House Democrats Take Up Seven-Bill ‘Minibus’ Spending Package, Other FY2022 Appropriations Bills

How do you feel about this week’s congressional schedule?

  • 783


  • 1,017

    Why can Congress not approve single appropriation bills in a dedicated budget process?. One bill one Department, one program.

  • 38

    Don’t take August off. You haven’t helped America or done your oath.

  • 25.9k

    @Dave wrote: "PattiZ and Carina would be terrific on SNL don’t you think? They could just sit and chat to each other on Weekend Update. You can’t write this shit!" "Nah, the writers would have to do a lot of work." 😂 I think that anything those two troll-like commenters have to say can easily fit into a single 2 minute video. The main problem is that nothing they have to say is funny, insightful, or even interesting. They are coming across as just highly opinionated, always echoing whatever is currently being regurgitated on the Right. You really couldn't expect them to have the self awareness to improvise political satire for chuckles & relevant insight. They are “one trick ponies” which makes them seem more like internet troll babies, QAnon Molls, Trump operatives or Russian operatives, in any case they aren't particularly thoughtful individuals. SNL Writers would need to greatly exaggerate and frame their comments as the vapidest, most stereotypical and prejudiced of Karens. Giving them too much credit. **Trollin' with the Karens Show** Camera rises up from fuzzy slippers to knobby knees to... a overly close up face. “Hi (chompin' on chewin' gum), I'm Patrisiya and” (someone uses a remote to silence the TV with FOXNews. She has a large bowl of Generic Orange Cheetos between her knees, “I'm Laura Ingr... , no! I mean I’m Karinka with 2Ks, and” "We’re The Karen’s!” (Whisper: "Karinka, look it's a Cheeto Jesus!" "Oh my gawd! Wow!") "OK. So let's get right into it today while the grandkids are napping. Patrisiya, whaddya think about the Minibus Bill?" "Karinka, ohmigosh those darn Democrats, they have made Mini Vans unaffordable! And what about those gasoline prices and those car insurance rates? The Democrats are ruining life for regular people like us!" "Huh? Yeah right, Patrisiya, but I mean the bill before Congress." "Oh! That! ! Biden has lost his marble, he's totally senile, you know! But again I say NO TAX DOLLARS for anything proposed by Democrats! We are gazzillions of dollars in debt! I can't afford that! How am I going to play Zoom Bingo on Wednesdays? These damn Democrats have no clue how we live, let me tell you, Karinka! Have you seen the price of rice pudding?? "You are so right, Patrisiya, dear! No more money for Democrat's pet projects, you know, like letting their dark donors vote or letting all those yellow and brown people into the country. Who else would ride trains cross country? If the police is defunded who gets the money, Pelosi? No way, Honey!" "OK, Karinka. I hear yah, my dear. Your explanation is so great. You're The Best! Next time let’s talk about COVID.” “Patrisiya dahling, there’s nothing to discuss. We all know COVID is a hoax, fake news to make our Boy, Donald, look like a Dummy.” "You mean that Big Doofus that caught COVID and is so corrupt he was impeached twice? He reminds me of cousin Alexi, he gets arrest every year, the stupid criminal. "Shessshh! Don’t say that in public!” PS: SNL thank @Dave for the idea. See you in the Fall! Karens do need parodying.

