Taliban Announces Gov't Including U.S.-Designated Terrorists, 4 of ‘Taliban 5’ Released From Guantanamo Bay

How do you feel about the Taliban’s new government for Afghanistan?

  • 159
    Michael J

    Texas is turning into a Taliban-style state with Gov Adolph Abbott signing a new law against women and turning Texas into a police state. Voting laws based on the BIG LIE restrict freedoms. Democracy is being flushed down the toilet in Red States across America. The pendulum swings and when it does the Texas Three Stooges will be looking for a rock to hide under.

  • 741

    Well actually this could be a good thing if the Taliban representatives come to the UN arrest them.

  • 741

    For all the Trump supporters that feel betrayed by Biden wake up trumps plan was to just walk out of Afghanistan with absolutely no warning to any of Americans living there. That’s an absolute fact that they can find out easily. All this goes to the root of the goat herd mentality that would do anything Trump said and not say anything else but his bullshit words. Wake up you idiots. Read if you know how to do that.

  • 276

    Biden messed this one up and Obama for release if them. Biden must resign

  • 3,563

    Dumbkopf had 4 years to prove that he was the self proclaimed genius … so why did he not put on his holster and swagger over to kabul to show them he was in charge and get everyone eligible evacuated? He met with his fellow genius kim how many times to great fanfare & photo-ops? Made an idiot of himself. During his term he did everything possible to destroy this country, its institutions, relationships and simply propagated hate and divisiveness. The ultimate traitor. So to all those who decry the current pullout … blame those who started it and dumbkopf who ‘negotiated’ the terms! The jerk did not even show up at any of the venues honoring 9/11 lost let alone indicate any empathy but did his best to draw attention to himself. So to all of gop and his ardent brain bereft followers … quit pretending to be concerned patriots!

  • 264

    It didn’t have to play out this way.

  • 468

    All of Afghanistan is going to have a hard row to hoe now. The taliban will find it impossible to control the country. The genie is out of the bottle. 20 years of freedom means young adults who don’t remember the oppression and don’t yet fear loss. Full civil war within a few months or years. It’s unfortunate, but the people of Afghanistan must fight it out amongst themselves. If they want freedom from oppressive religious fanaticism, they have to. Same as American who reject the fanatics of the religious right.

  • 184

    It’s the end of a great Sabbath and I give honor and thanks to our Creator Creators Heavenly father my God I am grateful of thee creators of this universe and creation he has control over all seen and unseen , IAM he deserves this thanks for keeping us safe as well, for keeping leaving everyone’s minds of harm and danger keeping all evil fears at bay , God we your people pray for all harm not to come to our troops or those whom Allie’s our nation , God bless all our troops serving and coming home and the rest that are trying to come home safely under God’s hand He keeps you all safe forever more God bless our nation as well bring peace truth to allow ,more peace in our towns Cities ., an township’s alike to all our law-enforcement in harms way shower your Grace this day 9/11 20yrs years later bring joy to all our nation, a nations as well greater peace Amen

  • 388

    The Taliban are unlikely to change their beliefs just because we to,d them they were wrong just as Christian fundamentalists and Orthodox Jews are unlikely to change theirs for that reason. The Taliban have taken absolute power over the Afghanistan government and will govern according to their beliefs. Fundamentalist Christians are not in absolute control over our government, but they have amassed considerable political power that has produced state and federal laws, some of which are requiring that other Americans must live or learn according to their beliefs. We don’t think of those laws in the same way we do Sharia laws, but those which I mention impose one group’s religious beliefs in much the same way, as I see it. The difference, in my view, is the degree of restriction and the harshness of the punishments imposed.

  • 68

    This should be obvious. It's listed in the bullets within this very story. "The Taliban’s leadership list includes multiple U.S.-designated terrorists, four of the “Taliban Five” who were released in 2014 from Guantanamo Bay by the Obama administration." Allowing this country to turn back into a hotbed for terrorist could lead to more sophisticated attacks much like what led us to occupy the country. Not to mention our two most powerful adversaries are already filling the void left behind.

  • 694

    Biden, the State Department, and the Military decision makers betrayed the United States and Afghanistan by allowing the Taliban to take over Afghanistan, deserting many US citizens, and Afghan allies to terrorists.

  • 718

    This is appalling! Obama and Biden release these terrorists from Guantanamo. I thought if a person aided our enemy, this person could be tried for treason. Instead, the USA just gave our terrorist enemies their own country! Biden shouldn’t be forced to resign, he should be impeached and tried for treason. PERIOD!

  • 206


  • 25.9k

    Meet the New Taliban, same as the Old Taliban: “UN Raises Alarm on Taliban crackdown on dissent, journalists' BY KATHY GANNON 10 Sept 2021 KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — The United Nations on Friday sounded the alarm over Taliban crackdowns on peaceful protests, many of them by women demanding equal rights, and journalists covering such events. In one case, two Afghan video journalists were beaten with iron rods. https://apnews.com/article/2ca9873dda7c537bdb6c7dc55e4feada Earlier this week: Taliban fighters use whips against Afghan women protesting the all-male interim government - CNN https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/08/asia/afghanistan-women-taliban-government-intl/index.html The AP article discusses the possibility that the Taliban commanders are not following the policy directives of the Taliban interim government. The article did not report that those brutal commanders are being removed or even disciplined.

  • 783

    So I have a question for this president pussy. What are you going to do when you are going to when your best friends don’t respect your deal, we all know you are a pathetic loser who doesn’t do anything in your political career

  • 41.9k

    Religious theocracies have never faired well without overwhelming brutal enforcement of the supreme leader’s beliefs. We did plant the seed of democracy with a whole new generation of Afghans and it will be difficult to put that Genie back into the bottle, again. Turmoil will continue until the Taliban can come to grips with reality. Terrorizing is a whole lot easier than governing and it is not clear that the Taliban is currently up to the task. … … … I am concerned about SIV applicants left in the wake of our departure and hope that American ingenuity can find ways to still honor our commitment to them. I think that American Nationals will have an easier time leaving - despite the grumblings of the more radical Taliban and ISIS-K elements.

  • 5,211

    "Obstructionist democrats"? I do not think that word means what you think it means.

  • 1,358

    It reminds me of the GOP

  • 303

    No I do not support them, everyone of them are criminals. How do they expect the American people do you care about Afghanistan. After what Joe Biden has done, create a disaster. Everything he did was backwards. and the people that he has working for him from the military. To me I don’t think they’re worthy of the positions that they are in. And what did they advise the president to do. Leave all of our military equipment, airplanes, helicopters, machine guns, plenty of ammo, night vision glasses, and a lot more. Why would they leave all of that to the enemy? Why are there no questions to Joe Biden and his administration and why all of that military equipment was left there. Every bit of that the American people paid for with our tax dollars. We have a right to know. No news media is asking those questions. When will the Democratic Party, and the Republican party ask those questions, just what country are our politicians including Joe Biden And his administration working for because it doesn’t feel like it’s America they’re working for.

  • 676

    It is very bad. The woman of Afghanistan are trying to stand up for their rights, now all the men need to do the same.