Texas Abortion Ban Turns Citizens Into 'Bounty Hunters' - Do You Support the Provision?

Do you support or oppose the $10,000 'Abortion Ban Bounty'?

  • 39

    Coming from a state that doesn’t support mandates this is so hypocritical. Shame on Texas!

  • 86

    I support the bill, but not this aspect of it.

  • 159
    Michael J

    Only a measly $10,000 to rat 🐀 on someone for assisting a woman obtain an ABORTION? Thought everything was BIGGER in Texas. Who’s going to waste their time for chump change? Make it a cool $1Mill & people might rat 🐀. Isn’t a Medicaid baby with WIC & SNAP worth it?

  • 62

    I don’t think anyone on this green earth has the right to make laws that tells a woman what she can do or not do with her body

  • 23

    This is ridiculous!

  • 51

    We have the right to our own bodies. The right to decide if we want to donate life saving blood or organs. We also have the right to refuse to grow a person in us. If they can’t survive outside the womb, they are taking the life from their host to live. That cannot be forced. If you want to lower abortion rates, we need free access to birth control and good, comprehensive sexual education.

  • 753

    Really if you can count on Texas for anything you can count on Texas for “stupid “ Personally I think they should hand it back to Mexico. After all we did just kind of take it.

  • 51.9k

    This sets a very dangerous precedent, and I hope the extreme right is ready for similar moves from the left. I would expect to see "bounty hunters" reporting people for littering, polluting, hoarding arms and ammunition, racist attacks, masking violations, willfully spreading diseases, forcing religion on others, and spreading misinformation. If this is the where the extreme right wants to go, let's see how they like the results.

  • 36

    This is what the communists and nazis did to enslave and keep control of the people they ruled. This is America not communist Russia or China or nazi Germany. Let people with vaginas determine what is good for people with vaginas.

  • 27.8k

    Oppsy! Jeez Andy, I was just hoping some show that does political satire would get inspired. Just as I watch TikTok for a while. Some stuff on TikTok is amazingly good short format video across multiple genres Botany, Computer Tricks, Cooking Tips, Dance Routines 🙄, History Nuggets, Math Insights & Shortcuts, Poltics, Zoology, and more. But now I fear my edgy satire will be used by Red Meat Marketers promoting Lowlife Lone Star Law Firms. 🙈🙊🙉 On Causes, Andy wrote: "Frank-001, Thank You and please see my note to you below, but my Reps need to see this !!!! ... To my Reps from Frank-001 here on Causes..." Read more here: https://www.causes.com/comments/1498075

  • 47.8k

    Frank-001, Thank You and please see my note to you below, but my Reps need to see this !!!! ... To my Reps from Frank-001 here on Causes that I sooooooo support...!!!!, and by the way Frank-001 and I (OK, if I speak for you on this Frank-001??) will gladly take our 'CUT' (should be 10's of $10,000 bounties!!!) from any proceeds!!! From https://www.causes.com/comments/1498060 .... Ads for New Texas Scams "Dial 1-800-SQUEALER. That's Squealer Law, Your Bounty Experts!" "BountiesRUs.com Have the scoop? A clue? An inkling? Sister? Cousin? Friend? Neighbor? Stranger? Never rely on a DA or Legal Aid when you need real legal help. We'll make sure you'll collect the Biggest Bounties Possible under Texas Law. We guarantee defense against counter suits. We promise you'll never face those accused. Again that's BountiesRUs.com" AD: Governor Abbot for Dictator! "It is a sensitive time. Life is so precious. 9/11. Afghanistan. School Shootings. Terrorism. January 6th. COVID. So many have died. So many have been killed. It's not about the money, is it? It's about Life. Renewal. Joy. If you have information, don't hesitate. We are discreet. "Call 1-800-PTC-9999 "The Protect The Children Foundation has applied for Tax Exempt Status. If granted you will get a fully documented Tax Deduction. "To Ease Your Guilt, All Bounty proceeds will go towards protecting Early Stage Unborn Embryos. 'The Early Unborn are our only concern.'" FU my Reps. And that includes abbott, paxton, creighton and toth. Frank-001, I tried and tried to just copy a portion of your post to get a GOOD ENOUGH portion of your comment to send on to my US Reps. (gosh I wish Causes would get that 'Touch my State House and Senate Reps' piece added in ...), but I just couldn't find a better end than yours!! Thank you so much .... Ladies, I hope you understand the sarcasm

  • 27.8k

    Ads for New Texas Scams "Dial 1-800-SQUEALER. That's Squealer Law, Your Bounty Experts!" "BountiesRUs.com Have the scoop? A clue? An inkling? Sister? Cousin? Friend? Neighbor? Stranger? Never rely on a DA or Legal Aid when you need real legal help. We'll make sure you'll collect the Biggest Bounties Possible under Texas Law. We guarantee defense against counter suits. We promise you'll never face those accused. Again that's BountiesRUs.com" AD: Governor Abbot for Dictator! "It is a sensitive time. Life is so precious. 9/11. Afghanistan. School Shootings. Terrorism. January 6th. COVID. So many have died. So many have been killed. It's not about the money, is it? It's about Life. Renewal. Joy. If you have information, don't hesitate. We are discreet. "Call 1-800-PTC-9999 "The Protect The Children Foundation has applied for Tax Exempt Status. If granted you will get a fully documented Tax Deduction. "To Ease Your Guilt, All Bounty proceeds will go towards protecting Early Stage Unborn Embryos. 'The Early Unborn are our only concern.'"

  • 150

    This is going to be a true travesty for Texas and the people who wrote this law will come to be hated..rightfully so. Innocent people will be harmed and this will go down in history as a horrible action! It should be on the opposing people to unseat Abbott. He should lose so should all in his cabinet especially Patton.

  • 184

    No it looks as if Donald Trump and his adversaries in every aspect are winning their point in different ways are citizens our nations citizens are under siege race as well and every law is being undermine democracy may crumble if Donald Trump gets his way they spreading rumors and lies and other governors or high officials are believing in ally

  • 2,427

    Loving your comments, Paul! 👏🏻👍🏻❤️😊

  • 2,427

    Right on, Steven! 👏🏻👍🏻❤️😊

  • 2,427

    Awesome, Todd! 👏🏻👍🏻❤️😊

  • 148

    Why not a bounty on the unvaccinated who don’t wear masks as well. Since women don’t have the freedom of choice, they shouldn’t either.

  • 148

    Why not a bounty on the unvaccinated who go maskless in public spaces as well? If women shouldn’t have the freedom of choice ( even in cases of incest or rape ), neither should they. Many of those who claim to be “ pro-life” are really just “pro-birth”. If they were really pro-life they would be just as concerned about what happens to the child AFTER its born.

  • 142

    I observe a women’s right to address issues concerning her own body and don’t agree with the Texas governor’s abortion bill. However, setting the abortion issue aside for the moment, doesn’t the same bill give the voters of Texas the right to snitch on neighbors who are violating environmental laws? I’m just sayin remember to wash yur hands, please