It’s Constitution Day ― Why is the U.S. a Republic?

How do you feel about the Constitution and the Bill of Rights?

  • 2,427

    Carina, you are a Idiot! You just described exactLY what YOUR HUMPY, a/k/a T-Rump, wants, not the Dems. God, your head is on ass-backwards. Seriously, girl, get a life! Watch something verified as truthful, please. Not your other-world reality. I am shocked that you all can be so easily fooled. Guess Humpy and Hitler were right that if you tell a lie enough times, ignorant people will believe it! Boy, has Humpy got your number! You’re face and body must be putrid from the stench of being so far up Humpy’s ass for so long...

  • 169

    Frank001 im proud to be a follower of Carina and thank you for the compliment lol frank have a blessed nite

  • 41.9k

    Dorothy L: I am working on those issues as well. Sometimes I have trouble holding back my disgust with some folks who constantly post outrageous unfounded comments with their extreme conviction of their righteousness. One of Jabba the trump’s and its right wing entertainment propaganda machine legacies, is the marked divisiveness and loss of civility in our country. You see parents threatening to harm teachers for wearing masks, people getting into fist flights on planes and dedicated apolitical election officials getting credible death threats. Ten years ago, I could not even imagine any of these things happening, at least not so much as they have and across so many segments of our society. … … … I would hope to see an account of the economic and human suffering costs attributed to Jabba the trump and the Republican Faction which fed the ego of this Frankentrump thing, strengthening it, empowering it and unleashing it to stumble around our country and destroy so much in it’s wake. I would also hope to see an accounting of the economic and humanitarian costs attributable to the Fox entertainment news monster whose greed to retain the market share of their uninformed cult have them gleefully giving credibility to willful disinformation just to feed the biases of their uninformed. I often wonder how many people Tucker Carlson has killed with his batshit crazy commentary. … … … Oops, there I go again with my emotional reaction to this nonsense, I do try to not make it personal to some of the nimrods on this site. Oh well, tough sh!t.

  • 41.9k

    Bicycler: Nice to know that I have such influence over you. My work is done! That’s what you get for forcing me to change one of my long held beliefs by presenting actual facts and data that made me realize what I had once believed was mainly a re-statement of long held personal biases. You have made me work so much harder to keep my unfounded beliefs based on unconscious biases out of my comments. Nice to finally get even. … … … Seriously, thanks. You opened my eyes to what had to be done to self-correct my perspectives. It is still a work in progress, but realizing that the problem exists helps a quite a bit. … … … I really enjoy your comments and insights and thought you just were not posting as much as you had. I am glad that my fat-finger clicking error was discovered and I found that I had just missed some of your always pragmatic and uniquely insightful comments.

  • 3,039

    @jimk. So easy to do. I have inadvertently unfollowed people a few times; then am left wondering why i’m missing their posts only to discover i ‘unfollowed’. Now I try to check regularly. When you speak directly, easy to ‘piss’ people off. I’m working on both issues

  • 398

    Oh the horrors of being dumped by the great jimK! My feelings are irretrievably hurt. LOL No problem Jim. Just glad you found out what occurred. I always follow your excellent writings as well. I don't write as much as some of the others here. I spend a lot of time doing volunteer work and dealing with a disability. Life is too short and time is too precious. I am absolutely abhorred by the continual push of; "The Big Lie" to get der Führer reinstated with all of the violations of the constitution used to get there. We are living in dangerous times. Old Pucker Farce Con is out there promoting the replacement theory nonsense that immigrants are being brought here by the left by the millions so that they will vote the way we want. As if we somehow have the power to determine how and what people will think once they come here, which will somehow predetermine how they will vote. From the right there is always a boogeymen that we have to focus our attention on because they are coming here to take jobs that most of us aren't willing to do in the first place. They have no ideas to legislate so they focus on hate.

  • 41.9k

    Bicycler: Please forgive me, I must have inadvertently clicked the UnFollow button when reading one of your comments. Looking back, I see that I missed quite a few of your exceptional comments. My apologies for my clumsy one finger iPad typing and occasional inadvertent clicks.

  • 3,475

    Alito says recent Supreme Court decisions aren't the work of 'a dangerous cabal' Hey Alito then why didn’t / don’t you, your right wing associates, gop discredit Q, your dear leader who is the biggest spinner of fake news and the big lie, etc.? Shut them down before a repeat of ‘jan 6’ See how / where it hurts real people? Half the covid deaths … in fact many more … could have been avoided if you and so called people in positions of authority pushed back and shut down these criminals bending weak minds with all kind of crap. Yes Alito you are equally if not more responsible for the sad state of affairs!

