IT: Senate parliamentarian rules against immigration in budget bill, and... How Americans can help Afghan refugees

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  • 325

    I feel like immigration is at crisis point! SMH 🤦🏽‍♂️ Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) who mismanaged electric power grid and left thousands without power and the same Governor who signed voter suppression law to restart Jim Crow 2.0 era to minorities can legally intimidated at polls and restricts voting hours to make it harder for minorities to vote and the same Governor who will not add an exemption to the state’s abortion law for rape and incest victim’s now “vows to hire” border agents caught on viral camera picture of blocking Haitian migrants from bringing food to family members while on horseback as they flung horse reins! The picture harkens to slavery plantation overseers on horseback riding on cotton farms to keep black African slaves in line! Fox News and the Governor lament how the picture is taken out of context and the agents weren’t whipping them but just using horsemanship! And blames Biden for a legal border immigration policy that throughly vets immigration applications whom petition the US to enter seeking asylum and refuge! When did legal immigration become not lawful! Illegal immigration is of course wrong but GOP storyline that all southern border immigration is illegal is the same racist dog whistle (from the former President and current Republicans party leader) that all Mexicans are rapists and all black people are thugs except for those who support him; those good minorities! 🤦🏽‍♂️ Maybe the border agents didn’t directly whip immigrants that time but they did roughly mistreat human beings who were unarmed and posed no threat to their safety! So our jobs in the US is to keep people who are brown and black out of the country all Together including legal petitions?! Well that is something…”EVERYTHING IS FINE”! Border agents are on leave pending an investigation!

  • 1,206

    Importing Terrorist is Treason

  • 2,990

    The parliamentarian’s ruling, explained [EXTRARPT]. Senate parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough, an unelected staff attorney, is charged with interpreting the chamber’s rules, and that includes determining what legislation can and cannot be passed via budget reconciliation, a process that requires a simple majority vote and is not subject to the filibuster. Any element of a reconciliation proposal must have a “more than incidental” impact on the federal budget to pass muster. Democrats had hoped to provide a path to citizenship to several key groups through reconciliation: undocumented “DREAMers” who came to the US as children; people with Temporary Protected Status, a form of humanitarian protection typically conferred on citizens of countries suffering from natural disasters, armed conflict, or other extraordinary circumstances; farmworkers; and other essential workers. Democrats had argued that precedent was on their side. In 2005, the then-Republican-controlled Senate passed its own reconciliation bill including several immigration provisions that would have effectively increased the number of green cards issued annually. Though the provisions didn’t make it into the final version of the bill that was passed by the House, it would have allowed any unused green cards under the annual caps set by Congress to be issued the following year, as well as excluded the family members of foreign workers from counting toward the caps. Democrats also argued that their immigration provisions had direct budget impacts: Just providing DREAMers, TPS holders, and undocumented essential workers with a path to citizenship would increase GDP by a cumulative total of $1.5 trillion over 10 years and create 400,800 new jobs, not even accounting for the potential economic windfall for those immigrants’ children, according to estimates from the Center for American Progress. The same analysis notes that after 10 years, those workers would see their annual wages increase by $13,500, and all Americans would see higher wages by an annual $600. [EXTRARPT]. SneakyPete . 9. 23. 21. 👍🏻👏🏻👍🏻👏🏻👍🏻 Immigration reform may still be within reach for Democrats in Congress - Vox

  • 7,792

    If the governor in Texassssss would have being proactive, instead of reactive. It’s not like this is all of a sudden an immigration problem. One solution is to give Texassssss back to Mexico, we could cut our losses, that what corporations do. The governor had this problem under Trump, Obama, Bush 2, Clinton, Bush, Reagan + so instead of looking for someone to blame or attacking the person, how about attacking the cause of the problem, which is the country they came from!