  • 3,012

    ??? What’s happening in Congress July 7. 26 - 7. 30 - 2021 ??? * This week the House is set to take up Democrats’ first appropriations bills for fiscal year 2022, including a six-bill “minibus” package, while the Senate searches for a deal that will allow debate to start on the bipartisan infrastructure framework. SENATE SCHEDULE * The Senate starts its week Monday with a procedural vote on the nomination of Todd Kim to be an assistant attorney general ahead of a likely confirmation vote on Tuesday. * Its agenda for the rest of the week is yet to be announced, but if a compromise is reached on the bipartisan infrastructure framework the Senate may begin debate on the package and start considering amendments ― a process that would likely take several days. * Absent a compromise on the bipartisan infrastructure package, additional nominations may be brought to the floor until Democrats complete work on their budget resolution for infrastructure legislation to be considered through the reconciliation process. * Committees will hold hearings on the implementation and enforcement of the USMCA; pipeline cybersecurity; and cryptocurrencies. HOUSE SCHEDULE  * The House convenes Monday for votes on 19 bills under the fast-track suspension of the rules process, including bills to increase transparency around federal agencies’ reports to Congress and budget justifications, paying federal personnel injured in neurological attacks, and exempting veterans’ groups from paying event fees at federal war memorials. * It will then take up Democrats’ “minibus” appropriations package that combines six of the 12 annual spending bills, with amendment votes and debate expected to take several days. * Once the House finishes its work on the minibus, it will move on to considering as many as three standalone appropriations bills depending on how much time is left in the week.  * Committees will hold hearings on the law enforcement experience of the January 6th attack on the Capitol; election subversion; and financing climate solutions. SneakyPete. ?????? 7. 26. 21

  • 388

    Here’s a report today from The Hill about the Republicans’ plan to hold the nation’s credit rating hostage to votes in favor of raising the nation’s debt ceiling. They did the same thing in 2011 which led to a Standard & Poor credit rating drop for our country. A credit rating drop affects the government’s ability to raise money through instruments like bonds and hinders the country’s functioning as well as economic stability. The Republicans, reportedly, don’t want to be assigned responsibility for any of the nation’s debt. That’s laughable, since their 2017 tax bill increased the deficit by 30-40%. The Republican’s solution? As usual, it’s to target the poor and the elderly because, you know, they’re our society’s throwaways. The Republicans want to establish “special commissions to curb the longterm growth of Medicare and Social Security.” Beware of politicians saying they want to do something without specifying the how, I say. Lack of detail is lack of transparency, in my eyes, and prevents clear evaluation of the cost and benefit of a plan. And who is going to pay for the special commissions, their staffs, and things like office supplies? Also, formerly when attempts to “curb” Social Security and Medicaid have been made, it has meant benefit cuts. It seems to me that with a wave of expected new retirees in the next 5-15 years due to the size of the baby boomer generation, both agencies will inevitably grow in cost. And why is curbing the cost of drugs, monopolistic practices by insurance companies and Big Pharma, exploitative pricing by residential care facilities, tort reform that would lower malpractice insurance rates allowing physicians to charge less, and inflated costs billed by hospitals not openly and sincerely in the Congressional dialogue as ways to cut costs? “Senate Republicans plan to demand big spending reforms in exchange for their support of legislation to raise the nation's debt ceiling, seeking leverage to rein in President Biden's plan to pump trillions of dollars into the economy. GOP senators are reviving demands they made in 2011, the last time there was a political standoff over raising the debt limit, but it's a risky move. The 2011 debt limit was solved at the last moment, and a subsequent downgrading of the nation's creditworthiness by Standard & Poor's triggered a stock market crash. The issue is coming to a head as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned Friday that the debt limit will likely have to be raised by the end of September and urged Congress to do so under regular order, which means finding at least 10 Republican votes to support it in the Senate. If Republicans can get spending reforms attached to the debt-limit increase, they want to force Democrats to jam debt-limit legislation in a budget reconciliation bill that is expected to pass without any GOP support. They don't want to vote for anything that could give them some shared responsibility for the nation's $29 trillion debt. But Democrats, who are falling behind schedule on their two-track strategy for passing infrastructure legislation, will have a hard time wrapping up work on a reconciliation package by October. Republican senators are calling for major spending reductions over the next ten years in exchange for raising the federal government's borrowing authority. They're also pushing for the establishment of special commissions to curb the long-term growth of Social Security and Medicare.”

