What is Budget Reconciliation?

Do you support or oppose the budget reconciliation process?

  • 78

    If the Democrats want to pass it they can do it on their own.

  • 255

    Budget reconciliation is stupid and so is the 60 vote rule. Whatever happened to majority rules. Oh, I forgot we don't do that even in the presidential election.

  • 340

    This is a Republic....not a Pure Democracy. Please protect the minority interests of US Citizens.

  • 210

    I am a little concerned about all theses changes to social security as we are all mostly going to retire one day and need the support and the disabled cannot support as well for themselves. I remember how bad my grandparents had it and they were really good people who didn't deserve there last days on earth being so difficult after all they have done for others. BUT it only works right when there is a completely equal chance of things with a 50 to 51 to pass a law ruling

  • 228

    it seems a way to circumvent the intent of getting congress to work together and instead go down party lines to force whichever party is in control to get their way. Its getting so, with gridlock, that possibly the only way our govt can work would be do away with elections and just rotate every 4 years giving one party then the other full control... :(

  • 9,166

    ALL AMERICANS WILL BENEFIT FROM IT'S USE NOW! UNliKE when the gop used it to pass more wealth to the wealthy and corporations in their tax bill!!!!!!!

  • 1,039

    I would like Congress to return to a department by department funding. Going each of the Federal Agencies scrutiny. This bundling approach creates a lack of oversight and supports unnecessary spending. Oppose the reconciliation!

  • 377

    The reconciliation process is just an excuse for those marginally in power to push through their agenda over the objections of a large minority. All too often a 51% majority trample the other 49%. That is simply not right regardless of who is in which camp. If there is not a significant majority is support of a policy, then it should be tabled until significant support is built rather than just running over fellow citizens with positions that deserve respect and consideration and who just might be right.

  • 28
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  • 1,023

    Absolutely!! Especially since we are dealing with a bunch of crooked, corporate sponsored Congressmen and women. Who could give a rats ass about their constituents

  • 947

    Any Congress person who supports reconciliation is a traitor to the people who voted for them.

  • 3,770

    It's a better way to overcome the gridlock of a two-party system than those filibusters.

  • 372

    I support the budget reconciliation. It's the only way to get things done. The Republicans are obstructing everything. We either have to use the Reconciliation or get rid of the filibuster. We need everything that is in this bill. As well as the John Lewis voting rights bill & S1.

  • 372

    I support the budget reconciliation. It's the only way to get things done. The Republicans are obstructing everything. We either have to use the Reconciliation or get rid of the filibuster. We need everything that is in this bill. As well as the John Lewis voting rights bill & S1.

  • 1,820

    The police beating terrorist party has made it clear throughout the past 4 or 5 decades that the only interest they have is in cutting taxes for the rich and corporations rather than supporting any policies that help middle and lower class populations. Families used to be able to thrive with one income now they try to just survive on two parents working. The system has been rigged by right wing policies that benefit only the donors of the corrupt politicians.

  • 148

    The reconciliation process, originally intended to keep the Congressional budget process from becoming bog down, is now being employed by the Democrats as a partisan sledgehammer. Many Democrats want to illuminate the filibuster rule in the Senate because it interferes with their desire for one-party rule. Perhaps it is the reconciliation process that we should be illuminating to prevent one-party rule. In his inaugural speech, Biden pledged to unify the country. Apparently, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer did not get the memo.

  • 91

    I'm tired of these legislative shortcuts. Work together to get it right the first time! You should ALL be booted out of office. We need term limits!

  • 2,567

    Republicans are unwilling and unable to participate in governance in our country. Therefore, Democrats will have to go it alone in order to work for the American people. If budget reconciliation is what it takes, then so be it. I am sick of the Republicans carping and whining and doing nothing.

  • 184

    When obstructions are the main focus of the Republican party, There is no other way. Obstructionism is NOT a policy.

  • 1,877

    The budget is supported by both democrat and Republican voters