  • 3,861

    I guess I am still having difficulty reconciling how a democratic republic is supposed to work with how our government is currently operating. In any representative democracy, representatives are elected to represent the will of the people. Our Country’s representatives all swear an oath to defend the Constitution and the Country as their highest purpose and defining reason for them to serve in our legislature. The Country in this case is, by definition, the all of us. … … … There is no oath for legislators to just serve themselves, their political party, their benefactors or even just their constituents - none of these things define the nature of their sworn duty to our country, their service in the offices that they hold or the privileges that they afford to themselves in lieu of the public trust. NONE. … … … So, just how is it that the Congressional Republican Senate can just ignore the overwhelming will of the people because honoring the will of the people may give political points to an opposing party? Aren’t they all in office to honor the will of the people? Isn’t honoring the will of the people a paramount responsibly of the people’s elected representatives? … … … All of Biden’s initiatives are supported by a majority of the voters including majorities of Republican, Independent and Democratic voters alike. The HR.1 legislation is supported by over a 60 point spread in WV; supported by 81% of Democratic voters, 79% of Independents and 76% of Republican voters. Politicians benefiting from dark money donations will not support this bill out of their own self interests because of the limitations that HR.1 imposes on dark money donations. Again, these representatives have the paramount duty to honor the collective will of the people and are not elected to protect their cash flow from benefactors. Representing the people’s will - isn’t that how a representative democracy is supposed to work? … … … How can a political party’s leadership, representing the minority of the people, simply declare that they will stop all of the legislative packages sponsored by representatives of the majority as well as being broadly supported the majority of the minority party’s own voters? Just who does the minority party’s representatives actually represent? It is not the will of the people nor the will of their own voters. Is this not putting the will of these legislators over the will of the people of this country and the will of the people that they purport to represent? How can this be tolerated in a democratic republic, a representative democracy, or any form of democracy? Isn’t this action alone a constitutional violation of their oath’s of office and their sworn duty? … … … Just how can the will of the governing supersede the will of the governed in a democracy? Do some of the governing feel that they are somehow some form of Royalty whose purpose is to placate the unfortunate, uniformed serfs that they ‘represent’ and ignore their desires and needs? Just who the f@¢k do they think they are? … … … Why should a minority party which is ignoring the will of the people for their own interests be able to require a 20 plus point spread in Senate voting to pass legislation supported broadly by the people with a 60 point spread? None of our elected official are required to win their elections with a 20 point spread - so why should the overwhelming will of the people even conceivably be allowed to be thwarted by a political party acting in bad faith, solely for the purpose of attaining and retaining political power and their substantial perks of office? I would think that the will of the people should be much more important that the will of a minority of legislators who do not find political advantage in carrying out their duties to the people, or that arcane Senate rules which allow a minority party to overwhelm the majority’s will is somehow more important than their primary duty to represent the all of us. They were not elected to let an abuse of Senate norms excuse them from their primary Constitutional duties. … … … People generally mistrust the Congress, complain about perpetual gridlock and the continued reduced performance of our country in education, life expectancy, homelessness, healthcare, hunger, incarceration rates, social justice, poverty and world status. These are all trends which started when Republican’s sold the public on the failed promises of trickle down economics and Gingrich regimented the House to block-vote and essentially declare war on the Democratic Party for the sole purpose of winning elections by any means possible. All of these things together explain Congressional gridlock and the great damages done to the very foundation that supports this country, our people. It would not have been this way had we insisted that our legislators took a fifth grade civics class and learned how a representative democracy is supposed to work and if we collectively demanded that they honor their duty to our country, their oath’s of office and hold them all to account for spewing of disinformation to convince us otherwise. … … … The framer’s specifically defined those very unique situations where a supermajority vote would be required; things like amending the Constitution or removing an impeached high office holder. They never intended and specifically never endorsed the use of a one-and-done filibuster in the Senate to block the will of the people, the will of the majority of the electorate; the framer’s specifically did not endorse the requirement of a supermajority to enact general legislation - just like they never required a supermajority to elect a President or our Senators. … … … Our ‘originalist’ Justices would have a very hard time finding any founder-accepted document or founding ideal that would endorse this tool which has been so grossly abused by McConnell, violating prior norms and all past precedent to allow a minority to overwhelm the will of the majority. Congressional gridlock, our country’s inability to keep pace with the rest of the industrialized world our country’s growing autocratic kleptocracy are all direct consequences of the filibuster. How is the filibuster, particularly in it’s current implementation, seen to be in any way constitutional at all? We have a lot of work to do, while we still have the opportunity to freely and fairly vote the abusers of the trust we empowered them into political oblivion.

