IT: 🚨 The January 6th select committee holds its first hearing, and... What do you think about those serving on the committee?

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  • 101

    A waste of time and money, as usual.

  • 41.9k

    I am truly amazed by the people here who have seemed to promote Pelosi as the acting DNI or President. Normally the DNI gets information on potential threats and informs the President who has the responsibility of protecting US governmental institutions and in this case, would have assured that adequate security would be in place and available. If the threat was to the President, the Secret Service would be in charge of mobilizing security. That is why the Congressional Sergeant’s at Arms did not push for or recommend increased security. Why would anyone in the trump’s government risk the trump’s wrath for doing their duty? … … … Anyone watching the insurrection can see why Ashli Babbitt got shot. The police officer stood visibly in front of the left window with his pistol aimed at the right window that was being bashed in by the crowd. This was a clear warning to not enter. This was the sole barrier separating the terrorists from the Congresspeople in the halls 20-30 yards away as they were being escorted to safer locations since several entries to the chambers were close to being breached. It was clear that the mob was was hostile given reports of beat and maimed police officers. The officer guarding this last barrier had a duty to protect the Congresspeople from harm by stopping the mobs advance that threatened the life and safety of congresspeople that they are charged with the duty to protect. It is sad that Ashli decided to lead the charge but the first person through the barrier had to be stopped to in order to stop the mob and keep our congresspeople from harm. Frankly, I was generally surprised by all of the officer’s restraint in using lethal force given how outnumbered they were and the brutality of the insurrectionists.

  • 165

    Where’s the videos?

  • 285

    Here’s a question for b.r. If a mob was smashing windows to break into your workplace what would you do? Run or try to protect the people you were hired to defend? I’m sick of you loonies trying to put lipstick on a pig. This was not “humorous shenanigans “ it was a full scale riot by a bunch of out of control crazies if not for the action of of the outnumbered cops innocent people would have been killed. The Vice President would have been hung. We would have officially been a third world country.

  • 83

    It’s nothing but partisan bullshit. Pelosi know days before that something was coming and did nothing. She wanted it to get out of control to further her political bullshit. She’s responsible for the Capital police why did she disregard request for support and extra officers. Socialist bitch needs to be prosecuted and removed from Congress

  • 119

    American citizens need to know the entire unvarnished truth behind 1/6/21. We can’t be deterred by Republicans attempting to rewrite history. I support the Commission wholeheartedly. The members need to be serious, wide eyed and focused on facts. The rejection of Jordan and Banks was necessary because one may be a material witness and both voted to reject the results of the election. Both would also be making every effort to muddy the waters in order to hide the truth.

  • 145

    Thanks to the committee for doing this important duty to get truth for America and Americans

  • 2,915

    If this committee's findings does not include who was responsible for the Capitol secuity failure and who and why was an unarmed VET shot and killed, it is useless.

  • 242

    Pelosi did the right thing rejecting McCarthy’s attempt to put seditionists on the committee.

  • 1,479

    I am glad we are holding hearings about the January 6 insurrection and I think the committee members a a sober, conscientious and respectable group of members that will get to the truth WITHOUT a “witch-hunt”. It is important that the truth of the day be told, not just what we suspect. It is more than a puzzle why the republicans especially McCarthy are fighting so hard to squelch this committee. He is really tooting a different tune than immediately after that horrible event and there has to be a good reason why. I hope and pray the committee can get the answer to that, I feel it may be at the root of the whole debacle.

  • 41

    Don’t be deterred! Let’s find out all who was involved, and then criminally charge.

  • 39

    Dealing with Nancy's demons. Because the J6 operation was obviously preplanned and the Capitol Police were in on it. Nancy's ‘Capitol Rioters’ were factually BLM and ANTIFA agent provocateurs - just another wrap up smearing Nancy's False Flag Ops! Now 500 Peaceful Patriot rally people who were ‘invited’ into the Capitol by the Capitol Police are being treated like Gitmo POWs - just ask wrap up smearing false flag orchestrating Nancy's 'trap'; she and 'her' criminally (treasonous) complicit FBI know what the real deal is.....

  • 25.9k

    Who on the committee has investigative experience? Can the committee hire investigators? Maybe Clint Eastwood can come in to interview Individual #1 in the empty chair. Can you tell America who started the "Hang Mike Pence" chant? Who had the bullhorns leading the chants? Will any of this lead to a jury trial? Who runs the risk of a jail sentence for being a leader / organizer?

  • 7,796

    I think this is the Democrats GRANDSTANDING AGAIN!!! They have not addressed the events leading up to this riot including the months of rioting across the country, who knew what and when they were WARNED WEEKS AHEAD OF TIME, who decided NOT TO REINFORCE and utilize the National Guard, who left them IN? Come on man…. LOOK AT HOW CORRUPT AND EVIL THE DEMS ARE!

  • 1,010

    Saving are country from the crooked Putin loving republicans.

  • 132

    Listening to the testimonies of the police officers is gut wrenching. Having to relive that day is refreshing their trauma. But it is also re-traumatizing for members of Congress. That all of you returned to get the work completed, as others were cleaning up the damage, IS DEMOCRACY! Thank you Senators Murray and Cantwell and Rep Smith for your service!

  • 92

    It is about time.

  • 83

    Definitely needs to happen and for all the Republicans who don’t want to admit that this was an act of terror and an infringement and an assault on our democracy then they should be ashamed of themselves. I’m so angry with all of those Republicans in fact I’m furious. Thank you to the two that are on the committee and thank you to Nancy Pelosi for making sure that it is by Pardison and for those Republicans who don’t think it is that’s because they’re refusing to acknowledge that this was an assault on our democracy and our right to vote.

  • 94

    It appears to be a serious committee. This was not some tourist group or very fine people. I am tired of hearing this called a riot or any other misleading label. This was an attempted overthrow of the United States government. It would be nice if the entire legislature was actually interested in governing and finding solutions to prevent another heinous act against the government of the United States. It appears a good portion of the members of the United States Congress are much more interested in self promotion and rolling in disgusting amounts of cash rather than actually governing the greatest country in the history of the world!! This needs to be a serious investigation!!

  • 262

    Day one A stack committee they do not believe in the Constitution are the rights of Americans. The committee consisting of Democrats and some Republican Rhinos who main goal is too put blame on a American President. The first person who needs to be subpoena the house speaker Nancy Pelosi who lost control on January 6 and unfortunately they need to subpoena the Capital officers who allow protesters open the gates and doors letting them inside and why wasn’t the security tighten on that day . And one more thing why does Liz Cheney keep saying the American People want answers. Yes we want answers is why but we will never get it from (Peter the Wolf ).This committee will be one-sided