Third Vaccine Dose Recommended for Immunocompromised People - Will You Get One?

Are you planning to get a third dose of COVID-19 vaccine?

  • 92

    When every other vaccine in the history of mankind took 15-30 years to fully develop and deploy, why would anyone believe or trust a product that was developed in less than 1 year. When people have to be reminded 247 that there is an ongoing pandemic. When people have to be advertised constantly for the benefits of the vaccines When people have to be silenced and professional voices are suppressed for publishing information as it is their 1st amendment rights. This was never about containing a viral pandemic. This is always about control of the people and oppression.

  • 21

    With the constant forced censorship by this fraudulent Government, Big Tech and Bill Gates being financially involved in both the testing and vaccine development, I dont trust ANYTHING. Bill Gates and Soros himself wanted to reduce the population using Vaccines. So why would I want to touch ANYTHING that they touch.

  • 226

    As soon as I qualify. I do not want to endanger my fellow citizens. It is the patriotic thing to do.

  • 254

    I am dissatisfied with my Florida lawmakers. Covid is at an all time high in our state and none of you say anything. I will remember this when I vote in this state!!

  • 2,468

    Yes, I will get the booster shot as soon as it is available for me. I believe in science and I trust the CDC guidance. Yes, it’s your right to choose not to get the booster shot or any of the covid-19 vaccine shots. Just remember that there are consequences for your decisions. You have the right to drive through the stop signs or red lights, but the government has the right to fine/arrest you for violating those traffic laws. You choose, and you own the responsibility if an accident occurs. Perhaps you should be charged with deadly assault for spitting at /on someone; it’s our right to be protected from stupid anti-vaccers or anyone else who would do that…..

  • 41.9k

    verymary: I am so sorry to hear about your grandson. I pray for his speedy complete recovery. There is another disease plaguing our country; The pandemic of ‘me-first’ people who greedily cannot be bothered with the common good. … … … They are the ones who argue ‘masks do not protect me’ so why should I wear them. They are the ones that are keeping the Covid pandemic healthy and spreading. They are the ones blocking legislation that enables everyone to have an equal opportunity to succeed, to live, thrive and survive. They are the politicians who put their own self-interests, their political party’s interests, their benefactor’s interests and even their constituent’s interests before the country’s interests and their elected duty to serve the country. They are the political dirty tricksters who find unethical and immoral means to sway elections for personal profit. They are the industrial giants who feel that preserving their cash flow entitles them to buy political favor or dodge regulations. They are the Investment Bankers that feel that if some tactic is not specifically illegal it is OK to satiate their greed no matter how immoral, unethical or economically destructive it may be. It is the right wing media that intentionally deals with tailored disinformation and ‘alternate facts’ to profit by feeding the primal fears of their misguided audience. … … … I am not quite sure where, why and how the ‘me-first’ mentality of much our country came from, but I can clearly see a need for for more on an ‘us-first’ perspective. Our country’s exposure to Covid would have long-ago been greatly reduced if not thwarted by the greed of the me-first’ crowd. … … … Perhaps the ever increasing impact of the Climate Crisis will force more of us to see the need to work together with a common cause based upon a common set of quantifiable actual facts so we have a common basis from which to discuss and compare needs - In lieu of the fantasy land world-view based on the ‘alternate facts’ that the ‘me-first’ crowd wants to use as a basis to convince the public that their ‘alternate universe’ is somehow real.

  • 3,039

    @Louise. Your love and connection with your sister sounds very special. So sorry for your loss. Her spirit is still very much alive through you. It comes through in your memories and she will always be in your heart. You were lucky to have such a special relationship

  • 665

    Our son Joey has COVID. He got the vaccine as soon as he possibly could, wears a mask in public, has been working from home all these many months, yet he's been miserably sick this past week and is quarantined in the basement of his house. I'm upset and anxious first, but waiting impatiently behind those very predictable emotions is my anger at the people who refuse to be vaccinated because "this is a free country, and I can do whatever I want to." Well, no! You can't! When your freedom encroaches on other people's freedoms, on their rights to be healthy and even to live, you need to return to the dictionary and find a legitimate definition of "freedom." Joey seems to be on the mend, thank goodness, but, like many thousands of other unlucky folks (including now our friend Jennifer), he never should've been sick. Just get the shot.

