37K Afghan Evacuees to Be Resettled Around U.S. - How You Can Help

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  • 1,271

    Welcome Hell... They should not be here and we will get them out because they and all the illegals are not welcome. America First you idiots..

  • 2,797

    Is there some reason that Washington DC can’t receive about 3500 of these evacuated people from Afghanistan? Thought they want to be a state? They sure don’t act like it. Here are the latest coronavirus figures since January 20th at noontime to present 242 days. Cases 17,861,853 new cases yesterday 89,822. Deaths 412,119 new cases yesterday 3,684. Hopefully these immigrants will be vaccinated twice before released into the United States!!!

  • 36

    Yet they beat Haitians with whips out of the country. Sounds like history. Wonder why

  • 1,696

    I welcome these folks. They risked their lives and their families lives to help our troops the past 20 years so they deserve to be protected and to make new lives for themselves here. They will work those jobs that a lot of Americans won't do. Our country wasn't created out of thin air! Everyone's parents or grandparents and so on came from other countries and settled here and worked their butts off so shut your mouths with the bullshit! Stop being so high and mighty with the crying! Grow the f*** up and act like adults.

  • 284

    FYI: the US is not and never was a “Christian nation”.

  • 783

    No Show us proof that you worked with us or sorry

  • 48

    These people put their lives on the line helping our soldiers so many ways. We should be just as willing to help them. To remind the ignorant: this is NOT a Christian nation, it’s a nation that sprung up by many different groups. Some came here seeking freedom from RELIGIOUS persecution… Europe was home to Christianity but persecuted those that were different in their beliefs. Because many seem to have been schooled in schools that weren’t allowed to teach truth, you seem to greatly misunderstand. If you get your facts about the beginning of our nation from the pulpit or racist rant tv/internet then you need to go back to learning our history. Our forefathers purposely put into law separation of church & state. State has no right to dictate what religion you adhere to, and church has no right to dictate rules of law. This nation can and will welcome peoples of Muslim faith. If your afraid of that faith then you should learn more about it instead of fearing it. Fear kills the minds ability to thing with logic and rationale. There are bad apples from every religious group on the planet. Does that make the religion bad(?) or just the person who’s doing bad things? You can’t group all Afghan peoples as terrorists, just like you can’t label all white people as racists or Christians.

  • 48.0k

    I'm glad we're able to accept so many of these refugees to add to the diverse richness of our country. I know they are very welcome in the Pittsburgh area, and I hope someday to meet or interact with these people.

  • 1,206

    America is no longer a Cristian country but satanic worsippers

  • 1,206

    No more terrorist

  • 1,206

    Congress made a fortune for silencing these people since 9/11

  • 41.9k

    I am proud of our County when it lives up to the ideals that have defined us in the past. I see the Afghans as new contributors to our society and economy, with new ideas and ways to do things. In the past, others that came here to escape oppression were thankful for the opportunities that they have to forge a fulfilling life for themselves and their families. Further, it honors a commitment and promises made by our government to them. I hope that we can get more of the SIV holders, candidates and their families here in the future. … … … In general, our immigration process sucks for most people and hopefully we can get deeper Democratic control of the House and Senate and begin to address issues of import to the future of this country without everything blocked by a minority of the Republican Faction’s Senators who will stop any future progress for the people of our country. … … … Realistic Gun Control - Nope, Realistic Police reform - still waiting, the Republican wonder healthcare program that protects pre-existing condition coverage and cuts oh so many costs - repeatedly promised during election cycles but otherwise totally non-existent, tabling most of the people’s legislation by the Senate with no debate, deliberation or even any consideration at all because Moscow Mitch just could do this, addressing the Climate Crisis in any way at all - nada, doing ANYTHING at all on their own to protect people out of work due to their refusal to get the trump to do anything to control the pandemic or to help these people (unlike every other peer industrialized democracy was able to do), passing temporary tax cuts for most people which, by the Republican Faction’s reconciliation bill ends for this tax year - YES, and passing permanent tax cuts for the wealthiest of our country allowing them to exploit loop holes to pay no taxes at all -why YES!, they were able to do that as well. … … … Now, I am getting a little concerned that many Afghans will find our fractured polarized governance a little too distasteful and seek to go to other countries.

