Shariah Law and Women’s Rights in Afghanistan

Are you concerned about women in Afghanistan under the Taliban?

  • 25.7k

    I have read that women protesting returning Afghanistan to Sharia Law are being beaten with whips. Has Taliban 2.0 come out with lists of dos and don'ts for women or are the beatings done under the judgement of local enforcers? “Hey, Mohammed, my brother, spare the cute ones. No whips, Okey Dokey? We want to party tonight.”

  • 2,412

    As a human being and a woman how could I not be concerned that women are being relegated to the role of not just second class citizens, but the role of "no citizen", or perhaps the role of "non-human only good for bearing children and "tending" to the whims of men-basically a servant.

  • 132

    I am I concerned about all of the Afghan people who wanted to leave and now can not. I am especially concerned about the young girls and women. But remember the young boys will be indoctrinated to look at and treat their grandmothers, mothers, aunts and sisters differently. Plus- all have experienced environmental trauma- war because of countries ( Russia, US) fighting to control this mineral rich country. My question to my Reps - can we impose economic sanctions? And not because of exploiting for minerals but responding to the human rights issues?

  • 592

    Check out the new docuseries, “Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror” on Netflix. It is an expansive and detailed historical study about HOW & WHY we got to 9/11, with an almost complete history of WHEN & WHY Afghanistan became a focal point for the American government and the American people. This 5 episode series explains so much and in such detail, afterwards you’ll know EXACTLY WHY we left Afghanistan, and WHY we should have left much sooner than August of 2021! It’s ALL there. And it’s ALL the TRUTH! The main idea I got out of it is this: Never go to war without a clear exit strategy that leaves the invaded country better than you found it. NOT doing so will be catastrophic!

  • 314

    Yes very concerned and worried about all women living in all countries that enforce Sharia - Islam’s legal system. It is a shame on Muslims throughout the world that they don't rise up against these Sharia Islam oppressive countries, rulers, and citizens. It is a shame on all non-Muslim countries and businesses that continue to do business with and contribute money to these oppressive countries and their businesses.

  • 184

    I am still shocked that the Afghan army faded into the woodwork. They should have trained only the women. They would have fought for their lives.

  • 1,206

    Not our country, Not our business.

  • 228

    but there should be an in between option to respond - on one hand it is beyond our ability to help. Sure you can be sympathetic to their plight, but it is really not our business how other nations run themselves. And what it will mean to them is somewhat vague as those in power can make it mean whatever they want by either being extremely strict or more open and accepting of moderate change.

  • 404

    The Taliban clearly think they still live in the dark ages.

  • 64

    I am horrified by what is coming to women and girls! I believe not a word of the Taliban’s claims that they have changed.

  • 196

    They're gonna be in really bad shape, but I'm not concerned, because I'm not an Afghan. We gave them 20 years to get their **** together, and they didn't.

  • 226

    Unfortunately as first the USSR and now the USA learned the hard way, you cannot change this situation from outside. While I mourn for the people of Afghanistan and what they will have to endure at the hand of these anti- progress miscreants, they will have to change things for themselves from the inside. Maybe these travails will motivate them to finally do it.

  • 1,423
    The Rev Dr Edward

    I am concerned, terribly, but I can't force a foreign society to rehabilitate itself. Only they can do that.

  • 41.9k

    Rights of women under Shariah law? … … little to none.

  • 128

    A dumb question. We all know what happens to women and girls under taliban rules. The Taliban are pieces of shit.

  • 48.0k

    Yes, I'm concerned, but I don't know what else we can do for them. And really, our country is hypocritical for complaining about the rights of women in Afghanistan while there's a whole political party here trying to impose Christian Sharia law on our own women, LGBTQ people, and minorities. All people are better off when they are free from the shackles of religious doctrine, no matter which religion it is. I hope that the people of Afghanistan can resist religious law, but I also hope that the radical religious right in the United States goes away and leaves us to live freely.

  • 3,697

    Bring more Afghan women to CT, please!!!

  • 304

    The horror of what this most extreme interpretation of Shariah law is a death sentence for the women of Afghanistan. If not outright death, then subject to sexual slavery and never being able to reach their true potential! One account of a woman who got out because she was a mayor & had already had 3 attempts on her life, one killing her father! To get past Taliban checkpoints she had to hide in the wheel well while her husband and children rode in the cab. The women of Afghanistan are now going to suffer under this brutal regime with NO HOPE!

  • 685

    With all that we have observed over the years by the Taliban, who in their right mind wouldn't be concerned! Oh, I forgot, the DEMOCRATS wouldn't be be.

  • 6,674

    Shariah Law for women is a particularly cruel form of slavery.