Inflation Remained High But Grew at a Slower Pace in August

How do you feel about the rise in consumer prices?

  • 314

    Many of the new rules and legislation enacted since January 2021 have indirectly / directly caused increased prices and decreased jobs / workers. Major economy hit due to energy policies shifting petroleum and coal jobs from USA and making us more dependent on imported energy again. Major economy hit due to ongoing shutdowns / slowdowns / issues with labor market causing problems in transportation modes and general staffing for manufacturers and retailers. Lastly - IF Congress passes these so called extreme spending bills - then prices will go through the roof for all of us - the final consumers. All business tax and costs increases are ultimately paid for by employees and consumers of the final products and services. Demand your Congress - Representatives and Senators VOTE NO on these bills as they are written today! That means you - Representative Emanual Cleaver for Missouri's 5th District - Kansas City and surounding area.

  • 90

    I became disabled in 2008 after receiving a head trauma from my then husband. I have chronic daily migraines and no employer is empathetic to hiring me or people like me that live with chronic pain and constant medical appointments. I am still fighting for full disability and back pay . People cannot afford to live independently with inflation and the high cost of literally everything and the extremely low and lack of government assistance. I personally have never had familial assistance and it’s sad that the richest country on earth leaves it’s citizens behind in such a way that we not only cannot afford to live independently with our integrity in tact because we are treated like second class citizens by our government, many institutions that are supposed to be there to support us ie; hospitals, doctors etc… and the many people around us on a daily basis.

  • 389

    Jim, your thinking is upside down. The government paying people to stay home and not work has really disrupted the work force. Handing out so much money by the federal gov has increased the demand without the workers producing more. Workers are incentivized to stay home and receive a check from the feds. That, along with the artificially low interest rates has really caused serious inflammation.

  • 93

    All of this depends on which socio-economic group you fall into. Those in the lowest/fixed income group have much to worry about. If you are poor you remain poor, perhaps even more so as the grip of inflation tightens around the necks of consumers who buy bread & not yachts

  • 174

    @Dave “Hey Chad. Ever hear of a state called Florida? DeSantis kept businesses open and people “free”. We are dying in record numbers 18 months in.” Um.. what? At least he didn’t go down the totalitarian path of “I’m in power and I say you can’t ___________” No one ever promised that no one would die from this virus. Idk where people got this idea. Or the idea that one’s fear of death can dictate what anyone else around them can or “has” to do. Death is inevitable in life. Sometimes, things exist that might make us die early - I refuse to live in fear because the media says I should. I will be continuing to live my life and go outside and enjoy unrestricted fresh air - regardless of who says what to me. I certainly think we should focus on getting back to normal / living with the virus - as DeSantis has been doing while following the actual science - not the stuff the media says. Anyone going to hold FAUCI accountable for having done nothing but lie lie lie about his (and the Pentagon’s) involvement with funding the gain of function research which produced this terrible virus to the world?? For lying to Congress?? For changing his stance on masks 100000x when he’s on record in 2019 saying that they really wouldn’t help prevent catching a virus - that the best defense is a strong healthy body and immune system because of diet and exercise…. For his complete and utter failure with HIV back when that first began harming people. He has caused more panic, death, suffering, fear and pain than he has ever solved. And no one seems to want to hold him accountable. 🙄 Old age and obesity are the #1 contributing factors to those who succumb to the virus, many other comorbidities, but these are the ones most common. Perhaps ask your lovely president if maybe the rising covid cases in Florida had more to do with all the untested and unvaccinated illegal immigrants that have been regularly dumped into our state (amongst others) causing rises in drug smuggling / activity, crimes, and of course the new strains of Covid… 🤔🤷🏻‍♀️ In the mean time, I suggest you keep your body and immune system as healthy as possible - get some sunshine - enjoy nature - and stop trying to force everyone to believe the lies you’ve chosen to believe due to lack of research and basic efforts to confirm what you’re being told is actually the truth and / or whether or not those enforcing restrictions and very serious health decisions on people have any credibility to do so. 😪

  • 174

    @Dean “I’ll take a little inflation over a depression any day. Those republiklan non governing governors need to get their citizens vaccinated so the nation can end the pandemic. The economy will continue to grow with Biden as President. End the filibuster, pass both Infrastructure bills and pass HR-1/HR-4. Vote Blue for democracy.” I think you mean “vote blue for totalitarianism fascism and communism”. Your lovely Comrade Biden & Democratic communists are the source of this inflation. As with alll the other chaos they’ve caused since they took office while taking 0 accountability for complete incompetence and terrible leadership, blame orange man - that works cause our constituents want to hear it and they’ll eat it up. And if they pass this bill… you better buckle up and figure out how to live off the land .. because it’s going to make every dollar you have 100% worthless… I’ll thank you to keep your grabby blue hands out of my red state and implore you to stop allowing every politician and media outlet to manipulate your beliefs by playing on your fears and emotions. My only sanity in these terrible times where people think it’s okay to strip my freedoms away from me on a daily is that I have a governor willing to be held against the flames to protect me. Gods bless Ron Desantis and may he be protected and upheld in his position for as long as possible. This is the reason I’m not a Democrat anymore. This disgusting nonsense. “Better force people to do something even though THE SCIENCE doesn’t back it because I’m scared and the media box says it’s the only way out of my house”. Wake up. It’s because of governors like Desantis that I still have ANY hope for our freedoms being upheld. Long live Ron DeSantis and may the democrats be held accountable for their many crimes against the people / humanity. 🙏🏻💜🙏🏻