  • 33

    I am disabled 64-year-old American woman worked all my life and the money I get a month from Social Security is an absolute joke. So to bring in all these illegal immigrants from all over I’m sorry I disagree with

  • 25.7k

    I had to post here. @Robert, You projected your beliefs about my position onto my actual position. I did not commit to any given amount or a compensation formula. However, I'm afraid I have to disagree with your lowballing the compensation formula. These folks should not be forced into a lifetime of poverty! The devil is in the details!! Even with the bill's passage, I still believe they all should have retained disability law experts. Probably the ambassadors' families can afford them, the CIA, State, and other departments perhaps not. @Robert's opinion on this issue:

  • 25.7k

    @Sharon, Some years ago radio host Mark Maron hosted a program, Morning Sedition. I used to be able to listen to it before work. One of his signature remarks was, "Wake Up Sheeple!" Sigh! @Sharon wrote: "Off topic: A report today on Reuters outlines a third prong of the Republican strategy to stay in power no matter for whom the majority ..." Read more here:

  • 7,792

    Republicans want Biden to fail, trying to block, slow or deny any help to American people or the country, Republican choosing to default on United States debt that was created by the Republican Trump tax cut, running up the debt which Biden inherited this and other messes that Republican created, just like in 2008 mess that Obama inherited from Bush. Republicans attacked the person and not the problem and never have !!!!!! Looking for someone to blame, for what they have created. Doing nothing to really help American people, small businesses or solving problems, just giving lip service!

  • 388

    Off topic: A report today on Reuters outlines a third prong of the Republican strategy to stay in power no matter for whom the majority of voters cast their ballots. The first prong is to declare widespread voter fraud in any election where a Republican candidate loses or might lose such as in California. The second is to begin recall efforts where a non-Republican candidate is in office. This is happening in many states from governorships on down - the goal appears to be increased control of State governments. This third prong is targeting Secretary of State offices around the country because of the authority Secretaries of State have with regard to elections. This is all seemingly an extension of the Republican strategy to increase their power to advance their agenda - written by fossil fuel and other industries, the wealthy, and right-wing Christians - by biasing the judiciary by appointing judges who are likely to rule in a friendly direction. Here is the Reuters report: One leading candidate seeking to become Georgia’s chief elections official, Republican Jody Hice, is a Congressman who voted to overturn Democrat Joe Biden's 2020 presidential win in the hours after the Jan. 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol. Hice had posted on social media earlier that day: “This is our 1776 moment,” referencing the American Revolution. In Arizona, the contenders for the elections-chief office, secretary of state, include Republican state lawmaker Mark Finchem, who attended the ‘Stop the Steal’ rally before the deadly insurrection and spoke at a similar gathering the previous day. In Nevada, one strong Republican candidate for elections chief is Jim Marchant, who unsuccessfully sued to have his own defeat in a 2020 congressional race reversed based on unfounded voter-fraud claims. The three candidates are part of a wider group of Republican secretary-of-state contenders in America’s swing states who have embraced former President Donald Trump's false claims that he lost a “rigged” election. Their candidacies have alarmed Democrats and voting-rights groups, who fear that the politicians who tried hardest to undermine Americans’ faith in elections last year may soon be the ones running them - or deciding them, in future contested votes. Secretary-of-state candidates face primary elections next spring and summer and general elections on Nov. 8, 2022, along with the midterm congressional contests. Reuters interviewed nine of the 15 declared Republican candidates for secretary of state in five battleground states -- Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada -- and reviewed public statements by all of the candidates. Ten of the 15 have either declared that the 2020 election was stolen or called for their state’s results to be invalidated or further investigated. Nearly all of the Republican contenders have stressed a need to curb mail-in voting, to limit ballot drop boxes and to take other steps to curtail ballot access. A majority said they backed a Republican push for more audits or other investigations of the 2020 vote, despite dozens of audits, recounts and court rulings that confirmed Biden’s victory. Shawnna Bolick - an Arizona state representative and a Republican contender for state elections chief - has gone a step further. She proposed a law empowering the Arizona legislature, currently controlled by Republicans, to overrule the secretary of state’s certification of popular vote results. That call for a drastic change in how America chooses presidents comes after Trump’s unsuccessful attempt to get Republicans in states he lost to send electors for him instead of Biden to Congress. (See graphic on how the U.S. Electoral College works.) The Republican secretary-of-state candidates are part of a much larger party effort to exert more control over election administration following Trump’s false fraud claims. At least 18 Republican-led states have passed voting restrictions they say are intended to ensure election integrity. Democrats argue such measures are intended to suppress voting because Republicans fare better in low-turnout elections. Georgia and Arizona have put greater power over elections in the hands of Republican-controlled state legislatures. In Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan and Arizona, Republican lawmakers are pursuing partisan audits of the 2020 vote. The long-delayed results of the audit in Maricopa County, Arizona - launched five months ago - are scheduled for release on Friday. The false voter-fraud claims by Trump and his allies have inspired hundreds of threats of hanging, firing squads, bombs and other violence against election officials and their families, Reuters has reported this year. Secretaries of state oversee elections in most U.S. states and have significant power over how votes are cast, counted and certified. They typically approve vote tallies in individual counties and the overall presidential results.

