Senate Considers Amendments to Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

How do you feel about the Senate’s amendment votes to the bipartisan infrastructure package?

  • 706

    Interesting to read how many comments focus on the government giving the people something. Congratulations, you are officially a socialist, possibly a communist. It feels good for now getting all the freebies while you sit on your ass but you should investigate the history of this societal direction. Ultimately, you will end up with less, only the bare essentials and that's a maybe, as the ruling class takes everything else from you. So sad the indoctrination of so many of you by the flawed public school system that failed to teach civics and other basics, instead focusing on social issues while growing their pension plans. Sick.

  • 3,405

    It looks pretty good until you read all the pollutions stuff added on to it. Must be they don't figure this earth is going to last another 10 years with what the republicans want added to it. I thought part of the purpose of this was to cut down on our destruction of the Earth. Employ new all clean energy types of building materials heating/cooling systems etc. You better go over those added recommendations with a fine toothed comb.

  • 377

    Kind of a dumb question isn't it? It is their job to formulate legislation and the amendment process is part of that. Duh. I just hope they are able to cut out as much of the crud in there as possible. The last thing we need right now is more stimulus. REAL infrastructure we need although it could be argued this is a bad time given the speeding economy and burgeoning debt.

  • 148

    This is how the legislative process is supposed to work!

  • 3,405

    I think that they need to hurry and I've read that the Republican wing doesn't feel like hurrying.

  • 1,714

    Stop trying to negotiate with terrorists. Just get passed what we need to pass and keep moving. The gop is not exactly subtle. They want power at all costs. Making joe look like a failure is their primary goal. They don’t care how many people die. The more, the merrier for them. They desperately want more people to die under this administration than under Dolt 45. Fox won’t let you in their building if you haven’t been vaccinated, but they don’t want YOU to get vaccinated. All the republicans pushing back against common sense? All vaccinated. I kept wondering why they were trying to kill their own voters? Then I saw the light. They don’t matter. No one matters. That’s why they are trying to pass the anti voter laws they are pushing. Voters won’t matter. They don’t want anyone to vote. They just want to take over. It terrifies me that my children are having children. They have no future. None of us do. Not even them. Because they are so busy trying to destroy us, that they will destroy themselves in the process. Too power hungry to live in any sort or reality at all. The only actual silver lining, is that they will destroy themselves. Forgive me, I’m looking at my beautiful grandson and I’m hostile as hell.

  • 1,221

    You have lost Your collective minds. We backed You after You allowed Obamacare to pass, and then on Your failed provinces to repeal (you cannot replace a socialist plan that with another socialist plan) it. Stop the communist takeover of Our Exceptional Nation now. If You can't act decisively prior to the next election voting for You will be useless.

  • 2,934

    Not as big as I wanted but this is a big step. With this divided Congress a very big step.

  • 1,017

    The bipartisan bill has expanded past the good idea category into boondoggle category. Trim it back by $300,000,000. Remove the California Standards measures, eliminate any Federal role for community water standards. Go back to Roads, Bridges, Airports, and ports Do not pass the bill in current form.

  • 310

    The dems will screw the republicans and see that none of their amendments get passed.

  • 446

    Congress needs to reject this infrastructure bill because it’s full of pork and Marxist policies. Vote no on this horrific bill!

  • 106

    Cryptocurrency tokens are not securities. Failing to exempt key components of the blockchain infrastructure would be a punishment to innovation. Carve out necessary exemptions for stateside miners, software developers and DeFi exchanges, unless you are in bed with the banks and don't want crypto to succeed. Furthermore, the Barrasso amendment should pass #2180. There is no reason for infrastructure funds to be used to restrict the use of Natural Gas, its our abundant transitional fuel which paves our way into renewables, unless you're in bed with Big Coal.

  • 34

    As a Pennsylvania's resident and retiree living primarily on Social Security, my small IRA investment in stablecoin,interest bearing accounts at Gemini Trust and Blockfi are providing an meaningful $200/mo supplementation. Please don't pass onerous taxation on the crypto industry that will affect my wife and I. From what I read the Wyden-Lummis-Toomey amendment looks the most fair.

