Defense Chiefs’ Testimony Contradicts President Biden’s Claim That No Military Advisors Warned Against Afghanistan Withdrawal

How do you feel about the Taliban’s takeover following the Afghanistan withdrawal?

  • 78

    Liar, Liar pants on fire!!!

  • 228

    Too late to cry over how it should have been done. I'd still like to know whose decision it really was to close Bagram as originally that was to be kept by us.

  • 795

    Biden needs to resign. This is the worst thing ever.

  • 255

    This is a massive embarrassment and more so a disaster. While we needed to pull out it could have been done in a planned and methodical way. Biden not telling us the whole truth is a blunder on his part. By the way we still needed to get out. It is obvious that even after 20 years of training the Afghanistan people don't care enough to keep the Taliban out.

  • 78

    Everybody knows Joe Biden is a convulsive liar and plagiarist. He’s been caught many times since his time in Congress. If he’s says his infrastructure bill will cost us zero dollars WE knows he is Lying and even Pelosi sings the same lie. We will pay dearly for their foolish give aways.

  • 2,433

    Can't do a job a moron could, and still hand over more money, requiring no accountability. Then turn to us at home and say there's not enough money for our social programs. Crooks, the whole lot.

  • 1,216

    Anyone who thought this would not happen had their head in the sand. We needed to get out and the lesser of multiple evils took over. It took a hundred years for the women of the US to get the vote. How can we expect anything else from nations who choose to live in the dark ages? When the people choose to rid themselves of the tyrants that rule they will in their own time. In the meantime isolate them and prevent the bleeding hearts from going there and creating trouble.

  • 41.9k

    The initial comment from Biden was that there was a split from military advisors on whether or not to add troops or to delay the departure. Not all of his military advisors are in the military or in the military command structure. They include the State department, Allies, the intelligence community and possibly the Treasury, and other cabinet level advisors who can have relevant comments regarding the advisability of having an ongoing presence in Afghanistan. That was his initial statement and I think that can honestly be different than the perspective of the active military command structure. All Presidents, except the trump gather opinions from a variety of sources which often conflict and they then decide the course of action. That’s the way it works; that’s the way it is supposed to work. That is why we elect a President. … … … Even the Taliban was surprised by how quickly they were able to take over the country. We should have been better prepared for this and the fault lies with the Biden administration and Biden’s advisors, including the military commanders who had a rapid deployment plan in place but were not fully prepared for the sudden departure of the Afghan president and no central government to give the Afghan military directions nor to direct logistical support - and no-one expected this to happen as quickly as it did, including the Taliban. … … … The Republican Faction will use any event for political theater to enhance their political standing by blocking or discrediting anything that their political opponents try to do for the country. Quite a platform they have: “We will do anything, no matter how despicable, unethical, dishonorable, wasteful, damaging to our country, damaging to our constituents or outright criminal in order to win party elections without having to govern at all”. … … … For example, red state Republicans are getting RNC generated messages to stop the tyranny of liberals trying to take away their freedoms by insisting they get vaccinated and that they need to donate to the RNC to stop the autocratic destruction of our government by liberals. This is the policy of the RNC as a way to raise funds and stimulate their base. Meanwhile, predominately red state hospitals cannot keep up with the Republican Faction’s induced Covid unintended suicides. There is no difference in vaccination rates based on race or ethnicity- only a huge difference between Republican and Democratic voters (something like 90% for Democratic voters versus 54% for Republican voters). There are many vaccinations which are mandated by the States for measles, mumps, and other contagious diseases. I believe that Mississippi has one of the strictest vaccine regimen mandates in the country for children, but claim that a mandate for youth or anyone to get a Covid vaccination violates their rights! This is because they are a red state being led by the intentional disinformation campaign of the RNC. The only possible interpretation is that the RNC is intentionally sacrificing their cult constituents as a means to discredit the Biden administration by ‘upping’ the Covid death toll. Yet, they STILL have followers eagerly swallowing their kool aid! … … … Maddow had an excellent commentary on the source of the evidence to support the big lie because Giuliani was compelled to testify under oath in the liable trial initiated against him and others by Dominion. He said it was something he read on the internet, possibly Facebook he thought - and admitted under oath that he made no attempt to ascertain the veracity of the claims nor the source of information for them. He just presented these claims as ‘absolute proof’ of election fraud when there was none. The Republican Faction saw this as an opportunity for the RNC to work with Republican State legislatures on ways to insert themselves to control access to voting, to politically insert themselves into to the vote counting processes, the acceptance of individual votes, the political control of voting administrators and the ability to ignore the will of the voters by throwing out the vote altogether and selecting ‘winners’ and ‘losers’ based on their political wishes. This is not just State legislatures doing this; This is coordinated Nationally by the RNC. There was a leaked video of an RNC presentation where they were bragging about actually writing the legislation that State Legislatures have passed. Yet, they STILL have followers eagerly swallowing their kool aid!