  • 666

    I’d rather live next door to an Afghan refugee than someone who’s name begins with the letter C.

  • 174

    @Dave “If the governor in Texassssss would have being proactive, instead of reactive. It’s not like this is all of a sudden an immigration problem. One solution is to give Texassssss back to Mexico, we could cut our losses, that what corporations do. The governor had this problem under Trump, Obama, Bush 2, Clinton, Bush, Reagan + so instead of looking for someone to blame or attacking the person, how about attacking the cause of the problem, which is the country they came from!l” You are quite literally wrong, spreading lies and misinformation due to a lack of taking a few moments to do some research. Literally, it takes mere moments to look at the charts and see the astronomical difference in numbers between what’s happened this year thus far and ANY previous year. Here, I did the work for you: Encounters Total in 2020: 458,088 (Jan-Sep) Encounters Total in 2021: 1,541,651 (Jan-Aug - Sep not fully complete yet) Also, here’s the moment that Biden LITERALLY told migrants (before he became president) to SURGE THE BORDER: @ min mark 1:33 Stay in your lane, idk what state you’re from, but to suggest an entire state of American citizens should be gifted to Mexico based on your lack of being informed is literally ridiculous. Shush and sit down while the informed adults demand responsible action and true solutions that don’t involve shitting on legal citizens because of your false sense of superiority to the people living in the epicenter of this NIGHTMARE.

  • 174

    CLIMATE CHANGE STEP 1: PLANT TREES!!! STEP 2: Stop the “elites” from utilizing nonsensical and wasteful methods of traveling all over the world that causes a lot of unnecessary carbon emissions. STEP 3: PLANT MORE TREES!!! STEP 4: Convince China & India to deal with their massive lack of accountability on the world stage of emissions and destructive behaviors towards the Earth. STEP 5: PLANT MORE TREES!!! STEP 6: Stop fear mongering and be realistic. STEP 7: PLANT MORE TREES!!!

  • 105

    The Senate parliamentarian is not an elected official. The office exists to help the Senate function coherently within its own rule structure. Without offering alternative ways for the majority party to achieve its goals in the face of an obstructive minority party, the office is overreaching. I don’t understand why an unelected official has the power to block the majority party’s attempt to move forward with its legislative agenda.

  • 557


  • 116

    While I understand there are issues in Afghanistan, they need to stand & fight for their country…we fought for ours. I’m sick of seeing NOTHING being done to stop illegal immigrants & inviting Afghans to the US instead of placing them in countries near their homeland is unconscionable.

