Appeals Court Panel Rules Federal Handgun Ban for Adults Under Age 21 is Unconstitutional

Do you agree or disagree with the appeals court panel’s ruling?

  • 409


  • 409

    Agree. Unconstitutional

  • 159
    Michael J

    400 Million Deadly Weapons in a country of approximately 330 Million is Obscene ‼️ The highest Mass Murder rate in the World is obscene ‼️ Allowing 19 year olds to purchase Deadly Weapons is beyond Bizarre. Leave it to #FtheGOP to allow this Insanity to become reality. An 18 year old with 1/2 a brain and raging hormones is a formula for disaster. Unfortunately this makes sense to the Texas Three Stooges because the 2nd Amendment is sancrosanct.

  • 240

    We are in crisis with guns. If you can’t vote why give them guns?

  • 255

    This doesn't sound like an interpretation of the Constitution, but a opinion of when you can own a handgun. So, why not a 12 year old. Why is 18 special. Besides, it is a known scientific fact that the brain is not fully formed until a person's mid 20's. So, we put guns in the hands of children regardless.

  • 112


  • 204

    Guns permits should only given to adults over 21 who have been through background checks and gun safety classes.

  • 178

    So those 21 and under can’t drink, rent a car or even buy cigarettes is some places, but can purchase guns. This decision is not only dangerous but illogical.

  • 38

    Could be interested in now and then to post a comment but would like sometimes to include a pic or two and don't see that as an option here...and don't understand why there is no picture of Mark Kelly

  • 741

    WTF how about we allow these 18-year-olds to come to the Supreme Court wearing their guns how would the justices feel about that. What’s happening here is appeasement to the lowest common denominator in America. The republican party. Republicans have become nothing more than fantasy world believers the tooth fairy, QAnon, vaccine conspiracies, any other conspiracy you could possibly think of, the bogeyman etc. etc. etc. And the Republicans in the Senate and the Congress Who are all wealthy people are using these intellectually handicapped Republicans to fatten their own pockets and nothing more. People like Mitch McConnell Devon Nunez Lindsey Graham Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. They all know what they’re doing they’re praying on the stupidity of the base for their money. And the base is letting them use them as much as possible by following their fantasies. It’s pathetic it’s what happened in World War II it’s exactly the playbook from Adolf Hitler. Nobody in Germany thought the end result would be millions upon millions dead they just thought it was a game of control but that’s what’s happening here and the Republican party it has fast become the American Nazi party.

  • 41.9k

    Will the Appeals court also overhaul alcohol restrictions on people under age 21? Will they also repeal marriage license laws in many states that require people under 21 to get parental approval to get married? (I got married at 20 and my wife was 19 - and we had to have parental consent in our State). The argument for overturning this law is that it is a constitutional right afforded all people and that the date for those rights to fully vest is arbitrary - so why is it the purpose of the court to redefine a legislated age limit to one that they feel would be better? Isn’t this, in fact, a case of the appeals court making the laws of the land instead of just interpreting the laws that legislators have made?

  • 229

    If we think you're not old enough to purchase alcohol (21), then how can we think you're old enough to purchase a gun? At least, like driving, require a person to take a test (both on paper and actual use, shooting range) on how to use a gun and basic gun safety, as a requirement.

  • 192

    Because the democRATs through their encouragement of violent crime by such evil as BLM/ANTIFA, every citizen needs to be armed for protection since the government does nothing to protect us.

  • 61


  • 34

    There's no way we need more guns on the street especially in the hands of immature people

  • 34

    Handguns are not for anyone, much less under age 21!

  • 1,092

    no one is allowed to buy liqure until 21 and the same should be the same with guns and rifles u dont need emotionally stunted underage 18yr old and younger being able to buy a gun

  • 78

    We're the third largest nation in the world (China first, and India second). We don't need to send off our children at 18 to die. No gun possession or military service until 21, is my personal take on it. Kids should be able to enjoy themselves and those special years. Let's make it easier for our kids to be kids.

  • 195

    Right to bare arms does not mean anyone anywhere is entitled to guns

  • 136

    This is ridiculous. We have more then enough violence, we know that this age group still has a lot of development (mentally/emotionally) to do. This move is the Opposite of what the Majority of Americans are asking for.