  • 8,989

    Why didn't Trump complete this as he made the May agreement to pull out???? HE IS A COWARD as it would have had the same outcome.

  • 468

    Trump gave Afghanistan to the Taliban with the Dosa agreement. Why is anyone shocked when the Trump/Taliban Dosa agreement happened pretty much exactly as agreed on? A 20 year war was never going to have a pretty end. I’m just glad it’s over. It was a waste of lives and money.

  • 347

    US general says Afghanistan collapse rooted in Trump-Taliban deal. Head of US Central Command says collapse of the Afghan government can be traced to US troop withdrawal (Trump/Pompeo) deal.

  • 863

    Biden should be Impeached and punished.Milley must be fired along with that entire group that runs our Military. The Pentagon is long overdue for a House Cleaning. Our Military is now run by "WOKE" Cowards. Eisenhower, Patton, McArthur and the like would have never allowed this kind of Withdrawal Afghanistan. The President would have to listen to Reason. Patton would have managed that "Withdrawal" by getting Military and Allies out Safely Before leaving. He would not have left all that equipment and the Embassy would have been Securely and Safely closed down. Of course, Patton may have Slapped Milley Silly for running anything as carelessly as this Afghanistan disaster was ran. We need our Military and it's "Leaders" to not be "Yes Men" (and Women). The job is not supposed to be political. Not supposed to side with either Party. And not simply do what the Pres, who knows nothing about managing the Military or managing Military Operations. They must make the Pres understand the decisions He is making. Unless it makes sense. Which the Afghanistan Disaster did not. Everyone knew it was wrong. They knew the plan was to leave USA Citizens and Military Personnel behind, to get killed and worse. Nobody in Milley's position would go along with this. It is not what the USA Military says Yes to. It can not Ever happen again. And Serious Consequences must be Realized by Biden, Milley and all involved in saying Yes to this Disaster.

  • 100

    Taliban, Afghanistan same place

  • 102

    The republicans are doing to Biden what they did to Hilary. They refuse to take any responsibility for the decisions made by republicans and place all the blame on the closest available democrat. I think Biden and the military did the best they could with the restrictions placed on them. Praise God that Trump wasn’t president, he wanted NO AFGHANI people in this country. He would have left them all to DIE. We all know he is just that heartless.

  • 21

    Withdrawal process of Afghanistan was a big mistake. You 2 need to be better leaders. Never heard back from either NY senator on the emails I sent their web sites back in August. So much for being represented.

  • 2,427

    Donald, your Humpty Dumpty lied to you over 30,500 documented times, while he was president. Towards the end, nearly every word out of his grotesque little mouth was a damn lie! Google it, you fool! You are living in an alternate reality to the rest of us. Watching a channel that has always admitted it is NOT a news channel and, therefore, has no obligation to tell the truth, i.e, Fox News, has made you believe in lies. Following the outrageous QANON conspiracies has made you even worse. Wake up. All he cared about was how much power he could yield and how much money he could steal form you. His presidency screams wannabe DICTATORSHIP. Perhaps, if you educated yourself, you would see the signs yourself. You right wingers are being played ROYALLY. ARE YOU NOT AWARE THAT HUMPTY PUT US 8 TRILLION MORE DOLLARS OF DEBT ON HIS WATCH. DO YOU KNOW WHOM IT WENT TO? The extremely wealthy, of course. Certainly not you and I. So when the Dems want to see 1 trillion, then another 3.5 trillion go to you and I, you have a problem with that? What DUMBOS YOU ALL ARE! I’ll take Biden over that lying, thieving pig ANYDAY!

  • 97

    The survey question was framed in terms of “my feelings about the Taliban takeover” of Afghanistan Not our failure to recognize or combat the corruption that made it possible, Or the choice to try to impose our form of government on a very different established culture and entrenched mindset. This is where constructive collaboration is called for. Not any military’s forte.

  • 148

    It was inevitable and just shows that for all our efforts over these long years… the best thing was to get out and figure out a different way to deal with the Taliban…was it messy yes… but can’t please everybody war is a messy business

  • 198

    I believe the Generals and I applaud Liz Cheney for defending them against the countless attacks to resign by the trumplicans. Hearings are to get to the truth not grandstand or echo the same attack as Donald J Trump would do and taught his minion to do to controlled his GOP.

  • 398

    Who cares what his generals advised. He/she is the Commander in Chief and they serve under him/her. That's why that person is the Commander in Chief. Generals advise as that is their role. The President is the ultimate decider. I wonder how much credence the tRump gave to the intelligence community or his advisors. I think we all know the answer. To hear the Republicans go after Biden over this is disingenuous.