  • 285

    Get rid of the filibuster!!! NOW!!

  • 266

    I feel our the ideals of our country are about “getting better”; to strive to become a better nation; that we know we are not perfect but we try to correct our mistakes. We do that by making amendments to our Bill of Rights and Constitution. For that I am grateful. BUT what terrifies me is ACTIVE AND DELIBERATE destruction of our Constitution and Bill of Rights by the American Nazi Party and their cult led by their Hitler, the Racist FORMERLY in Chief. What they are ACTIVELY doing is what the Nazi Party did in Germany. My reich and file “reps”: “Pimp my mommy out to the Racist” Fulcher, Risch, & CRAPo have buried their heads so deep in the Racists ass they don’t bother to defend our Counry: Her ideals, Her Bill of Rights, or Her Constitution. Shit they don’t even care if you DIE because hey Covid isn’t real. So let’s remember—if they are silent, it’s because their heads are buried deep up the Racist, orange, wrinkled ass. Vote ‘em out.

  • 47.6k

    I like the spirit of the Constitution and that our country is a republic. It's clear, though, that many Americans neither understand our system nor our Constitution. And we need to stop this rigid interpretation of a Constitution that was written 200+ years ago by a bunch of men who owned slaves and didn't value diversity. It's not the Bible (which also shouldn't be viewed so rigidly). Maybe it's time for a new Constitutional convention by a group that more accurately represents the makeup of our diverse nation, although I'm sure those on the right who want to deny rights to many who think our country should be based on a single religion would fight that. It's clear the work is not done and we are still growing up.

  • 592

    America is, and has been from the beginning, more of a plutocracy dominant polyarchy than a democracy. But whatever “leaders” want the country to become, we MUST KEEP One Person - One Vote from being infringed. America, like it’s people, are not easily defined or labeled. America is a hybrid with no other country coming close in terms of diversity on every level imaginable! We’re a dash of aristocracy and oligarchy, a pinch of democratic socialism, a democracy in principle, and a plutocracy in reality. We embrace capitalism, but we don’t let everything play out as we should to provide enlightenment and evidence that capitalism doesn’t work, as is the case in any of these ideologies in their purest form. What we are becoming and what should take the place of capitalism probably hasn’t been named or understood yet. America’s identity is under construction and, at least historically speaking, in a constant state of flux. Throw out the sins of its citizenry and maybe the choices could be limited to a few. But as the human species is fallible and sinful, no ideology or label that exists today would illustrate to a newcomer exactly what America or Americans are. We just keep trying to improve our experiment and its possible outcomes, regardless of our naysayers or egocentric “leaders”. We’re just in a real deep valley at the moment. Stay tuned….

  • 1,186

    Unfortunately Congress sold America.