  • 217

    The senate parliamentarian followed the constitution and did the right thing. This has been brought up before about adding immigration to other bills and people had said it needed to be addressed on its own, but Communist Democrats don’t listen. Didn’t Nancy Pelosi tell everyone that it was Trump that was trying to destroy the constitution and wants to be a authoritarian dictator? It sure seem that it is really the Communist Democrats that are acting as a authoritarian dictator. They want to get rid of the constitution whenever it gets in their way of becoming a dictator, what is so sad is they have brainwashed so many people to accept getting rid of it. If the Communist Democrats says it’s outdated, then people wants to get rid of it willing to give up their own freedom. As for the Afghan refugees...they were not properly vetted in a rush to get as many people out of the country to make Joe look good. They abandoned Americans, Green Card holders and the SIV. It seems to many Americans, that Biden and his administration, that abandoning those is acceptable as long as they got 124,000 people out. SICK... It is not acceptable. I would say that the Green Card holders and the SIV are allowed to stay, but the rest should be relocated closer to the region they came from as long as they would still be safe. Then they can start the process of applying to come to America legally. Now about Biden’s unconstitutional mandate to force every Americans to be vaccinated but not mandate the illegals he is releasing into the country to take the shot. What the hell is all that about? Then for Jen Psaki to say at the press briefing, that is correct because they have no intention of staying in our country is a down right lie. Jen has been telling more and more lies at her briefing and she said when she took over that she and this Biden’s administration would tell the truth and be transparent has been a lie. Then Communist dictator Joe Biden wants to stop giving states that the governor will not take their citizens rights away from them, wants to punish them by taking away monoclonal antibodies away after they had agree to send it to them, to treat the people. The fact that Communist dictator Joe won’t mandate illegals that he is sending to those states to take the vaccine, he is willing to let people die without proper therapeutics for treatment is criminal and indicative of a authoritarian government willing to kill their citizens if they dare to disobey orders from their government. Should we be surprised when they are so willing to abandon their own citizens in a terrorist country knowing they will be hunted it is no surprise that they would be willing to kill their own people just like a Communist government. Who is controlling Joe Biden? They won’t let him speak, they will cut off his mic or shut off the Video if he does start to speak or he has a list of reporters to call on and he can’t call on anyone else if they are not on his list...why? He comes out, gives a speech, then turns around and walks off the stage without taking one question...why can’t he answer any question? He promised in his inauguration speech that he was going to bring the country together, to unite our country, but he lied, he has divided our country even more. Is an unelected person or group controlling Joe and telling him what to say and when to say anything? Remember Obama in an interview saying he would have liked a third term, but he would be fine with having a mic and telling whoever with an ear piece what to say? Is that what is happening? Where is Kamala Harris, our border czar? Mia as usual. She is just as incompetent as Joe Biden. The border is out of control and she is nowhere to be found. Most of the Haitian at our border now, came from South America, Brazil and Chile where they have lived for several years and there is reports on the Haitian that were deported back to Haiti were upset as they wanted to be transported back to Brazil where they had been living not to Haiti. They were not humanitarian refugees like the Communist Democrats say they were to pull on the American feelings. The Communist Democrats are open border politicians, they are for the one world order group and people better wake up as they hate our country and doing everything they can to make it a third world has already started with all the crime going up in mostly Democratic cities with their defund the police and then trying to take our 2nd amendment away so we are unable to defend ourselves from the criminal and the Communist government. Wake up Americans before it is too late.

  • 39

    Thankfully there remains some non partisan sanity! I just don’t understand why so many people cannot see the danger the ideas and policies of the left presents. I believe in compassion but I cannot help someone beyond my means by taking from my neighbor. Government should not spend beyond its income and certainly not on charity and compassion before essential services. We are essentially bankrupt and people need to awaken to the need for austerity!!!

  • 321

    Senate parliamentarian did her job and following the constitution and not the socialist Democrats agenda

  • 35

    Please don’t release these people into our communities without being vetted

  • 1,206

    Congress importing more terrorist to kill Americans