100 Million Marine Mammals Are Killed Each Year by Plastic Waste - Tell Congress to Act

Tell your reps to save our seas

  • 55

    Our seas are dying. If the oceans die, we die. Our ecosystem is intricate and interconnected. We must save our seas and the animals in them if humans want to survive.

  • 103

    Save our Seas!!! We live in a area of the US that we know how important it is that we do something!! Let’s find a solution

  • 394

    I have reduced my plastic use as much as possible. I reuse plastic utensils. I refuse plastic bags. I no longer buy plastic clothes such as rayon and polyester. I almost never buy bottled water and soda. The government must stop approving new plastic plants and companies must stop using plastic and go back to reusable containers. My mantra is no plastic.

  • 8,911

    Tell corporations to stop using them. Tell them to stop packaging your food with them. This starts at the source. Tweet/write them. Vote with YOUR dollars, don’t try to just legislate the mess after the fact. That’s not how to make this work, but yes we need to clean the oceans. Because we have and are ruining them. Zero waste sounds hard and expensive, turns out it’s neither! The 5 R’s of zero waste, and only in this order, are: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle (and only as a last resort), and rot.

  • 148

    Please do.

  • 38

    Ban non-medical single use plastics and start funding programs to clean up plastic waste. Dealing with climate change needs to be a bigger part of our budget than Israeli military aid

  • 204

    Get the plastic out of the sea. Save our seas. Be aware of challenge and work for it.

  • 17.0k

    Reiterating. There’s NO planet 🌎 B. I’m old enough to remember rivers catching fire. We fixed that we can solve the plastic waste problem too. Well we used to be able to. 💀

  • 41.9k

    Plastics are cheap, broadly used for many things, relatively inert and natural processes will not readily degrade them. They won’t go away until they become more costly to use and more economical to collect and reprocess. Most of the dumped plastics making their way into the oceans come directly from the wealthier ‘consumer’ economies - which our country leads. For decades, we and other wealthy economies have shipped our plastic waste to poorer countries for disposal as a cheaper alternative to responsibly managing our own plastic waste. Much of our shipped waste has made it into the oceans from poorly managed dump sites in foreign countries. Our unregulated free market economy has led to much of the problem as dumping waste is cheaper than managing it. … … … The problem will not go away until there are economic incentives to develop biodegradable plastic or other forms of containment which can economically be disposed of or recycled, plastic derived textiles, disposable packaging, tools and construction materials. Chemically inert materials that are cheap to manufacture and can be dumped become an increasingly significant problem as the earth becomes more and more ‘finite’ and unable to store all of humanity’s refuse. … … … A very consequential example of this phenomenon required the world wide banning of Freon. Freon was widely used as a refrigerant, industrial foaming agent and spray can propellant; very inert and found in the atmosphere everywhere across the planet. NASA scientists fairly luckily found that Freon was creating an ‘ozone hole’ forming over the Antarctic, where the Freon was getting into the stratosphere and being degraded by chemically reacting with the ozone layer. The ozone layer protects the life on earth from the sun’s UV-C radiation and it’s depletion by Freon caused the ozone hole to form and to grow. The growing ozone hole was determined to be a threat to all surface life and required an urgent coordinated and concerted global effort to correct. Few people realized just how significant of a long-term threat that the ozone hole actually was. Neither do most people realize the potential long-term threats of micro-plastic residue found everywhere, including our food. … … … Ideally, we should only allow biodegradable plastics for packaging and limited use applications like plastic utensils and straws, shelf-life limited food packaging applications even textiles used for clothing on a longer time scale. I would think the only realistic exceptions would be for plastics used as part of permanent building materials where degradation could cause structural damage. … … … Sorry, but regulations, recycling incentives such as bottle deposits and low-degradability plastic use taxes seem to be the best near-term options to begin correcting the problem which we ourselves, have unwittingly contributed to cause.

  • 1,582

    This will continue until congress passes a law requiring all plastic items contain a certain amount of recycled plastic, I would recommend that in two years 20% then increase that by 5 percent every year till we are up to 60% ! That is the only way this is going to be solved! Find your backbone a d work together to get this done !

  • 240

    Plastic has become so toxic to the environment that it will render the earth unlivable because marine life is killed by it constantly and we will be living in an eternal garbage dump.