  • 25.7k

    And now this …. Senate parliamentarian sets back Dems' immigration push WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrats can’t use their $3.5 trillion package bolstering social and climate programs to give millions of immigrants a chance to become citizens, the Senate’s parliamentarian said late Sunday, a crushing blow to what was the party’s clearest pathway in years to attaining that long-sought goal. https://apnews.com/article/e590795e4593feccb2d966090a633be7

  • 25.7k

    One more …. Having grown up in NYC in what was an Southern European immigrant ghetto and being only second generation American born, it might be fair to suggest that recent immigrants need to be aware of something: You may not be able have it both ways. You will have a difficult time if you decide against assimilating and instead decide to maintain and foster familiar cultural identity. But do not for a minute think assimilation is easy. All my grandparents took the seemingly easy path of living in a ghetto. My uncles and aunts took up the path of assimilation; they were not all accepted as "regular Americans." Out of 11 four kind of "made it." One broke into finance, one medicine, and two civil service. The others got pigeon holed into culturally appropriate positions essentially servicing the local ghetto or another similar ghetto community.

  • 25.7k

    Let's Do A Reality Check for Goodness Sake! So after a short stay at a military base State Department is shipping out Afghan immigrants to communities with "programs" set up and to places where the immigrants have family. California? Right. That’s the state were people with good jobs are forced to live in their cars due to the lack of affordable housing. Texas? You're kidding! Texas!? Why cause Texas government will remind them of the Taliban? Yeesh! The devil is in the details. I hope the local programs are very well funded to be truly helpful and are brutally honest about what to really expect in “America.” The USA does not have a very good history of embracing immigrants. Goodwill is nice. A few months of free housing, food, medical care, education, job training and placement is better. I hope the Right doesn't ramp up a hate campaign. I already can see tinder ready to ignite here on Causes mainly due to the Right's Echo Chamber's whispers. The idiot crowd already seems convinced that Afghans aren't to be trusted much less welcomed with arms open. While I'm at it, let me end by saying the Muslim community has done little outreach to counter the negative perceptions of Islam by many Americans even in pretty Blue States.

  • 7,920

    Shukran or welcome!!! You have risked everything to be here. I wish only the best for you and your family and pray that you will be welcomed & accepted wherever you decide to call home.

  • 1,479

    I think the resettlement of Afghan evacuees is great! We should help these folks as our ancestors were helped in their time. The Afghans I have met are humble, and intelligent people and will add to the tapestry that is our American heritage.

  • 105

    We never should have been there in the first place. We stupidly offered them jobs. Now we are stuck with thousands of them. This puts a strain on our school systems. How many bilingual teachers do we have. My town has none. We have so many different middle eastern people. They take jobs from us then get angry we cannot understand them. When I go for gas for my car I have to have exact change so I can hold up a few bills and a sign for regular gas, so they don’t give me premium. The handy marts many stations have don’t have people that speak English. It is hard to get a cup of coffee, or ice tea when traveling. Put all these foreigners in one place, untill they are fully vaccinated and can speak and write and read English. Don’t let them run wild. Ok that seems cruel but I was born here, as were my parents, grandparents, many of my ancestors fought in the Early war for our freedom, the rest were here by the civil war.?We are all Americans. I liked our country the way it was. I like the Mexican people, but so many others cut through there country to get here. Maybe we have to finish that hateful wall. No more Haitians, or anyone else. We are in debt and drowning from it!

  • 431

    Let’s welcome those Afghan refugees with open arms. We owe it to them, and for those who may be concerned, I’m confident that they will be properly vetted and a net plus for the US, as historically refugees have more than “paid” their way economically and otherwise.

  • 398

    I am thrilled that these Afghans are going to be resettled here in America. I would be thrilled to have some as my neighbors and to sponsor some and help out in any way imaginable. They helped out brothers in arms over in Afghanistan and put their lives on the line for us. The far right and anti immigrants are trying to paint them as being terrorists coming over here and someone to be feared. They are afraid that they will achieve citizenship and not vote for them. Why would they vote for a party that has rejected them prior to even getting to know them or experience what values they add to our collective. They have already shown and demonstrated their worth. When we had the Hmong and Vietnamese settle here after Vietnam many of them have become highly educated and have added much value to our country as a whole. Many of the Afghans will do the same and very much deserve that chance and opportunity. Let's make sure they are welcomed with open arms, hearts and minds.