Civic Register
| 8.13.21

Apprehensions at the Southern Border Reached a 21-Year High in July
Are you concerned about rising numbers of illegal border crossings?
What’s the story?
- U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) on Thursday released its operational statistics for the month of July, which was the fifth consecutive month in which apprehensions of people attempting to enter the country illegally continued at the highest level in 21 years.
- CBP apprehended 212,672 unauthorized immigrants at the Southern border in July, the most apprehensions in a single month since March 2000 when there were 220,063 apprehensions.
- The number of border apprehensions in July was an increase from 188,829 in June; 180,034 in May; 178,854 in April; and 173,337 in March. It is the only five-month period dating back to at least fiscal year 2000 in which CBP enforcement actions exceeded 170,000 each month.
- The month of July pushed the number of CBP enforcement actions at the Southern border to 1,331,822 for FY2021 to date (with two months remaining in the fiscal year). That figure already exceeds the 977,509 apprehensions in FY2019.
- The number of unaccompanied minors apprehended on the Southern border in July was 18,962 ― which surpasses the previous record of 18,890 set in March of this year.
- The CBP chart below compares the total number of monthly border apprehensions from the last three fiscal years to the current year, which has been higher than the preceding years in each of the nine months of the fiscal year to date (FY2021 runs from October 1, 2020, to September 30, 2021):
- According to CBP’s latest figures for the Southern border, the agency has conducted life-saving search and rescue efforts 10,275 times in the nine months of FY2021 to date ― more than the past two full fiscal years combined (4,920 in FY2019 and 5,071 in FY2020). In July, CBP conducted 1,083 life-saving search and rescue efforts.
- Southern Border Apprehensions Continued to Rise in June, Now Exceed 1 Million for Fiscal Year 2021 (7/16/21)
- Southern Border Apprehensions Remained at Historic Levels in May - Are You Concerned About Border Security? (6/11/21)
- Border Apprehensions Continued at Historic Pace in April (5/13/21)
- CBP Projects Record Number of Unaccompanied Minors to be Apprehended Crossing the Border in Fiscal Year 2021 (4/2/21)
- Southwest Border Apprehensions Approaching Record Levels Amid Migration Surge (3/19/21)
— Eric Revell
(Photo Credit: Customs and Border Protection Office of Public Affairs photo by Mani Albrecht via Flickr / Public Domain)
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I could give a hoot about the border, we have much bigger problems. The Planet is crying out for help, the US is on the brink of losing our republic to fascists, religious zealots' and oligarchs. We are watching in real time women's rights being stripped away by the crazies. 40% of the American people do not believe in science and are trying to kill the other 60% because they don't give a hoot about anyone other then themselves. This Border stuff is peanuts compared to other problems.
I could give a hoot about the border, we have much bigger problems. The Planet is crying out for help, the US is on the brink of losing our republic to fascists, religious zealots' and oligarchs. We are watching in real time women's rights being stripped away by the crazies. 40% of the American people do not believe in science and are trying to kill the other 60% because they don't give a hoot about anyone other then themselves. This Border stuff is peanuts compared to other problems.
Why worry? They seem to be apprehended…. Maybe concentrate on why their fleeing. Our “war” on drugs and on communism that had Republican presidents arming anyone and everyone south of the border….
It's almost like we should have a Southern border wall or something. I seem to remember some orange-colored asshole talking about building a wall, and even building large sections of it with nothing but opposition from those that didn't like him for myriad reasons. The warm bowl of pudding POTUS we have now immediately stopped all progress on that wall and instead made a multi-faceted approach to increasing gun control for law abiding citizens a priority instead. Because feelings. But hey, 81 quintillion people voted for him so let the people's voice be heard.
I'm concerned, but not panicky. The fact that the number of apprehensions is greater could be that law enforcement is simply doing a good job.
Once illegal immigrants or expired Visa holder's are in the US for some reason we feel compelled to take care of them which may be why they may take the chance. We have so many humanitarian organizations they can survive here if you want to. Immigration laws need a reboot that is clear, concise and enforceable .
Here are the daily figures for Coronavirus since January 20th at noontime to present 208 days. Cases 12842,707 new cases yesterday 214,661. Deaths 358,878 new deaths yesterday 1,235. Yet Comrade dear leader Beijing Biden leaves our border open for illegal aliens to cross without quarantine or testing. In Jul 225,000 crossed.
How can our government allow and encourage the resultant crime, health, & budget implications of this absolutely insane Biden open border policy while ignoring the existing laws of our country?!
I fail to understand why we want an open southern border, and previously wanted to accept all the Syrian refugees. Yet our leaders tell Cubans not to come here and drag their feet on getting Afghans that worked for us out of there where they are under a real threat and more likely to be loyal to their new land here - could the motivation be political based on which party they think they'd vote for once eligible?
need to be stop let them stay in mexco
It is not fair to the people already in this country that have needs and those who pay to have those needs met to have virtually unrestricted illegal immigration across the southern border. It is just common sense.
Speed up the process at the border for entry. Help the countries from where these people are fleeing.
What's really happening and who's immigrating?
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If they would also include the numbers coming in from the northern borders then maybe. As it stands now no I am not!!
I am very disappointed in Biden's administration as he lets in thousands the illegal immigrants do you have Covid. And people are released into public without any think being none. What a screw-up.
With democRATs in charge, it will only get worse, not better. Every illegal alien crossing the border represents a vote for them. Treason is an understatement to describe the actions ot the democRATic party. Karma doesn't discriminate. Anybody in favor of illegal immigration will either become a victim of an illegal, or somebody they love will either by a violent crime or passing a deadly disease to that traitor liberal or one of their loved ones. I don't know why the democRATs are looking for all these illegal votes, now that they have proven how easy it is to steal an election.
We need to be concerned about the numbers of illegal immigrants. Because of the reasons WHY they are seeking refuge. Weather, drought, famine, corruption. Three out of four are due to climate change. How do we help and take responsibility for our part in cleaning up our planet, and in turn, helping all these people who are suffering. We NEED the immigrants, just not an uncontrolled flow. And, immigration is expensive, long, convoluted and demeaning.
These are climate refugees whether they really want to admit it or not.
Strange behavior for our Bolshevik Progressive Demorats. After all are the borders open in Communist Russia, CCP, DPRK, Iran?