  • 78

    I am not denying there is plastic waste or garbage in our oceans and we need to be aware of the issue and minimize/eliminate the sources of the issue, but plastic is pretty much in every part of everyday life and it has been proven that plastic straws and plastic waste isn’t the major problem threatening the ecosystems and environment as much as overfishing and illegal fishing as shown in the Netflix program “Seaspiracy”. Please address this issue more than the Hollywood and political promoted plastic issue in order to represent real world issues and not just the “popular” ones as responsible legislators.

  • 219

    Congress needs to pass more legislation on plastic pollution and put pressure on the companies that create that plastic to have a recycling process.

  • 240

    I’m sure this is top priority for the sedition caucus 🙄 but at least I TRY to be human. You try it for once.

  • 33

    The overwhelming amount of plastic introduced into the Ocean comes from China, India, Nigeria, and Brazil. The U.S. is not even close.

  • 7,967

    This is a worldwide problem that will take leadership, collaboration and effort. Thank you Causes for educating us & offering solutions to this crisis. We can do our part with the choices we make every day. Small steps, like these, make a difference: Ditch the straw & drink from the glass…or buy a reusable straw. BYOBag! Stop using plastic grocery bags. Use your voice. Write to your representatives and to companies (using excessive packaging/who could use alternative packaging, encourage no plastic use.) Support projects & technologies that keep our oceans clean. You got this!!!!

  • 52

    I’ve seen other countries are looking into using recycled plastics to build roads. Not only do they help with our plastic problems, but are cheaper, easier to maintain, and have built in drainage for flooding. They’re also expected to have longer life spans.

  • 666

    This is an issue that requires as much personal responsibility as it does government action. If not more. Stop or decrease your use of plastic wherever possible. Examples. I no longer buy bottled water. I use a large Brita type filter and dispense clean cold water into an insulated “metal glass”. I use laundry detergent sheets that totally eliminates large plastic bottles. Reusable grocery bags. Avoid prepackaged produce. Buy in bulk. My plastic use has decreased tremendously. If we all did this we could really make a difference. Our lazy attitudes and love of convenience is destroying the planet. We have to drastically reduce or eliminate our consumption because recycling ranks right up there with unicorns and the tooth fairy.

  • 211

    P L A S T I C S C H E M I C A L S F U € # I N G O I L I N T H E O C E A N S ? ? You have got to be kidding me ! ! You Deep Sea Oil Drilling MOFO’S G O T T A B E K I D D I NG S W E E T L I T T L E ‘ O L M E ! ! S a y W H A ? ? B. Shut the flibbity flap up! No way! You tardfucks outta be Kiddin’ me. Say yes to Hemp and come on down Outta yur high. Hemp is 100% biodegradable and cleans Up the air, rids of your marijuana high plants Makes money fer all Replenishes the soil Recarbonates the soils Feeds the people, the planet, the pocketbooks, put protein in Harry’s plums, Gets his Dick harder n hell, makes her look, Purty, n gives the baby something to suck on rather than big booty Judy's boobies and somthin' less to bitchabout. I say grow HEMP IT REPLACES ALL PLASTICS, gives ya something’ to write about in here. I’m all fer Hemp yall You might wanna read up on it

  • 1,696

    We need to go back to glass bottles and jars...period. No more one time use anything! We have to stop buying what is all over the roadsides and in the water. I don't know if everyone realizes this but the seafood you consume ingests this plastic so in turn you are eating plastic and the toxins that come from this plastic. Everything is connected. My husband and I do our darndest to help, starting with not buying anything wrapped in plastic or not recyclable. On walks we pick up trash. We've been doing our part for years! We use our own reusable bags when we shop. We're sick and tired of seeing those plastic store bags caught in trees and up on the utility poles. Doggy poop bags caught in trees and shrubs! Why? Cups and straws! Why? What's so difficult about bringing your trash home or finding a garbage barrel to put it in!?! It's so f***ing pathetic! Everyone is so damn lazy! The government can only do so much. It is your responsibility to get involved and do your part to save our planet and wildlife before it is too late. Tell me...how would you feel if your loved one was swimming and got caught on garbage and drowned?