House to Take Up Democrats $3.5 Trillion Budget Resolution, Election Reform Bill Amid Infrastructure Showdown

How do you feel about this week’s congressional schedule?

  • 107


  • 947

    This is the $3.7 trillion dollar socialist give away bill.

  • 872

    3.5 trillion dollars….free college, free 2 year pre-k (day care), more money for increase food stamps, tax increases for corporations, the wealthy …who is wealthy.. money for the new green deal. The only thing this means is a quicker move towards socialism. And most of the bill hasn’t been written yet!

  • 666

    This week will be more of the same. A very large group of Democrats will be trying to move the country forward. All of the Republicans will attempt to push it backwards. And a handful of so called moderate Democrats will just delay things to see their names in the news. So predictable and kind of sad, but I always hope for the best: that we somehow inch forward someway, somehow.

  • 666

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again until Lorne Michaels hears me. Put Carina and PattiZ on Weekend Update together and let them have at it. Such a pairing is sure to be ratings gold for SNL!!!

  • 872

    It’s going to be great that the corporations taxes are going to be raised so they pay their fair share. Wait no, the corporations will raise prices and with the tax increase on goods and services, we get to pay more! This is not a good bill, it’s only a way to pay off donors to the democrats and make Americans more dependent on the government. As long as Americans are not willing to educate themselves about economics and how lower taxes actually increase tax income, we will see those who believe the lies that the demoncrats tell. Just like only the democrats can help the poor, they are only looking out for themselves.

  • 21


  • 3,405

    It is time to accomplish something. Get it all done today! Pass them all. Reassure our people that there is movement and our government people (that are paid huge salaries) are not just coming back from vacation to do nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 52
    Mary A

    We are so in debt! Our children, grandchildren and generations to come will be burdened with this debt. Our leadership seems to have no knowledge of math to balance a budget. This keeps me awake at night wondering when the nation we are in debt to takes over our land. We sold out our country due to the old leadership in our government, those over 65 should have retired years ago. In the business world no one works in their 80’s and 90’s. Power hungry people that only death takes them out of their position unless their district wises up and votes them out. You have no clue what’s going on with the people of your districts because it’s all about your needs. Yes, I am frustrated. Our country has NO vision and without a vision the people perish.

  • 389

    Too much of the $3.5 trillion is being wasted or spent on unnecessary projects whose only goal is to pad the pockets of your political friends. Anyone voting to spend this much money needs to be put out of office.

  • 27.8k

    I can’t post a second comment to the transparency issue so I’m putting it here: A response to Melissa's opinion on the issue of "Transparent Accounting": "Yep. If you ask your parents got money, you have to explain why. How is this any different?" LOL! I like your response. But…. I dont know about you (😇) but when I (😈) was a teen and I asked my *parents* for money for movie tickets, soda and popcorn, sometimes, not always, it went into the beer pool or booze pool. Sometimes we partied in a park, sometimes at one of our friend's home. Again, we need checks and balances, not a centralized, unified system of forms, we need to strongly support our system of Inspector Generals, and we need to put people of integrity & wisdom in charge of things.

  • 8,471

    Joe Biden - Let me say this loud and clear: If you are one of the millions of Americans who have said that you will get the shot when it had full FDA approval — that has now happened. The moment you have been waiting for is here — and the time to get vaccinated is today.

  • 2,915

    @Leslie: I guess you don't feel that the safety of the Americans in Afghannistan count when it comes to the prioritization of US needs. SAD!!!

  • 458

    Fingers crossed they can get it passed.

  • 8,497

    Biden for president, oh that’s right, he is president by both popular and electoral vote, not just by the electoral college 😃👍😂😁 The only way republicans win is by electoral college, not the popular vote. You ever wonder why?

  • 989


  • 7,796

    The Election should not EVER be driven by the Federal Govt. THIS IS GOVERNMENT OVER REACH and will likely continue to be fraudulent. I do not trust ANY GOVT OFFICIAL! They are not listening to the people. The Infrastructure is ALL PET PROJECTS! I am sick of Pelosi and her entourage USING TAX PAYERS MONEY to line their pockets and feed funds to the wealthy. From what I understand, America has a decent ranking amongst other countries regarding infrastructure. I do agree with making sure ALL AMERICANS have decent drinking water. Right now we have more DIRE NEEDS like saving AMERICANS IN AFGHANISTAN! We should be calling for Biden-Harris resignation! These actors threw more money away on POOR JUDGEMENTS. First we take in millions of SA immigrants who have Covid and God knows what other diseases, then they shut down the country and economy, then they continue to pay people to stay home, now we are relying on other military personnel from other countries to save our own citizens Ina foreign country! Enough is enough! We can not keep spending without a plan to pay back. Ohhh that’s right, they are going to give the upper elite a tax break (SALT)! So who will be paying? THE MIDDLE CLASS AMERICANS! What is wrong with these legislators? Are you ALL CORRUPT?

  • 262

    We have a crisis on the US borders we have a crisis in Afghanistan why are we so hard working to get this 3.5 trillion swamp money pass. Why is it that Amnesty for millions of illegals is Tucktaway in this Bill I recommend did the House and the Senate read page 4 page and televize itOn live television to the American people and we see what a joke does Bill is.

  • 75

    Too much Liberal pork. Deficit is high. Inflation is high.

  • 60

    Way to much will be going into personal accounts of our #Corrupt Politicians, I’m Conservative, however very anti-Corruption! Whether it’s #Rhino, Republicans, or #Dirty Democrats, it has to #STOP! How they keep getting away with it, it’s astonishing, but when the Corruption even effects our @USJusticeDEPT, just consider @HunterBiden, investigating #Taxes, for how many yrs now, this Corruption is #Destroying , everything we ever #Stood for! It’s a shame anymore, I will never allow my #Children, to look up to these #DirtyPeople, and they know who they are, and so does everyone else! America is being #Destroyed, because we’re #Destroying her! We must figure out away to hold the #Thieve’ #Accountable, until #We do, it’s only going to get #Worse!#MAGA,#ImpeachJoeBidenChinaCCPCrimes,#CE!