Twilight Zone instead of America now.

  • 3,405

    I can't wait to go out and have my Beef Enchilada and Chili con Casio! Yummy!

  • 126

    What a joke, “White Supremacy”! There happens to be more of us! Duh! When are we “whites” getting a month to celebrate? Also, our ancestors had to learn English so why is this Spanish press one English press two! I’m tired of hearing everybody. crying…I am a single white female and don’t bring in enough to pay my bills but u don’t hear me crying about it!! Buck up! Quit crying and do something about it that doesn’t step on other people …be a human being not a greedy individual!

  • 152

    This is kind of funny everybody has a holiday and nobody wants to hurt anybody else else’s feelings so let’s not segregate the country anymore which our current administration is doing a good job of .my question is when is redneck day?

  • 310

    Another made up B.S. celabration. When is Confederate month. That is something worth celebrating!

  • 2,934

    Support the dreamers and bring them home.

  • 184

    Everyone needs their day in the sun. Celebrations are great to bring unity and support.

  • 116

    Ok, so when is Native American month? When is Irish American month? When is Japanese American month? When is Vietnamese American month? When is Philippine American month? What about Chinese American month? Are we going to divide Americans more?

  • 24

    I have no problem with immigrants but as what Peter Griffin would say is,”It Grinds My Gears” is that the illegal aliens come to the US expecting a free ride. If we crossed the borders to other countries we could be jailed as a spy or worse. If they come following the immigration & naturalization rules as set forth - no problem except when it fails and radicals or terrorists fly under the radar and get by. The rules need to be revamped and the kids who claim DACA are no exception to the rules. If they want in, it’s not a free ride for anyone. Living in the greatest country is a privilege not to just be given as amnesty for their parents who broke the rules. Justice for all and it was guaranteed by the Constitution not a select few as some would like.

  • 268

    DACA; pathway to citizenship; immigration reform; humanitarian consideration for asylum seekers; equal employment opportunities to name a few areas of concern. Vote Blue!

  • 7,880

    Spanish, Mexican, Caribbean, and Central and South American descent have added value to the United States, just like all immigrants have! We should celebrate all immigrants, we are a national of immigrants, other than the American Indians, North, Central and South America Indians. The world is nothing, but a world of immigrants, Other than Republicans?

  • 666

    Carina, try as hard as you may, but ya just can’t get away from waving that racist flag, can ya? Side thought Carina, it’s a fact that there are probably at least 60,000 Canadians living illegally in the good ole U S of A. But they be white, speak real good, and blend right in so that be okay with you, correct?

  • 48.4k

    I'm happy to honor Hispanic Heritage Month. I wish we heard more about this on mainstream media and streaming, so we could all benefit from this rich heritage. Hispanic people lived in many of the southern and western parts of our country before English settlers expanded the states, and I think many forget that. We need to do a better job of teaching this history so we can see all the diverse perspectives that exist in our country.

  • 2,797

    Frank-001 American Exceptionalism is nothing to aspire to? Wow and it is Coded to mean White Supremacy? I thought America was a country of all races and religions and we are ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS. So American Exceptionalism is about all Americans even the smallest minority which bound together as one nation and we became exceptional. Unlike some groups that hyphenated their origins like African-Americans or Hispanic-Americans the white race which include Hispanics just call ourselves Americans. My ethnicity is I am 1/2 English (my mother) and 1/2 Italian (my father). Even my father who did not come to America until he was 10 years old from Italy called himself just an American. He joined the Army in WWII and served in Africa Campaign Sicily Italy and French Campaigns. When I grew up born in 1950 we had what was called the melting pot theory which was you get in the pot like all Americans and we blend into one nation full of Americans. In the 60’s we were taught that it was the salad bowl theory where you can maintain where you come from say Mexico and my dad would maintain that he is Italian and our black neighbor maintained his African culture and we go in the salad bowl together and the mixtures of our salad makings make us better as a toss salad. The more ingredient you put in the salad the better it gets. The dressing is Americanism. What a salad.

  • 260

    There is only 12 months.

  • 706

    Ridiculous. When does this liberal progressive BS end? Find a day to celebrate - not a month. These are divisive propositions and soon we'll have so many progressive-woke celebrations half of the country will cease to acknowledged our traditional holidays. It comes down to a few simple principals when you relocate to another country. #1 respect the borders (legally) but also embrace the culture and learn the language. Those of you born here need to fully appreciate just how damn lucky you are and stop with the nonsense about an oppressive culture and history. You want to see oppression? Try Moscow, Bejing or now all of Afghanistan on for size and see how that suits you.

  • 288

    I come from a latino family so I’m glad Hispanics are getting some recognition. It’s important to recognize all the different ethnicities and cultures that make America what it is: a melting pot of opportunity.