Southern Border Apprehensions in August Topped 208K, Remained Near 21-Year High

Are you concerned about the rate of illegal border crossings?

  • 271

    Here’s what everyone seems to not understand. We here in the US are suppose to be a nation of by and for the people. Unless we help the people that are coming here in these numbers alter their governments instead of working with their governments then this issue will never be resolved. I am willing to bet my life that if u ask the people coming if the governments where they are escaping from were to change and be a little more like what we have if they would want to go back or come here anyway, they will want to go back home to their culture and family and friends. They are coming for their safety and the safety of their families. The same thing every single one of us would do if we were in their position. Also, when it comes to asylum, anytime someone gets arrested here in the states their fingerprints are taken, right? So when they come to the boarder taking the legal steps we have laid out for them run their prints! If they have been arrested before and the charge has a victim IE financially, mentally, or physically caused harm so someone then they go to jail and all the legal procedures that entails, or they get shipped back until we help the people change their governments that is. If they have no criminal record and ready to help themselves as well as the community they end up in then set the asylum court date shake their hand hand them their fruit and welcome baskets and stop this holding them in cages for weeks at a time… if they have the drive and determination to cross the effing deserts of Mexico fighting the cartels and for the female being raped and physically abused and still make it the boarder then that’s the kind of strength we could use in the country. Keep turning our backs on those with that kind of drive and determination and they band together they could cause a real problem for the lazy entitled whiners that we have become. I’d like to see any typical soccer mom or “Karen” go thru the same treatment as a typical mother coming here to give a better life to her children. Let’s see who really has the ability and American gung-ho mentality that we believe we all have indoctrinated in us from birth. I be any of the people coming up from there would outlast anyone of us every single time. Now stop acting like some invisible line drawn in the sand means we deserve to be treated better than those born outside the lines. The geological location where u popped out of ur mothers twat or cut out of get fit doesn’t make u any better than anyone else. Knock off the “I’m better than u” frame of mind and remember above all else we are first ALL part of the HUMAN race. Stop letter political hustlers divide us up any farther than that! They add categories for us to section ourselves out into as a way to keep us fighting with each other while they take more and more for themselves or give to their corporate owners and get kickbacks via “donations” equal to about 1/2 what they got for the businesses they work for. Once we stop letting them dig at our racial, sexuality, cultural, age, etc and play on our ego insecurities then they will keep going to the bank and we will all keep fighting each other getting nowhere fast and getting screwed by businesses in the process. Where we should be fighting would be getting raped visually and auditory by advertisers every second of everyday. Unless the product or service is life changing or ultimately a net positive for the future of the world and climate then no more ads! We know what coke and Pepsi taste like and could tell one from the other in a blind taste test. They are in the same place in grocery stores. What reason do they have for wasting billions on ads. Same goes for the “savings cards” at store and coupons. Knock off the BS give ever consumer the best price for the products and stop making us jump thru hoops and basically work part time to get the lowest price are whatever store it is. I don’t want a relationship with a grocery store I want to go to wherever is most convenient at the moment get what I want pay the practical price and leave. No need to have my shopping history kept on file and sold to other businesses so they can figure out how to throw their crap at me in advertisements. Google stated they show ads as a means of keeping the service free. However if memory serves me correct the 3 of the top 25 wealthiest people in the US are Google/alphabet executives. Same goes for facebook, Twitter, etc. Amazon is top example of how to prove products are over priced or they under pay the suppliers. Walmart has retail store operation costs to deal with that Amazon doesn’t do cutting only a buck off something that Walmart charges $19.98 for doesn’t quite balance out in the end. Also the Walton family and Bezos and his EX wife are also on the top 25 wealthiest people list in the US. I believe that’s legally called price gouging but I could be mistaken. There’s so many more things we need to be working to make right in this nation than people coming in hopes of a better life should be the last thing we try to stop. Unless u are willing to go take their place and deal with what they are running away from.

  • 836

    I wonder what would have happened if by some chance we would have had a barrier, some might even say a wall, that would enforce he border and prevent the border patrol from the need to try to keep these people crossing illegally out. If only we had a president who would enforce the border. Or a Vice President who did not sound like the joker when discussing the issue. Granted I think someone once suggested filling the water with alligators, in jest maybe, but it would have prevented the number of crossings, while still providing a food source.

  • 882

    So Kamala is fixing this? They say things are under control? You are killing our country and in the same process destroying your own party. People will not forget and vote you out.

  • 5,259

    Wow. Anyone who reads "border apprehensions at a record high" and sees "open-door policy" needs to have their glasses fixed. Or their brains.

  • 1,234

    Under Section 8, Powers of Congress, Constitution, Texas has to raise the Militia to protect its citizens, But the bought off commies refuse to carry out their duties, Guilty of TREASON.

  • 1,271

    Apprehensions my eye.. You are lying every second of the day. How about all the Hatians in Texas under a bridge eh... I get BS responses from you spouting politics not America First which is what you should be concerned with.. You and many others are crap skin bags of human waste supporting Fauci and this communist regime... Look in the mirror and see the worst of humanity.