  • 3,012

    YOUR US Congress in the week coming….26 - 30 July 2021. * The U.S. has in recent months approved several prospective arms sales to allies in the Pacific with the goal of improving their defensive capabilities to deter aggression by the People’s Republic of China (PRC). * Last week, the Dept. of Defense and State Dept. gave a green light to a request by the Philippines to purchase 12 F-16 fighter jets along with related weaponry, in addition to anti-air and anti-ship missiles at a total estimated cost of about $2.6 billion.  * The Philippines has a mutual defense treaty with the U.S. and is also one of several nations which has territory in the South China Sea that the PRC claims belongs to it by virtue of being on its side of a “nine-dashed line” that the U.S. and other nations reject. The situation has so far resulted in several skirmishes at sea between the countries’ coast guards and fishing vessels. * Earlier this spring, the agencies approved Australia’s requests to purchase 264 Abrams tanks, 29 Apache helicopters, 12 Reaper drones, and four Chinook helicopters at an estimated total cost of over $7 billion. The U.S. and Australia are parties to a non-binding security treaty, share intelligence under the “Five Eyes” agreement, and are part of “the Quad” ― an informal security partnership that also includes India and Japan. * Both Australia and the Philippines are considered “major non-NATO allies” by the U.S., which makes them eligible for access to certain defense technologies, surplus equipment, and enhanced military training. Like other U.S. allies, the countries have used that status to bolster their military capabilities over the years.  * Historically, military aid has augmented economic aid in U.S. efforts to provide assistance to foreign countries, with the latter outpacing the former except for a brief period at the outset of the Cold War. This USAFacts chart shows total annual foreign economic and military assistance in inflation-adjusted 2019 dollars dating back to the end of World War II. What is your Congressional member going to do to represent you? SP

  • 404

    Just stop spending money. No more printing fiat money and causing hyper inflation and the devaluing of the dollar. You are literally causing people to become poor. Government is 100% to blame for this. Let capitalism do what capitalism does best, which is hold the market accountable to itself, create equal opportunity and competition which keeps prices and inflation down. When government tries to manipulate the free marketplace is when it becomes inequitable, unfair, and problematic. Supply and demand ensures equality of opportunity and market value. When government intervenes in the marketplace it is the direct cause of poverty, enslavement, inequality and corruption. Picking winners and losers is not and should never be within the purview of government, because the inherent outcome if they do, is that those in power pick themselves as the winners. Our Constitution was designed to prevent that, but if we continue to allow government to pervert our laws usurp our constitutional protections, we will have no power over the government and government will have power over the people. Controlling our money supply is the means to the end if we continue to allow government to over spend.

  • 2,468

    When are we going to introduce a bill to disband ICE and reorganize it into a human services organization? How many more immigrants have to be deported, mistreated, and sexually abused before something is done to end that mistreatment? When are the ICE agents who participated in that calamity going to be severely punished??? When is the Democratic Party going to act on behalf of the people, with or without bipartisanship? When are you going to force ALL Congressional Democrats to show their true colors by supporting a vote to abandon the 60 vote filibuster rule? People care about their livelihood, not bipartisanship!!!

  • 262

    The main focus that should be concentrated on high cost of products in the stores the high cost of Fuel rising two levels we have not seen In a very long time there should be a suspension on all bills on hold .I feel that it’s suspension or freeze on all future pay increases to Congress and the Senate and federal agencies be put on hold . Term limits retire all who have 30 or 40 years or more a service mandatory retirement.

  • 1,479

    Lots of important work to be done in both houses this week. I just wish republicans would actually do some work … they are receiving tax payers hard earned dollars by way of salaries and benefits to do something. But all they do is obstruct. That is not a platform, at the very least they should have alternative plans to offer. Obstruction is not a counter argument. I am so sick of this. Maybe it is time for another party to surface with responsible, reasonable current republicans breaking away into a new party who will actually make the government work. We want our government to work for all people with ideas not obstruction. There is so much to be gained with good ideas from both liberals and conservatives. The yahoo tempers need to be weeded out of government, they don’t stand for anything, there are no policies, but hate, whining, lies and looking for monetary handouts that end up in someone’s pockets. Our government needs to work for the people. I pray this week makes some strides towards that end.