  • 872

    This is another “We need to pass it to see what’s in it” bill that the democrats are putting forward. I strongly hope that the conservatives in the senate stand with each other to defeat this bill. How much if the oil reserve does the bill suggest to sell in order to pay for the bill? How much of a tax increase is in the bill? How much more inflation will we be able to absorb? Are there “Shovel ready jobs” in this bill? Get it together, we can’t afford any more government spending!

  • 303

    They have way too much junk involved in this bill. I doubt that will influence anyone who is a Democrat. But I’m not a Democrat or Republican. I am an independent. And I think independently not on a party line. It’s way too Much money. This administration is spending money like he’s pouring water into a glass. In a structure does need to be done. And that’s all the bills should be for infrastructure and nothing more. Stop eating the junk.

  • 60

    Not to happy about the Republicans supporting this bill whatsoever! I know one thing next time #US, Conservative’ have all three (3) branches of our GOVT, we better start to advance our Policies or we’re going to be in serious trouble!#MAGA,#DT,#ImpeachJoeBidenChinaCCPCrimes,#CE

  • 3,697

    It needs more environmental protections.

  • 762

    kmK says it all. We know this ‘amendment’ process is what it is: delaying tactics for most part used that way by ‘Republicans’-(if they exist).

  • 41.9k

    What I am most concerned with is the never ending rope-a-dope tactics of the Republican Faction to propose endless amendments and debate for a bill which they ultimately will never pass. They, of course, will blame their sworn enemy, the Democratic Party for only agreeing to useful amendments. This has happened over and over again with the Republican Senate. Why would anyone expect anything different this time? It is all political theater designed to stop the Democratic Party from accomplishing their legislative agenda despite overwhelming support from their Republican non-radicalized constituents. They would rather not support what their constituents desire in an effort to discredit their opponents. Hell, until very recently, very few endorsed getting people vaccinated because they would rather sacrifice their own constituents in order to denigrate their political opponents. … … … Schumer needs to put a cap on the debate and actually force the Republican Faction to show their hand. This looks a lot like the almost two years wasted negotiating with Republican Senators for the affordable care act before a senior Republican, Grassley admitted that the Republican Faction would never vote for the Affordable Care Act, no matter how many concessions that Obama made. Also, a lot like the bipartisan commission proposed to address the Jan 6th insurrection that met each and every criteria demanded by Republican ‘leadership’ - only for the Republican Senate Faction vote to filibuster even debating it. Why does anyone expect anything different this time? … … … Finally, if the framer’s felt that any supermajority should be required to pass most legislation in the Senate instead of a democratic majority, why did they not make provisions for it in the Constitution as they did for certain very specific critical Senate votes? They made no specific provisions that allowed the filibuster to be used by a minority to overrule the will of the majority for general legislative actions. So, why would ‘originalists’ even tolerate the general use of the filibuster which runs counter to the farmer’s view of how a democratic republic should function? Isn’t the filibuster by it’s very nature, unconstitutional? … … … We do know that the framer’s were extremely concerned about political parties potential to become political factions, that would put their party’s well being above the well being of their country. Their fear has been realized by the Republican Faction’s abandonment of the rules and accepted norms which is the glue that holds the institutions of our democracy together; as well as their weaponizing of the constitutional protections afforded to the minority as a tool to overrule the will of the democratic majority. Our country will remain in perpetual gridlock as long as the one-and-done filibuster is permitted to be used as a tool to prevent progress. … … … This is the principal reason why our country continues to fall behind in almost all international metrics of the health and welfare of our youth, our people and the quality of our governance. We will continue this slide until the filibuster is eliminated or neutered and we stop worshipping the gods of trickle down economics - a gospel which has never worked but is still continually being spouted by the loudest big-money-funded megaphones from there pulpits.

  • 179

    No No No! Against this Bill. Start over too much Pork! Infraestructura like roads, bridges, road Stops rest areas, internet, Parks & Recreation Areas, Airports, etc. but NOT PORK ITEMS LIKE MUSEUMS and non essential Non department of transportation streets, roads, buddy business needs. Then budget is low for each year for each project. Must have background investigation for each one and must have complete date done ✅. No Pork No Business Buddies involvement. Budget each year. Oversight committee is volunteering person in Congress each committee is 50/50 no picking people no favorite buddy NO TERMS OVER 100 pages simple words and communication is updated every Month-Accountability on Spending Tools must be discounted and materials be MADE IN AMERICA BY AMERICANS VERIFIED.