  • 276


  • 174

    Like it wasn’t hard enough paying rent and eating. My car insurance for one person and one car is 275/mo as of the last few months.. rent being raised next year.. and I can barely keep my fridge stocked. That’s in addition to not being able to afford new clothes and shoes because I ate for the week. Every single politician in power right now can go kick rocks in my opinion. You are all completely out of touch with the people and living high on the hog from raking in more and more of our tax dollars while promising the world and making our money worthless. You all disgust me.

  • 34

    Everything is inflated. Life has become unaffordable, again. Even with the good paying job my husband is blessed with. I think we really all know why things are unaffordable, again. We have the leader of the senate passing laws during, what I would call an act of terror, to put our country in more debt. Not only was she spending more money for her agenda. It didn't even address the enormous issues the country has acquired in the past few months. I am extremely mind blown at what is unfolding in front of our eyes. I am terrified. I can not believe the democratic party has become this. I use to identify democrat! The party has lost all it ever stood for. As well as their minds. I am pushing this President be impeached. It is just baffling that Biden is getting away with things that the Dems would sentence Donald Trump to death for. What is REALLY going on here? We did just supply the TALIBAN with military equipment. The Taliban. We left weapons in the hands of the biggest terrorist organization of today. I am sick to my stomach about the state of our government and even more so our citizens. This country is the greatest place known. Why are the democrats not doing everything to protect it. Please, tell the people what we can do to enforce change & hold people accountable. We are here, listening and ready to fight for America. No one else, not Mexico, not Iraq. We are here to focus on America. It's our baby & we will nurture it. Thanks for all you guys do. It seems like an impossible job to do. I believe in you all! ❤️

  • 674

    We’ve been through worse Get covid under control the economy will follow

  • 7,796

    I don’t know what people expected? Companies are in business to MAKE MONEY! Our govt has stressed to increase wages, yet someone has to pay for that increase in overhead. This is all part of the ‘Great Reset’. The rich WILL get richer and the poor will always remain poor.

  • 304

    I live on what remains of my late husband and my savings and Social Security. Gas price over this time last year is over a dollar a gallon. Price of chicken is 10 cents higher per pound and ground beef is over $1.15 per pound. Fresh vegetable and fruit are 50 cents higher on just pears and apples. I must pay space rent on my mobile home that I own and that went up $125 a month. Property taxes are up because of schools needing to accommodate more students, some are illegals. It just doesn't seem to stop! I quit supporting causes I have given to for years, also.

  • 51.9k

    I haven't felt personally affected by these prices yet, but inflation happens in a growing economy. What is the alternative? Slow the economy down? In a country where we constantly reward the wealthy and allow the middle and working classes to bear the brunt of the economy, this is going to happen. It's time for Congress to pass fiscal policy that will help the people ride out inflation instead of blaming the administration for it.

  • 21

    I am concerned with this big government slipping their agenda behind our backs. Not following the law. I am not hearing from any one but Diana Harshberger. Inflation, border concerns, impeachment, Hunter Biden and Joe treasonist acts. Get some backbone and stand up to these Bullies. Thank you Diana, for a very informative breakfast that you were at in Severville Tn. I learned so much more. Blessings and prayers to you all.

  • 1,532


  • 1,706

    What did everyone expect to happen?

  • 140

    Just went to ALDI yesterday and had to add a new comment. Not even 4 months ago they always had the low price of pork loins for 1.89/lb and now it’s 2.99/lb. This is just one example. If you eat McDonald’s every meal, I’m sure you haven’t noticed a difference. Cigarettes are taxed extra. How about we tax the ever living shit out of processed and unhealthy foods and utilize those tax dollars to subsidize healthier food options? The food industry is so messed up, it needs a complete total reform along with our education.

  • 1,820

    Prices will continue to rise as long as the terrorist party continues to fuel the coronavirus spread. Cases continue to impact production, distribution and the education sectors. The American people are not as stupid as they think we are. We know where to cast the blame and which party actually cares whether we live or die.

  • 140

    Just went to ALDI yesterday and had to add a new comment. Not even 4 months ago they always had the low price of pork loins for 1.89/lb and now it’s 2.99/lb. This is just one example. If you eat McDonald’s every meal, I’m sure you haven’t noticed a difference. Cigarettes are taxed extra. How about we tax the ever living shit out of processed and unhealthy foods and utilize those tax dollars to subsidize healthier food options? The food industry is so messed up, it needs a complete total reform along with our education.

  • 118

    Much of this inflation would have been avoided if the Republican and Democratic Factions and those willing or even able to look beyond their lust to win the 'next election' by any means possible without pissing off their wealthy benefactors - instead of simply just governing to protect the people of this country. Stupid, self-serving, corrupt asininity! But the pure as the wind driven snow, Papa Joe will fix everything now and will not have too again play the trump card.