  • 25.9k

    @jimK opined: "There is another disease plaguing our country; The pandemic of ‘me-first’ people who greedily cannot be bothered with the common good." … "I am nor quite sure where, why and how the ‘me-first’ mentality of much our country came from, but I can clearly see a need for for more on an ‘us-first’ perspective. Our country’s exposure to Covid would have long-ago been greatly reduced if not thwarted by the greed of the me-first’ crowd. " @jimk, I think the seed of self-centeredness is in each one of us. It is some function of the drive to survive. However, it seems to me the epidemic of this current trend of selfishness and narcissism began to flourish in our mainstream culture in the 1980s e.g.. It was memorialized in Oliver Stone's 1987 movie "Wall Street." Recall the cultural echoes of character Gordon Gekko's "Greed is Good." I once had an ongoing discussion with a friend who believed that kindness, friendliness, compassion and generosity should not be cultivated because they could never be genuine. Such acts would be fake. He believed there was always self interest. I argued that such characteristics could and should be cultivated. I further argued that the Golden Rule* developed independently around the world for good reason and that from time to time truly selfless acts would indeed emerge. But, I acknowledged that such deeds may not be pure but that it didn't matter. For example my wearing a mask helps protect me and others and vice versa. It doesn't matter that my intent is not purely selfless. *The Golden Rule The Principle of treating others as oneself would wish to be treated, found in most religions and cultures See also the 2009 eassay, "Me, me, me! America’s ‘Narcissism Epidemic’" **** I'm sure there're many substantial sociological examinations with plenty of insights regarding this matter. Kind of makes me miss the late 1960s. 🥲 ☮️✌🏻🕊🌻 ###

  • 771

    I am playing the odds and my odds are better Vaccinated than not. I have never stopped wearing my mask in a public space with a lot of people. I don't want to die because I was too lazy to wear a mask and I don't want to put others in danger either.

  • 679

    If a third dose is recommended then I will happily go and get one! As for the needlessly unvaccinated I’ve found myself in turmoil. I have an unvaccinated relative with a severe case of Covid in the hospital fighting for her life. I am both mad at at her and praying for her to recover as she is a much loved family member. Her parents and the rest of the family are vaccinated so we’re all having these conflicting emotions. It’s not easy.

  • 132

    For now, I’m treating COVID like a flu virus. I get a flu shot every year. If I need to get a COVID shot every year, I’ll be first in line!

  • 255

    Yes, if I was in this category I would. To do otherwise is just ignorant.

  • 47


  • 150

    Absolutely! I am a first responder, I care for my elderly Mom and I have to do all I can to remain healthy.

  • 276

    I have Antibodies and still got the two shots.. we have two in our household that are indirect contact with Covid positive patients in the hospitals. Hell yes I’m getting a shot nothing init will hurt you. You need a bio chemistry person OR SCIENTIST explaining the shot it so makes more sense. They know what they are talking about and more would get a shot once the seen the evidence on this matter. MRGO

  • 61

    This booster will protect me from the Delta variant, and I choose to stay covid free and protect those around me. Period. It’s my civic duty to be vaccinated fully

  • 2,427

    Oh, John, good ones from you, also! 😊❤️😊 To me, what they’re doing is mass murder. May every one of them be charged with murder. If there was still “justice for all ” in America, they would be!

  • 741

    Conservative talk show host Phil Valentine dies after battle with Covid-19 - Their own stupidity and following pandering leaders who are only using them to keep their power like trump and like the governor of Florida and the governor of Georgia and the governor of Texas it’s all the same bullshit they all have vaccines and they tell everyone not to get one and they’re dying. Republican party will be decimated by deaths.

  • 122

    The GOP-Q Republican Party Trump Puppets must STOP covid nonsence, and save American lives not kill them.