SAP Joins and Other Partners in Effort to Support Clean Oceans Campaign

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  • 162

    Let’s end single use plastic - prevention is way better than cure. And start regulating damn fishing nets

  • 44.8k

    Off Topic, but further scary impacts of Human Impact on weather none the less..... "Rain fell at the normally snowy summit of Greenland for the first time on record" ...

  • 303

    I don’t have any money that I can donate to anything, just take a look at how everything is going up in America. When you are on a fixed income retired you don’t get any raises. There’s no consideration for retirees.

  • 303

    I will not donate to anything or anybody. I don’t have the money to do that. Look at the price of gas, our groceries have more than almost tripled in price. Medication that we need are going up, where do you think we’re going to get the money we’re not growing it on trees, where is our government getting all the money, for all the things this arrogant president has signed. And you all know what I’m talking about. Where is he going to get all the money from borrow it from China. He is putting our country deeper and deeper into debt every day. Where are the Democrats where are the Republicans, are you Stupid like this president. Why aren’t the Democrats and the Republicans fighting the things that he is trying to do. This president can’t even answer questions from the news media he just about runs off the stage. After reading what has been written for him to say. Does anyone have to guess who’s doing it for him? I don’t think so