Western Wildfires 2021: Where They Are & How You Can Help

Are you concerned about the wildfires in the West?

  • 8,789

    To the folks who think, oh they don’t do proper forest management, clearly you don’t live around here. Millions upon millions of trees have died due to drought. A whole army with chainsaws wouldn’t be enough, not to mention back country access or how that would also destroy what little is left of the ecosystem in the forests. Drought is the problem. When it’s so dry a flat tire rim on pavement starts a wildfire, you are talking a whole different animal. If people don’t start demanding corporations change by voting with their dollars, the strongest voice we have, even if you don’t live in the west, you’ll see the devastation when you can’t get the food we put on you tables. Everyone should be alarmed into action. Real action, not just comments posted online.

  • 219

    We need bold green infrastructure now to prevent the continuation of record-breaking wildfires in the west.

  • 159
    Michael J

    The SCIENCE of Climate Change is biting the USA in the butt because of dumbass GOP/tRump Party so-called “conservative” Science Deniers. Texas froze last winter and is boiling now. Electric produced screwed up and can’t deliver. GOP:tRump Party token Hispanic immigrant Eduardo fled to Mexico. Texas isn’t up to the task of proving 21st C services to Texans. Heck Tyler doesn’t want solar panels. How dumb is that. True conservatives are like Scouts-always prepared.

  • 25

    Sadly, many of the predicted results of global warming are being manifested with greater intensity. I don’t feel that radical enough steps are being taken at the federal level of government. This is because we have had a non leading leader and his followers dominate our government. They continue to slow and undermine the radical progress our country needs to slow global warming.

  • 1,696

    Mother Nature is so pissed off at us and if we don't stop destroying our planet day by day then we won't survive the outcome of what's causing these droughts...wildfires...larger and stronger storms...a scorched earth...can no longer plant crops...sea level rise and stop taking life for granted! Everything is connected! The circle of life is being broken and it will get worse! Man is stupid...selfish...some are truly oblivious and or uneducated...greedy...don't give a shit about the future because they won't be here for it...the old not my problem. Well there are children that will suffer greatly because of this. I don't care about me but I do care a great deal about this planet and the future of mankind and wildlife. All these monstrous fires! Homes being burned! Wildlife habitats being burned! Trees produce oxygen guys! Nature is a very fine balance that man has interrupted and continues to do so without a care in the world. Wake the f*** up! Do...don't deny!

  • 153

    I’m concerned that political leaders in this country aren’t taking global warming seriously! We are at a tipping point and if America doesn’t step up our children , animals and life as we know will be permanently altered.

  • 75

    There again we have always had wildfires but it is decidedly worse and will continue to be so until everyone in the world excepts and does something to stop the warming of the planet. To it do their part with global warming.

  • 1,186

    The are set on purpose, Have to be a window licker to think they are natural occurrence.

  • 228

    Since I'm on the other coast, not really. But it is a huge drain on resources and likely not natural caused.

  • 41.9k

    JTJ: AN ADDENDUM. I currently live in a home that is 810 feet above the current sea level on a local rise with a fairly step slope along on4 side. I am currently trying to decide where it would be best to build a boat house and a dock.

  • 25.6k

    To the Climate Change Deniers: Sometimes it just formulating the right question, using the right models, and using the right labels. I first remember hearing about what we are now calling "climate change" in the '60's when I was in high school. The basic idea was that pollution from the coal and petrochemical industries were at fault. But we learned about the effects of pollution in the context of how "climates" and weather patterns have changed throughout history. I also remember that even in grammar school there was talk about the effects of pollution from manufacturing and automobiles. This coincided with a family trip to Mexico City where the air was barely breathable at times. I remember the stench very clearly. So, while people having been using the terms "Global Warming" and "Climate Change," in mind my its always been about the effects of pollution. We are killing ourselves much like my younger brother's fishes died in a fish bowl because he failed to clean the bowl any our mother refused to buy him a tank with a filter because of his preteen irresponsibility. It recently occurred to me to ask the question, "when were the earliest reports of climate change." Short answer: Our weather patterns have been effected by pollution since the industrial revolution began in the late 1700s to mid 1800s. See History of Climate Change Science https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_climate_change_science? Highlights: "The history of the scientific discovery of climate change began in the early 19th century when ice ages and other natural changes in paleoclimate were first suspected and the natural greenhouse effect was first identified. In the late 19th century, scientists first argued that human emissions of greenhouse gases could change the climate. Many other theories of climate change were advanced, involving forces from volcanism to solar variation. In the 1960s, the evidence for the warming effect of carbon dioxide gas became increasingly convincing. Some scientists also pointed out that human activities that generated atmospheric aerosols (e.g., "pollution") could have cooling effects as well." "Efforts to establish a global temperature record that began in 1938 culminated in 1963, when J. Murray Mitchell presented one of the first up-to-date. Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence Highlight "In 1896, a seminal paper by Swedish scientist Svante Arrhenius first predicted that changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels could substantially alter the surface temperature through the greenhouse effect. In 1938, Guy Callendar connected carbon dioxide increases in Earth's atmosphere to global warming."

  • 947

    Where is forest management?

  • 85

    This needs to concern everyone. Our planet is experiencing climate change at a ferocious rate. Please stop wasting precious time debating political points. In the end, no one is "right." It's too late for that.

  • 8,471

    The last three years, we have had days, sometimes even weeks, where we wake to dark and yellow skies with falling ash everywhere. When we are trapped in our home, day after day, because the air quality is so bad, yeah, I’m very concerned. If YOU ever had to drive to safety through fire and smoke, you wouldn’t ask!!!

  • 3,687

    Can we fine big polluters to pay for the damage? Such big fines that the top 70 polluters will be put out of business forever and the people who ran them be stripped of all their wealth and possessions?

  • 13.3k

    you know what would ''help'' is real action on this on the federal level! its not the fault of the people, but the corporations profiting from the destruction of our environment. Example: a corporate polluter makes a toxic byproduct that is expensive to properly dispose of, if not impossible, honestly, as is the case with teflon. Which is now found in every cell on Earth. So they save the share holders money by illegally dumping it into the river, saveing them millions every year. The weak and underfunded E.P.A. ( assuming they even investigate,that typically calls for a whistleblower, or massive public out cry) fines them $300. dollars....we need real accountability.

  • 45

    I’m so sick of hearing people sound off with supposed ideations of all the west coast fires have all been maliciously man started. Where some fires are man started, many by accident & some have been intentional, our largest fire burning in Oregon, the Bootleg fire which merged with the Log fire, is over 400,000 acres big & growing which is the equivalent of New York City x 2, was started by lightning strikes. It was not man started & it had nothing to do with utilities not being updated.

  • 45

    Wow Dominic! What absolutely ignorant & hateful things you have to say. You know drumpf really initiated this extreme pigeon holing of states as red & blue, Republican or Democrat when in reality all sorts of people live in each state no one state or even one county is 100% red or blue. It’s such a naive, reductionist way of looking at one another & yet one more way he’s popularized the dehumanization of our fellow mankind. I live in Southern Oregon where our communities have been destroyed by fire & the city I live in skews right & the leaders of this community are Republicans. But the fact of the matter is we are Americans & have faced devastation in our communities. I hope when you encounter devastation in your life you’re not blasted by such ignorance & hatred.

  • 24

    Wildfires continue to be a major concern, especially in the Mountain and Pacific time zones. Changes in climate patterns have caused sustained draughts and instability which creates storms with lightning strikes. Last year was the worst year ever in California and 2021 appears ready to challenge it. While steps are being taking to mitigate the risk, significant wildfires may be the new norm.

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