Pelosi Rejects Two of McCarthy's Picks for January 6th Select Committee

Do you agree or disagree with Pelosi’s decision?

  • 254

    I am afraid McCarthy has shown he is not a reliable person for Americans to count on. He has displayed inappropriate behavior and refuses to meet other lawmakers half-way. I am so ashamed of the GOP and many of the Trump followers. We have come very close to losing our democracy. Please work with others, beyond their beliefs. It is important to respect each party whether we agree or not. Honorable statesmen/women are hard to find since the Trump administration.

  • 150

    This was one of the best decisions that could have been made! Jim Jordan is an absolute idiot…and his presence would have been disgraceful to all of America Put Ole Jimmy on a committee to investigate sexual misconduct in college athletics (especially wrestling). How bout THAT!!

  • 39

    Dealing with Nancy's demons. Because the J6 operation was obviously preplanned and the Capitol Police were in on it. Nancy's ‘Capitol Rioters’ were factually BLM and ANTIFA agent provocateurs - just another wrap up smearing Nancy's False Flag Ops! Now 500 Peaceful Patriot rally people who were ‘invited’ into the Capitol by the Capitol Police are being treated like Gitmo POWs - just ask wrap up smearing false flag orchestrating Nancy's 'trap'; she and 'her' criminally (treasonous) complicit FBI know what the real deal is.....

  • 101

    All Jim Jordan would do is try to disrupt the proceedings. We already know the capitol police were not equipped with what they needed and that the information did not get through to who needed to have it. Sounds like all he wants to do is put the blame on Pelosi who is so far removed it would just be a sideshow. Why is it that the Republicans don't want to find out if anyone of them helped the insurrectionists and why are they trying to protect Trump who called for them to come to the Capitol and then go and fight like HELL. Why don't they want to know the truth so it can be prevented? It will happen again if the vote does not go the way they want it to.

  • 41.9k

    I am truly ashamed to admit that Banks is my representative- and I applaud his removal from the committee. I look forward to campaigning for his removal as my Representative. McCarthy is claiming that the answer lies only with the preparedness of the Capitol Police and not the root cause of the insurrection. Congresspeople who endorsed the big lie and voted to not certify election do not want their complicity to be investigated - and should not be allowed serve on the select committee or even in the Congress at all. They have violated their oath of office. … … … You want to know how the Republican Faction operates? Just look at all of the specious claims they make about Democrats and you will clearly see their motivation of projecting their deeds on the Democrats. … … … I laugh out loud when they project authoritarian governance on the Democrats while accepting the trump’s authoritarianism and the norms and rules that McConnell routinely breaks. … . … I am disgusted by the Republican Faction and look forward to their continued irrelevance as their methods and tactics become more visible to the electorate - which is developing a longer memory of who said and did what and when and are willing to compare yesterday’s ‘righteous claims’ with the current more politically expedient new ‘righteous claims’ of today. I look forward to voting them out of existence in any form of governance as my patriotic duty to help preserve what remains of our democracy. The country’s health demands a Republican-ectomy as soon as possible.

  • 32

    Being that you are all loyal to Trump, I doubt my opinion will count or that you ever read constituent comments...just send the probably automated canned response, but I will, nonetheless, exercise my right to protest the ability of these 2 TRAITORS to hold office, when they should be jailed for the Republicans blatant and continued attempts to undermine President Biden's administration and overthrow the government to replace it with a Trump Dictatorship ! While President Biden is desperately trying to replace chaos Trump created with a calm,sensible, and methodical agenda...insurgents like them are doing all they can to prevent vitally necessary progress on infrastructure, voting rights etc. Buildings and bridges are collapsing...PEOPLE ARE LOSING THEIR LIVES...and we increase Pentagon spending?? I CAN ONLY HOPE THAT THESE 2 ARE ON A BRIDGE THAT BADLY NEEDED REPAIR WHEN IT DECIDES TO GIVE OUT!!! MAYBE THAT WILL WAKE UP THE ZOMBIES WHO ARE FIGHTING AGAINST, NOT ONLY OUR RIGHTS, FREEDOMS AND SAFETY...BUT OUR VERY LIVES AND THE LIVES OF AMERICANS AND THE WORLD'S CITIZENS!! YOU CAN...AND MUST...DO BETTER !!

