IT: Do you support Texas' strict abortion law? Or are you looking for ways to fight for reproductive rights?

Join us and tell your reps how you feel!

  • 41

    Get the elephant 🐘 out of our wombs!

  • 148

    All the talk about gun rights, the right to NOT wear a mask in the midst of a pandemic that have come out of TX yet when it comes to women’s reproductive rights or the rights of Citizens to cast their votes, all of a sudden people’s rights don’t seem to matter. One of the greatest enemies of democracy is hypocrisy.

  • 78

    I support Texas’ abortion heartbeats law. No murder of unborn babies without trial. Murder as a matter of convenience 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻. There’s plenty of birth control out there people need to be responsible. Maybe there should be a law made to for the crime of irresponsible birth control. Even FREE sex has consequences. Someone has to pay.

  • 27.8k

    @Lynne, any idea if the TikTok tactic is working? Evidently, it the same tactic that jammed up the Trump rally in Tulsa Oklahoma in June of 2020. Recall: Over a million ticket requests were reported See also — Straight TikTok vs Elite TikTok I was envisioning elaborate hacker attacks like a DoS attack on the Texas' Stool Pigeon website and what the possible blowback might be. @Lynne wrote: "Three cheers for the Tic Tokers. There is hope for the future. You go guys. Brilliant." Read more here:

  • 92

    Maybe this law will lower promiscuity in general. When we start raising our girls to be ladies and boys to become gentlemen, abortion becomes a mute subject. However, we must revert 50 years of federal and state socialist indoctrination under the cover of the civil rights movement in order for people to take responsibility and live with the consequences of life altering decisions. Bless you and have a great Labor Day

  • 50

    The Texas law totally upends any right to privacy. It’s allows and expects a total violation of privacy. Republicans once touted “less government” yet created a horrifying law. Laws are created by government. Please don’t allow even a whisper of such a law to creep into more states.

  • 35

    If lawmakers and the Supreme Court truly believed in the sanctity of life they would do more to protect life after birth such as gun laws and mask to protect students.

  • 104

    Don’t tell me the Supreme Court is not biased. Time to change the court lifetime appointment and how they are elected. Stay out of medical decisions and faith based decisions. If churches are getting involved in politics then pay property taxes and no deductions like the rest of us.

  • 526

    This is not anyone’s decision to make for an individual. It is a personal one to be made between those involved. Having a “heartbeat” doesn’t do much without brain activity. Why are we allowed to “pull the plug” on someone with no brainwave activity who has a perfectly good heartbeat???

  • 38

    Letting private citizens report and aid in arresting anyone who aids a woman in her reproductive decisions appears to be a violation of our right to privacy guaranteed by the constitution. Turning Texas into a police state like Afghanistan, is so unAmerican. Unless you allow private citizens to hunt down and punish the men who totally participated in the pregnancy, then this is just the start of Sharia law in America. Welcome to Giliad or Texas as it’s called today.

  • 27.8k

    Representatives & Senators, With Respect, Be Advised: We strongly oppose, in no uncertain terms, the Texas “'Fetal Heartbeat' Law” that seeks to ban abortions after a so-called fetal heartbeat is detected and provides for "vigilante justice." We demand that our Federal Government protect Reproductive Rights everywhere in this country! We demand that as our Representatives, you fight hard to encode into law the protection and enforcement of Reproductive Rights. We further demand that Congress passes a law that forever nullifies a state's ability to allow "vigilante justice" such as Texas did in its “'Fetal Heartbeat' Law” and that other states are planning to do.

  • 38

    I support a woman’s right to bodily autonomy and I will forever vote against anyone who doesn’t. It’s really as simple as that. Also FYI to all you “Christians” opposing abortion on a religious basis - read your Bible. You’ll find that it not only doesn’t condemn abortion - but it provides instructions and god even *commands* abortion in Numbers chapter 5. So please, take your holier than thou superiority complex and stuff it.

  • 104

    The rhythm specified in the six-week abortion bans, she says, “is a group of cells with electrical activity. That’s what the heartbeat is at that stage of gestation … We are in no way talking about any kind of cardiovascular system.” I do not support anti abortion laws similar to Texas. However, if Roe vs Wade is overturned it would rob the Republicans of one of their biggest platform for raising money. It seems Republicans are trying to reduce their population between not supporting vaccinations and mask wearing and now through this bill. Women with the means will always be able to get abortions, a large majority being Republican. While Democrats represents lower income, will carry their future Democrat to term.

  • 32

    Hands off my body!!! Defend women’s reproductive rights!!!

  • 21

    I absolutely oppose this law

  • 100

    This is not the America, that people fought to uphold. This country, has taken on the place of my religious beliefs are all that matter, The evilgelicals are all over the place, that is except where their needed. your vote don’t count, how dare you give water to a thirsty voter in line for 8 hours. Oh that’s because we closed the voting station and we act like satan not Jesus Christ. The elected officials that only think about their jobs and their wicked ways are a total lack of Christianity. Indiana, we have four phony constitutional idiots. Catch Me

  • 72

    What's next republicans? Your one issue barking dog has finally caught the car.

  • 666

    If men got pregnant they could get an abortion at an ATM.

  • 665

    The formerly Supreme Court has devolved into Pontius Pilate, washing its hands of issues it can't be bothered to consider. If the justices aren't in the mood to serve, why don't they step down?

  • 666

    No I do not support this authoritarian draconian unconstitutional “law” passed by the Texas Republican Regime. I have not been so angry about something in a very long time as I am about this. The SCOTUS’ midnight back room decision to let it stand is likewise infuriating. The court has too much power and is now abusing it. I will continue to scream, speak out against and vote against any and all regressive candidates and increase my contributions to the ACLU and Planned Parenthood.