  • 836


  • 706

    If you voted anything but YES then you've got your head deeply rooted in the CNN sand. Many leftist posters to this site yell loudly that people should be vaccinated yet this ill prepared and unqualified administration opened the floodgates for illegal entry including Covid-infected individuals. These people are being disbursed throughout the populace without testing let alone going through the proper and legal process for entry and citizenship. Lie, deny and deflect. Both the Obama-Biden and Harris-Biden administrations have set records for illegal entry. To the question "why are the apprehensions up?" your either suffering a mental deficiency or just not paying attention to the things mature adults should be focused on. Most people come to America for better opportunities and have done so for decades and decades. The current crop is no exception however there is one significant difference. They aren't being held to the same standards as previous generations. To the point though, they are coming in record numbers and being apprehended in record numbers because illegit Joe welcomed it and Harris doesn't want her fingerprints on any type of solution. Even more concerning is that more are being apprehended while border security resources have been diminished. I hope that some of the infected and bad apples land in your communities and create the type of chaos that may alert you to these idiotic positions on defunding police, eliminating ICE and/or open borders. In just 8 short months this illegitimate administration has weakened our country's credibility and security from the southern border to the middle east and Asiatic region. At the moment, few of our allies firmly believe that they can count on us in time of need. Immigrants come to America because while not perfect, we have the most equitable system in the world. If you think otherwise then by all means, please pack your shit and hop a plane anywhere outside the United States of America and stop tearing down our country with your bull crap agendas. Your views and positions are hypocritical. Then again, if you cast your vote for illegit Joe then you live by the liberal double standard - the only one currently practiced by that party.

  • 36

    What has happened in this country in a very short amount of time is heartbreaking. Our country has abandoned the American citizens… you are focused on providing to everyone but law abiding citizens, our Veterans, our families struggling..

  • 22

    there are laws in place, please uphold them

  • 57

    Millions are being allowed across our porous southern border without any accountability. Our current administration wants these people to eventually become citizens who will vote for them. Meanwhile the state I live in requires mask mandates and are forcing those who aren’t vaccinated away from normal life. The illegal immigrants do not have to get vaccinated. Last night the mayor of San Francisco was filmed without a mask in a club singing and dancing while ordering everyone else to wear masks. This is what Marxism looks like!

  • 174

    UPDATE This amazing new regime decided that the solution to drone footage of people hiding under bridges in Texas, because they’re no longer flying immigrants back which = they told all their friends back home that we aren’t sending them back and to rush in, was to just ban the drones so no one can get anymore footage while they shift people into the country or into detention centers more and more. Feel like this is the ultra transparency that we were promised??? Or just more cover ups and lies from career politicians….? Personally I lean towards .. just another giant cover up of failure after failure after complete and utter failure to the legal taxpaying citizens of these United States .. which are no longer quite as “United”…?

  • 350

    Many of your comments border on delusional! The numbers are mind bending along with the increase in drug trafficking well over doubling , this includes fentanyl which will find its way into the big cities that have reduced their police funding. Illegals refusing to be vaccinated. BIDENS CRISIS 1. Afghanistan LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND! 2. The uncontrolled Boarders 3. Vaccine Mandates 4. National Debt if 3.5 Billion Budget passes. 5. World Allies now don’t know if they can count on us. But oh no, nothing here to be worried about. Keep telling yourself that.

  • 276


  • 1,234

    Shut it down Commies

  • 21


  • 26

    Democrats are in control and should use the reconciliation process to address immigration. Not only should they expand immigration courts to properly process immigrants but to make it streamlined. I also strongly believe now is the time to give amnesty to all immigrants who want a chance at a better life, and are willing to earn a better living.

  • 174

    A lot of people commenting here have some seriously rose colored glasses. Do I disagree that SOME of these migrants are seeking actual asylum? No. However. I think it’s highly ignorant and dangerous to assume that not one single one of these people crossing has any “nefarious” purpose for being here. States along the border can tell you all about the drug smuggling and crime rates that sky rocket because of these terrible policies. The lie you’re being told is that “this is the only way for migrants to come”… we have laws, and legal processes which should be honored, otherwise, go back and try again the right way. It’s the only way to maintain safety, security and sanity for all parties during migrative requests. There are rumors of CCP making it through as well as others who have nothing but bad ideas for being here, Taliban and others, because of how WIDE OPEN and unmanageable the border has become with Biden's incompetence. Anyone who makes the argument that "all these poor asylum seekers - none of these people are bad at all" - lives in a fantasy world where no one ever gets hurt.. Politicians are manipulating your emotions and kind nature to get away with things. I just hope more people wake up to that fact before it's too late.

  • 174

    Those of you asking why, what’s the root cause… are you living under a rock?? Or soooo taken over by your TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) that you couldn’t see what began this terrible mess?? Biden. Removed. All. Trump’s. Policies. Then. Stopped. Border. Wall. Project. He spent his entire campaign spreading an “open border” message with his disgusting comrades…. Biden. Biden is the cause of this. And Kamala can’t / couldn’t / won’t be bothered to make any efforts towards even PRETENDING to give a fuck about finding solutions. Thankfully the courts have ruled the “remain in Mexico” needed to be in place. But it’s too late. They’ve already allowed sooooooo many in. While demanding lockdowns and vaccines of US citizens, they’ve let anyone and everyone from anywhere in (except the one place they should have - Cuba).. with any sort of covid variants and vaccine status .. they ship them to my state and others and let them loose without vaccines, tests or even vetting them for criminal records… “Omg whyyyyy!?!” Because soooo many people voted for this career politician who has been caught in soooooooooo many lies it’s literally not funny.. all because “orange man bad”. Bunch of freaking clueless people. 🙄

  • 674

    Been going on since we acquired Texas and the rest of the western states and will be going on long after all of us are gone Where do you think we get most of our laborers? How many of our children are working on farms or in packing plants? Seriously-Have important things to deal with-falling bridges , roads, climate change, DOMESTIC terrorist Let’s focus on real issues