  • 41.9k

    UPDATED REPOST: I guess I am still having difficulty reconciling how a democratic republic is supposed to work with how our government is currently operating. In any representative democracy, representatives are elected to represent the will of the people. Our Country’s representatives all swear an oath to defend the Constitution and the Country as their highest purpose and defining reason for them to serve in our legislature. The Country in this case is, by definition, the all of us. … … … There is no oath for legislators to just serve themselves, their political party, their benefactors or even just their constituents - none of these things define the nature of their sworn duty to our country, their service in the offices that they hold or the privileges that they afford to themselves in lieu of the public trust. NONE. … … … So, just how is it that the Congressional Republican Senate can just ignore the overwhelming will of the people because honoring the will of the people may give political points to an opposing party? Aren’t they all in office to honor the will of the people? Isn’t honoring the will of the people a paramount responsibly of the people’s elected representatives? … … … All of Biden’s initiatives are supported by a majority of the voters including majorities of Republican, Independent and Democratic voters alike. The HR.1 legislation is supported by over a 60 point spread in WV; supported by 81% of Democratic voters, 79% of Independents and 76% of Republican voters. Politicians benefiting from dark money donations will not support this bill out of their own self interests because of the limitations that HR.1 imposes on dark money donations. Again, these representatives have the paramount duty to honor the collective will of the people and are not elected to protect their cash flow from benefactors. Representing the people’s will - isn’t that how a representative democracy is supposed to work? … … … How can a political party’s leadership, representing the minority of the people, simply declare that they will stop all of the legislative packages sponsored by representatives of the majority as well as being broadly supported the majority of the minority party’s own voters? Just who does the minority party’s representatives actually represent? It is not the will of the people nor the will of their own voters. Is this not putting the will of these legislators over the will of the people of this country and the will of the people that they purport to represent? How can this be tolerated in a democratic republic, a representative democracy, or any form of democracy? Isn’t this action alone a constitutional violation of their oath’s of office and their sworn duty? … … … Just how can the will of the governing supersede the will of the governed in a democracy? Do some of the governing feel that they are somehow some form of Royalty whose purpose is to placate the unfortunate, uniformed serfs that they ‘represent’ and ignore their desires and needs? Just who the f@¢k do they think they are? … … … Why should a minority party which is ignoring the will of the people for their own interests be able to require a 20 plus point spread in Senate voting to pass legislation supported broadly by the people with a 60 point spread? None of our elected official are required to win their elections with a 20 point spread - so why should the overwhelming will of the people even conceivably be allowed to be thwarted by a political party acting in bad faith, solely for the purpose of attaining and retaining political power and their substantial perks of office? I would think that the will of the people should be much more important that the will of a minority of legislators who do not find political advantage in carrying out their duties to the people, or that arcane Senate rules which allow a minority party to overwhelm the majority’s will is somehow more important than their primary duty to represent the all of us. They were not elected to let an abuse of Senate norms excuse them from their primary Constitutional duties. … … … People generally mistrust the Congress, complain about perpetual gridlock and the continued reduced performance of our country in education, life expectancy, homelessness, healthcare, hunger, incarceration rates, social justice, poverty and world status. These are all trends which started when Republican’s sold the public on the failed promises of trickle down economics and Gingrich regimented the House to block-vote and essentially declare war on the Democratic Party for the sole purpose of winning elections by any means possible. All of these things together explain Congressional gridlock and the great damages done to the very foundation that supports this country, our people. It would not have been this way had we insisted that our legislators took a fifth grade civics class and learned how a representative democracy is supposed to work and if we collectively demanded that they honor their duty to our country, their oath’s of office and hold them all to account for spewing of disinformation to convince us otherwise. … … … The framer’s specifically defined those very unique situations where a supermajority vote would be required; things like amending the Constitution or removing an impeached high office holder. They never intended and specifically never endorsed the use of a one-and-done filibuster in the Senate to block the will of the people, the will of the majority of the electorate; the framer’s specifically did not endorse the requirement of a supermajority to enact general legislation - just like they never required a supermajority to elect a President or our Senators. … … … Our ‘originalist’ Justices would have a very hard time finding any founder-accepted document or founding ideal that would endorse this tool which has been so grossly abused by McConnell, violating prior norms and all past precedent to allow a minority to overwhelm the will of the majority. Congressional gridlock, our country’s inability to keep pace with the rest of the industrialized world our country’s growing autocratic kleptocracy are all direct consequences of the filibuster. How is the filibuster, particularly in it’s current implementation, seen to be in any way constitutional at all? We have a lot of work to do, while we still have the opportunity to freely and fairly vote the abusers of the trust we empowered them into political oblivion.

  • 1,271

    I love it - only communist hate it. Oh that is the Democrats and Republicans on the take... How is Israel and India doing with the vaccinations.. Not going so well eh.. Ivermectin is part of India's treatment and their issues are dropping like a rock. What are the dirty bloods - vaccinated dying and becoming ill and purebloods are not? Why are school boards trying to put out material to our kids with explicit sex material in it?? Crimes against humanity....

  • 404

    @Jimk your wrong is wrong. Representatives are elected by a democratic election. This is to ensure that government is accountable to the people. The elected representatives are representative of the majority of their constituents who elected them. This is always how the House of Representatives operated and enshrined in the constitution. This ensures that representation remains close to the people. Ie the people’s house. In turn those representatives represent the interest of their constituents in congress. And the same goes for the senate. The reason we are a republic is so that the majority cannot control minority rights. According to you, minorities have no rights. What a very racist and discriminatory comment. I can see why you are a democrat and don’t care about the rights of others.

  • 44.4k

    Please, please, please, ANYONE BUT abbott!! And that goes for those who wish to take a stab at atty. gen. paxton and US congressman brady, as well as my local state house rep. toth and state senator creighton!! .... ☺👍👌🤞😜😊. Ok, from a bit left leaning AXIOS, .... "Beto not even best Dem against Abbott" .... .... 👍. And from 'The Week', .... "McConaughey leads Abbott in Texas poll as O'Rourke inches closer" .... 👍. I know it's awhile, but we CAN GET RID OF THE TEXAS TALIBAN, trumpublican, anarchist and fascist party in Texas in '22!! Hear that Reps.?

  • 503

    The constitution was written by white colonizers for colonizers. People who say it's not working are mislead, its doing exactly whay it was intended for. Unless you're rich and white it's working just fine.

  • 94

    Too bad our government doesn't follow the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and its Amendments.