‘Moral and Operational Failure’: Biden White House Under Assault on Afghanistan Drawdown

How do you feel about the Afghanistan drawdown?

  • 592

    Check out the new docuseries, “Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror” on Netflix. It is an expansive and detailed historical study about HOW & WHY we got to 9/11, with an almost complete history of WHEN & WHY Afghanistan became a focal point for the American government and the American people. This 5 episode series explains so much and in such detail, afterwards you’ll know EXACTLY WHY we left Afghanistan, and WHY we should have left much sooner than August of 2021! It’s ALL there. And it’s ALL the TRUTH! The main idea I got out of it is this: Never go to war without a clear exit strategy that leaves the invaded country better than you found it. NOT doing so will be catastrophic!

  • 81

    much more light should be shown on the terrible moves of theTrump administration. they stopped SIVisas and negatively impacted Afghanistan withdrawals.

  • 219

    While I agree with Biden’s decision to withdraw US troops from Afghanistan, I am flabbergasted at the lack of preparation from his administration. They had months to move Americans, Afghans who helped the US military, and Afghan refugees out of the country, but instead they wanted until weeks before the deadline and that has left the fate of millions in a dangerous, unknown situation.

  • 41.9k

    Our efforts to rebuild Afghanistan failed for several reasons. … … … First, look at how otherwise ethical companies go bankrupt: they have invested so much to attain some goal that they invest more to protect whatever progress they have made, hoping for some ‘success’ on the horizon - instead of cutting their losses and walking away before they lose all of their capital and are carrying unsustainable debt. This is very similar to our investment of $2 Trillion and 2000 American lives in pursuit of a goal never likely to obtained - like we also did in Viet Nam. … … … Second, our political leaders do not generally understand non-European cultural norms or values and expect others to be motivated by our euro-centric values. In a meeting with some engineers one day for reasons I cannot recall, a casual question came up with regarding someone with a choice of either saving their parents or their children. The naturalized Iranian engineer and father promptly replied that he would save his parents since they are the only ones that he had and he could always have more children. It kind of shocked me until I realized that his values and mine are just different; And, as I may have improperly presumed, his comments were based on cultural norms different than ours. Our country has generally made incorrect presumptions about non-euro-centric cultures and people’s motivations based on ours. We did so in Viet Nam. I remember when the government successfully assured our country that no individual would manually delver a nuclear bomb, because the would be committing suicide WRONG. … … … Third, we left behind a well ‘war-fighting’ trained Afghan military that was ill-prepared to do all of the other things it takes to fight a war: develop workable tactical and strategic plans, coordinate troop deployment, manage the logistics of getting things and people where and when they are needed, and able to maintain and repair the sophisticated military equipment we left behind for them. It does not matter how well someone can pilot a warplane if there is no one able to keep it flight ready. The Taliban, with many years of experience in doing all of those things for themselves, executed a well planned, well timed, strategic and coordinated nearly bloodless assault. … … … Finally, the Taliban have a cause that they are willing to fight to the death for: to spread their version of Islam to the world and do what they believe to be the will of Allah. Afghan forces had no coordination, no plan, a corrupt government that they were not happy with and no real cause to fight for. … … … Like Viet Nam, this mistake was carried over from both political parties for way too long for many of the reasons above and our hubris in assuming that other cultures are all motivated by our values instead of their own. It is and has been the right thing to leave. … … … I have advocated keeping a minimal military presence in Afghanistan to get those people that we promised sanctuary safely out of the country and the I feel Biden dropped the ball by letting arguments between the State Department and Homeland security go on for too long, over providing a processing sanctuary in American territories because evacuees would then be subject to American laws. … … … Just think about how horrific that is. Some bureaucrats wanted to deny justice for allies based on American law. If out legal system is as good as we claim it is, why would we accept any other standard for any of the people to whom we promised sanctuary? It would make our job a little more difficult to separate those who might be masquerading from those who or not. But a commitment and a promise was made. Biden should have called for a quick resolution instead of letting the debate carry-on. I am concerned that many to whom we owe sanctuary will be left behind or executed because of some asshole bureaucrats.

  • 41.9k

    You know we invested $2 Trillion in rebuilding Afghanistan and sacrificed 2000 American lives to get Afghanistan a functional governance. I suspect that Afghanistan’s geographic proximity to Russia and China may have influenced our decision. $2 Trillion is a fairly ls fairly large investment in the Afghan people’s future yet their lives, security and personal affluence have improved very little. How could any more time, money or American military invested in a continually corrupt kleptocratic governance be expected to make any more difference? … … … We needed to to leave. We should have left after al Qaeda was dealt with, as originally planned. We could well have left a small contingent force to look after terrorist groups but never should have become involved in trying to makeover another government, engage in their civil war or tie up our military with never ending ‘police state’ missions.

  • 583

    The Afghans had 20 years to make a go of it with the help of the U.S. Obviously, they did not want to. We were long over due, for leaving there. We could be there another 20 years and the outcome would be the same.

  • 3,700

    This outcome was inevitable. Those who try to blame the Biden administration for it are puppets of the American Taliban and are easily swayed racist Nazis who wanted to keep Muslims out and are guilty of their murder now.