  • 21

    she makes the democrats looking like Germany.. she starting to be a embarrassment for us democrats please make her stop

  • 444

    The double standard is alive and well in the Democrat Party.

  • 2,215

    McCarthy has an opportunity to put three on the committee, and could then propose two others to replace those the speaker rejected. Why would he intentionally weaken his parties position in this way? It seems to me the Republican party is now dedicated to the destruction of the Republican party: always acting to weaken their position, give credit for all good works of Congress entirely to the Democrats and Independents, and taking the undemocratic and unpopular stand!

  • 150

    Thank you Nancy for saving us from that circus.

  • 61

    Shame on McCarthy and good decision by Pelosi, Having people complicit in the Jan 6 insurrection on the committee to investigate the insurrection is ridiculous. It would be like having criminals on the jury for their own crimes.

  • 350

    Did I miss the question on the Texas Democrats Superspreaer Event? Mmm,

  • 41.9k

    Banks and Joe McCarthy (oops, Freudian slip, I meant Jim Jordon) were only appointed to shield themselves and other Republican Faction members who, by their words and deeds, contributed to the disinformation used to foment the insurrection. It’s a lot like appointing a defendant to chair their own jury - they do not belong there. … … In fact, none of the alternate universe Republican Faction members can be expected to do anything that the RNC or their fearless leader and orange messiah deigns that they should do. Truth will out with an honest fact based investigation. Truth does not have much hope if the committee is poisoned by people who come from an alternate universe founded on unreality and who are willing to lie, cheat and steal in order to win. … … … As far as McCarthy’s blaming of Pelosi for the Capitol Police being unprepared for radical right insurrectionists, many of who were armed and ready for battle, I would have to ask him who exactly, was the commander-in-chief at the time of the insurrection? Normally, if the Secret Service is not involved, the DNI would proactively arrange for better Congressional Security when there are known threats to Congress- which he did not. This is why the Capitol police downplayed the threats. Once again, just who exactly did the DNI report to at that time. My Goodness, wasn’t that the commander-in-chief once again? My oh my, I guess the trump must be in further trouble, yet again and again and again.

  • 46

    The people are sick and tired of GOP lies and Putin talking points. Liz Chaney was right. Jim Jordan F......g caused it with the former guy and it is time everyone knew it.

  • 37

    I want to know who exactly was part of the insurrection from the fishes head down. Republicans really don’t want to. That makes me think that they are guilty! What are they hiding! Thank you speaker Pelosi for your due diligence to get to the bottom of this crime against democracy!

  • 33

    Pelosi is correct to not let two foxes into the hen house.

  • 192

    The evil witch doesn't really want to get to the truth, that's why she rejected men of integrity. This is her last ditch effort to try to get President Trump on something and if this committee is legitimate, it will be the democRATs that will be accountable. Not holding my breath.

  • 42

    McCarthy is a trump hack as were his "picks". Jorden wad the most egregious. His only job would have been to sabotage the commission findings and block as many people, as possible, from testifying. 5 STARS for Pelosi 's decision.

  • 48.2k

    I feel that Pelosi should have rejected any committee pick that voted to invalidate the election, so it's surprising she only rejected these two. Sexual Assault Enabler Jim Jordan brings nothing useful to any committee or conversation, and would just have been his usual rambunctious self, so it was easy to kick him out. I don't really want to hear McCarthy and the GOP whine about how partisan this is; they had a chance for a fully bipartisan commission, but they didn't vote for that, and Senator Toomey was too cowardly to even vote. This is what they'll get instead, too bad.

  • 39

    You guys are running Congress like a bunch of circus clowns. Thanks for ruining every institution the government touches.