IT: Mississippi calls for Roe v. Wade to be overturned, and... 📛 Are you concerned about the wildfires in the West?

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  • 55

    We MUST protect abortion rights and women’s right to choose.

  • 63

    There is no need for legal abortions anymore. Use birth control plan B. If you are to reasonable to stop it deal with it. Abortions should only be needed if there is a problem with the pregnancy

  • 240

    Having an Abortion needs to be codified. I am so sick of men trying to control women’s health. If we got laws on the books controlling men’s reproductive systems, this nonsense would end quickly.

  • 26

    @Larubia, how many kids am I supposed to adopt. The view on abortion is so skewed it’s mind numbing. You act as if abortion is the only option. Here’s a better one, don’t get pregnant before you can take care of a kid. It’s personal accountability. People that are pro choice act as if the choices are only available once you are pregnant. They completely ignore the fact that you don’t have to do anything to no get pregnant. Literally, you keep to yourself and no one will force a pregnancy on you. If you want to do something there are many ways to prevent pregnancy. Most abortions are from negligence or laziness, not rape or incest. And I’m tired of the minority of cases being used as some club like all of these innocent women are just being forced into a hand maids tale novel. It’s garbage. Telling people to STFU. I don’t have to adopt anyone’s kids to say it’s not a good idea to have an abortion. They aren’t needed at all with a little bit of forethought. In this country we lionize the worst behaviors. Abortion, single motherhood, feminism. Get a grip lady.

  • 223

    No woman should be prevented from having the final say over what happens to her own body!!! Tell the guys that they have to have their balls cut off 😭 maybe that will give them pause!!!

  • 2,468

    @Carina is a perfect example of why abortion SHOULD be legal in every state!

  • 388

    Since this is a multiple topic post, I’m going to add another 
. This report by The Guardian addresses gerrymandering, which is one of the reasons I support the “For The People Act.” No matter what political party a voter identifies with or independent voters, I think all of us who want the democratic election process to function as intended should be very concerned about gerrymandering and want it to stop. Republicans poised to rig the next election by gerrymandering electoral maps Ten years ago, Republicans pulled off what would later be described as “the most audacious political heist of modern times”. It wasn’t particularly complicated. Every 10 years, the US constitution requires states to redraw the maps for both congressional and state legislative seats. The constitution entrusts state lawmakers with the power to draw those districts. Looking at the political map in 2010, Republicans realized that by winning just a few state legislative seats in places like Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, they could draw maps that would be in place for the next decade, distorting them to guarantee Republican control for years to come. Republicans executed the plan, called Project Redmap, nearly perfectly and took control of 20 legislative bodies, including ones in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. Then, Republicans set to work drawing maps that cemented their control on power for the next decade. Working behind closed doors, they were brazen in their efforts. In Wisconsin, lawmakers signed secrecy agreements and then drew maps that were so rigged that Republicans could nearly hold on to a supermajority of seats with a minority of the vote. In Michigan, a Republican operative bragged about cramming “Dem garbage” into certain districts as they drew a congressional map that advantaged Republicans 9-5. In Ohio, GOP operatives worked secretly from a hotel room called “the bunker”, as they tweaked a congressional map that gave Republicans a 12-4 advantage. In North Carolina, a state lawmaker publicly said he was proposing a map that would elect 10 Republicans to Congress because he did not think it was possible to draw one that would elect 11. This manipulation, called gerrymandering, “debased and dishonored our democracy”, Justice Elena Kagan would write years later. It allowed Republicans to carefullypick their voters, insulating them from the accountability that lies at the foundation of America’s democratic system. Now, the once-a-decade process is set to begin again in just a few weeks and Republicans are once again poised to dominate it. And this time around things could be even worse than they were a decade ago
. Advances in mapmaking technology have also made it easier to produce highly detailed maps very quickly, giving lawmakers a bigger menu of possibilities to choose from when they carve up a state. It makes it easier to tweak lines and to test maps to ensure that their projected results will hold throughout the decade. In 2019, the supreme court said for the first time there was nothing federal courts could do to stop even the most excessive partisan gerrymandering, giving lawmakers a green light to be even more aggressive. And because of the supreme court’s 2013 decision in the landmark Shelby County v Holder case, places with a history of voting discrimination will no longer have to get their maps approved by the federal government for the first time since 1965. It’s a lack of oversight that could embolden lawmakers to attempt to draw districts that could dilute the influence of minority voters.

  • 7,962

    Facts: Criminalising abortion does not stop abortions, it just makes abortion less safe The Bible does not talk about abortion, with exception of Ex. 21:22-25 which essentially says “If a woman has a miscarriage as the result of a fight, the man who caused it should be fined. If the woman dies, however, the culprit must be killed:” Almost every death and injury from unsafe abortion is preventable With legal implementation, Abortions are considered to be very safe procedures Access to safe abortion is a matter of human rights The abortion rate is declining (Between 2006 and 2015, the abortion rate in the United States dropped by about 26 percent. ) Younger women with financial concerns are the norm (easy fix-free contraception, pay people a livable wage) There are several types of abortion available Questions for those who are “Pro-Life”: How many unwanted kids have you adopted/cared for? What are you doing personally to feed/house/clean/educate the one out of six kids living in poverty in the USA? How many times a week do you write your legislators to be the voice for unwanted children or those who live in poverty? How much time do you donate volunteering to your local schools/child protective services? How much money have you donated to pay a child’s overdue lunch bill, so that they can eat? Because if you’re running your mouth about being “pro-life”, you should be able to answer in the positive to most of these questions that support life. I have done them all & continue, even though I respect choice. If you haven’t done any of these, STFU! You are not even close to pro-life. What you are is pro-birth, pro-control of a women’s body, pro-control of a Dr.’s decision making skill, but you are NOT pro life!!!