  • 41.9k

    There is an old joke: ‘How many psychiatrists does it change a lightbulb?’ The answer is: Only one, but the lightbulb has to really want to change. … … … Now ask the question: ‘How many countries are needed to change the government of another country?’. Same answer.

  • 3,563

    Had to be done No matter how this was never going to be ‘pretty’ or convenient You cannot end conflict or draw down by shooting everything up on your way out This ain’t a John Wayne flick Many of the terms had already been negotiated under dumbkopf by dumbshits khalilzad & pompeo China Pakistan Russia were in on the game enabling and guiding the talibs They did not become smart overnight able to pull off a blitzkrieg So before sensationalizing and blaming the people who took the last step, if you have half a brain start from the beginning and you will find plenty of blame to pass around Who Started it Prolonged it Changed the mission from obliterating osama to nation building Gave millions to warlords Gave billions to karzai $55,000 per every afghan man woman child spent Inflated costs on everything Negotiated closure knowingly building in booby traps for the next admin And more! Use your faculties people Don’t be scatterbrained and shallow in your criticism Someone had to end this chapter and if there are so many smart people out there where were they all this time?

  • 69

    Had a smile been offered, I would have chosen it. No withdrawal means indefinite occupation, which no one wants to say aloud, but that's the other option. No one gave a damn about these people a week ago even though during our occupation, thousands of civilians killed, hundreds of soldiers died every year (not including Afghan soldiers) and thousands wounded every year. We've spent over $2 trillion. I don't like the scenes as well but question why your seeing more pictures/video in the last week then you've seen over the past 20 years. It's total propaganda. There is not a clean and neat exit to a war... it's a war. Fact is... we should have never gone. We have rising homelessness, an eviction crisis (millions on the brink), healthcare crisis (thousands of deaths yearly), etc - I would LOVE it if the corporate media showed those issues daily and maybe people would care more. Very selective in what us to be outraged about.

  • 1,696

    Apparently we were babysitting because they probably assumed we'd be there forever fighting for them. They never took the training we provided seriously. Their president, military, police and security fled!?! Seriously...what did everyone think would happen? You had a government that didn't care about its own people. It's very sad to watch people running and hanging on to our plane. Their government failed them...not us. Once we achieved getting Osama Bin Laden that should have been it. But instead we spent how much? We lost how many? We have how many injured warriors? Twenty years we helped build roads and buildings...their infrastructure! Meanwhile our infrastructure has gone to shit! Our country has gone without because too much money and bodies were over there instead of here. Technically just like Vietnam...soldiers fought in vein. There was no end goal here. We can't fix what's broken elsewhere when our own country needs fixing! Sure it's heartbreaking to see what was inevitable. Sure we need to bring the ones home who helped us. There's no time to waist! I don't believe what the Taliban have stated either. "We won't interfere with the evacuation process." If that's so true then why have they been going door to door hunting down people? Why are they taking children and women? Apparently the Taliban army has grown exponentially under everyone's noses for them to be able to swiftly take over as they've done with such ease. Their way of life is different from ours and we can't do anything about that. Would you want that to happen here? I didn't think so.

  • 674

    We failed to understand the culture of the Middle East We failed to have an open and full disclosure of how our money was being spent The Afghan people failed to fight for themselves Enough blame to go around and it goes back to the Carter administration

  • 507

    Anyone who was there knew this was going to happen. Everyone else should have known this too, and if they say they didn’t, they were lying to themselves or were being lied to.

  • 377

    I was all for leaving Afghanistan long ago UNDER THE RIGHT CIRCUMSTANCES that honored the sacrifices made and prevented the return of a terrorist government. Mr. Trump had a plan to do that which I supported. That is not what this administration is doing. We have capitulated with unconditional surrender and are running with our tail tucked between our legs while leaving the Afghan people to unimaginable horrors. That is the worst of it initially, but then it also sends a horrific message to the world that we will not fight and cannot be depended on. If I was China, I would be pushing the buttons on invading Taiwan pronto with the USA in retreat and a diminished presence in the South China Sea area. Shame. And the costs of this are incalculable. What is wrong with this country?!

  • 2,934

    It is time especially since the Afghan Army is a bust.

  • 870

    We needed to go. We should never have attempted to "Americanize" Afghanistan. We should have used special operation troops to take out Bin Laden and stayed out of the Afghan mess. Russia tried before us and had no more luck just like the French tried in Vietnam before us. We are slow learners. We should spend our resources on our own people and set an example that others want to emulate.

  • 718

    The number of US personnel in Afghanistan was minimal. They weren’t there to fight. Their presence was for training purposes and air support. Biden is so egotistical, HE made this on his own. REMOVE HIM FROM OFFICE, NOW!

  • 565

    If the American government had known that the Afghan military was going to roll out the red carpet for the Taliban, then I am sure this drawdown would have been handled differently. TRUMP STARTED THIS!!!! It's not fair to blame Biden for what is happening now. IT IS THE AFGHAN MILITARY/GOVERNMENT'S FAULT. Even the God Damn President ran in cowardice. They had 20 YEARS to get their act together. They deserve what is happening now.

  • 409


  • 277

    We have clowns in the White House. It didn't have to end this way. He needs to be impeached.