  • 388

    Gee, look at the political affiliations of the candidates proposed to replace Gavin Newsom as the Governor of California in the recall vote. What was that about candidates’ election in a “free and fair” process? Final candidate list released for Newsom recall On July 21, California Secretary of State Shirley Weber (D) released the final list of 46 candidates that qualified for the gubernatorial recall election. The recall election seeking to remove Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) will take place on Sept. 14, 2021. Among the candidates that qualified were nine Democrats and 24 Republicans, including former San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer (R), 2018 gubernatorial candidate John Cox (R), former U.S. Rep. Doug Ose (R), Caitlyn Jenner (R), and Larry Elder (R). The recall election will present voters with two questions. The first will ask whether Newsom should be recalled from the office of governor. The second will ask who should succeed Newsom if he is recalled. A majority vote is required on the first question for the governor to be recalled. The candidate with the most votes on the second question would win the election, no majority required. Since 1911, there have been 55 attempts to recall an incumbent California governor. The only successful recall campaign was in 2003 when voters recalled then-Gov. Gray Davis (D). Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) was chosen as Davis’ replacement. In that election, 135 candidates ran and the winner received 48.6% of the vote.

  • 388

    Off topic: China China, continuing to behave as it has for decades in the belief that it is above international laws and those of other countries. Operation Fox Hunt: How China Exports Repression Using a Network of Spies Hidden in Plain Sight by Sebastian Rotella and Kirsten Berg Sanctions? Lawsuits in international courts? China steals intellectual property, violates international trade laws, and commits heinous violations of human rights.

  • 388

    Off-topic: Yet another reason why Big Pharma needs more regulation, as does the practice of off-shoring. Please ignore the speculation about Manchin’s daughter. It’s pure speculation for which no evidence is offered. Closing the Largest Generic Drug Plant in the US Is a Sick Joke Hey Senators and Representatives, I think it’s about time that Congress and the White House began turning its attention to monopolies in this country - not just the obvious ones but, also, the ones that develop through ownership of multiple, smaller companies. Monopolies’ influence affects many aspects of this country including wealth inequality, jobs, wages, economic growth and stability. I think it’s time this got bumped up on the priority list.

  • 1,221

    The Fraudulent p biden is bankrupting USA, and Congress is helping. We have not had a proper annual budget sInce before Obamaq's first term. All this spending is enriching the elite, while destroying America.

  • 2,797

    Dave I looked upon your comments with a smile. Let us look at the Trump years as President. We had Comrade Nancy as leader of the house writing some 500 bills in the first 6 months that were not generated in committee meetings but mostly written at her kitchen table while eating expensive ice cream. She had such a majority like 25 over the republicans that she did not need one republicans vote to pass as the vote was in lockstep to her will. The bills were all kinds of wish list like doing away with the Hyde amendment or funding for any liberal cause like funding for gay/lesbian rights for Iran or bills like taking over national elections even though it is a States right issue like voter ID etc. Then in the Senate you had a 54/46 republicans majority with 4 RINO Senators and Comrade Crying Chuck with his democrats voting in lockstep with a vote to stop anything the republicans tried to pass like a border wall or school choice etc. All of this was to ensure President Trump was a 1 term President with Comrade Nancy’s two attempts at impeachment to remove him from office.

  • 7,875

    I would not hold my breath on any Republican showing on anything. This the party of no and no way. They drove the deficit up with a tax cuts to the rich and corporations, $2.5 trillion, but they aren’t willing to help American people or the country infrastructure, they are willing to hold up on paying our debt which effect our standing in the world. The Republican Party (Mitch McConnell senate) are only interested in making Biden be a one term president, just like they tried with Obama and The holding of America hostage. A true patriot does what is right base on facts, truth, honesty, the love of humanity and safety of others, no matter who they are, not exploitation of others!

  • 741

    I think Tucker Carlson and anyone like him with the same ideals or dislike for America as he has should be deported. If you don’t like this country in a democratic system leave it, go to North Korea go to China go to Russia to get the hell out of the United States. Do you want a one party system you’ll be happy there.

  • 79

    Get this shit done!! ALL Biden’s nominees should be confirmed by now!! The Republicans are just wasting time til midterms. Just do reconciliation without them and pass the infrastructure bill!! The move on to the other priorities we put you in the majority for!!

  • 25.9k

    Gentle reminder. See that list? All the work is done outside of session. The efforts to come to a compromise? Not being done on the floor of the Senate. No horse trading in public! We just see political theater and votes!