  • 171

    Republicans talk about pro-life during gestation, but they close their minds, eyes, ears and mouths once the baby is born and there is no more talk of pro-LIFE. Lack of food, housing, emotional stability. Unmet needs. Abuse. Racism. Violence . Talk is cheap. Picket signs are cheap. None of it means anything if you are not stepping up and promoting pro-LIFE and only promoting the belief that the govt should control what women do with their bodies; that women have no rights to their own bodies. What does that do for the lives of children? Nothing, because you shut your eyes and minds to what happens after birth as if your job is done. Life can begin at conception or it can begin at birth. However you believe, life continues and that is a fact that is ignored and has been by all those judgements screamed by “do gooders” who like to hear themselves scream, are AWOL when the real work begins and who oppose measures to mitigate the disruptions to lives of children and their caregivers like health care, food.and housing, community programs, school and educational opportunities, parental leave, earning a living wage. How many children live in circumstances the screaming do gooders would not choose for their own children? What have they done except move onto the next anti-abortion picket line and forget that there are lives needing interventions of more than screamers and picket lines! Put your passion into improving pro LIFE conditions rather than cursing at women’s choices.

  • 347

    Project Blitz: the legislative assault by Christian nationalists to reshape America

  • 25.9k

    @TheDarkSide wrote: "Project Blitz: the legislative assault by Christian nationalists to reshape America." Thanks for this @TheDarkSide! "Project Blitz" has been renamed "Freedom for All." The group shamelessly pretends to protect religious freedom while lobbying for the imposition of an extremely limiting socially conservative agenda. Note: that "In October 2019, in the face of public criticism and counter campaigns, Project Blitz had been renamed "Freedom for All," and the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation web site no longer referenced "Project Blitz." BlitzWatch - Monitoring Project Blitz & Christian Nationalists This group seems to be keeping up with the activities of these fanatical Christian theocrats: See their archive

  • 285

    I will NEVER turn control of my body over to the government. Or anybody else. I am a full grown adult and I take responsibility for my decisions keep your superstitious nonsense to yourself. It’s not a “baby” it’s a collection of cells. It’s not a “heartbeat” it’s an electrical impulse. My body my choice. Always. If men got pregnant abortion would be a sacrament

  • 666

    Larubia again provides a wonderful, thorough, thoughtful and productive response. Carina proves once again why she is an outstanding example of what’s wrong with this country.

  • 577

    The rights of women to make choices in their lives are forever in the crosshairs of the Republican Party. There should be mandatory vasectomies which can be reversed when the man is ready to settle down and have a family. There Republicans, problem solved. Truly GOP, try giving as much attention to real issues as you do this private one.

  • 2,797

    I am not afraid or worried about the wildfires in the west. They bring it upon themselves. The environmental wackos have convinced them that not one tree should be cut down. Here in Louisiana we have control of our forest both federal and state. The forest department do thinning of the forests like taking out 1 of 5 trees and they do control burns a few hundred acres at a time when the winds are down and it has rained in the last few days. If you step outside during these burns you can smell the fire if you are around ten miles away but it is gone the next day. If you are in your car or house you don’t even notice it, this takes care of the under brush which lessen the treat of a major fire. While thinning the forest the logging companies can remove any fallen trees or dead trees. I have lived next to a national forest for over 30 years and we have never had a wildfire in this parish.

  • 2,797

    I hope all those women that say they never turn control of their body over to the government and their choices are between them and their doctor now understand and support those people that don’t want to get vaccinated as this is a non-approved Drug by the FDA and some people say they think it dangerous. Now the CDC and some states are saying even if you are vaccinated you are not protected from this new variant and you must wear a mask? As a kid I took the polio and smallpox vaccines but they didn’t tell me I needed to stay six feet from everyone and wear a mask. By the way I got my first jab the end of January when it became available and the second in February.

  • 674

    It’s repeat question time again Post your new grievances Large companies and retailers should start mandating the vaccine All public utilities-they’re in our homes All civil servants-we interact with them All big box warehouses-let’s see if Home Depot, Lowe’s, Costco, etc care about the people they cater to by making vaccines and or negative monthly testing Mandatory for all employees How about Walmart, Target and every food store Offer them reductions in cost of insurance and tax incentives for helping end the pandemic If Morgan Stanley demand it of their employees and cluents-it’s the least the rest can do Yes, people have freedom of choice You can get vaccinated or you can find another job Consequences for your choices It’s legal let’s see which companies care about the public and we’ll all shop there