Your Turn: What Do You Love About America?

How do you feel about America these days?

  • 37

    Stop the gridlock in the senate. Money out of politics. Pass meaningful legislation to benefit ALL Americans, not just the wealthiest.

  • 32

    Overall this is still the best country in the world. People whining and complaining about how oppressive the United States is, are clueless and don’t understand what it’s actually like in other countries. I do think that the U.S. can change a lot to make her better though, such as banning abortion, boosting police forces, etc.

  • 3,563

    Trump said whoever 'leaked' info on his White House bunker stay should be 'executed,' Dumbkopf leaked state secrets to Putin … lets use his own words! TRAITOR

  • 3,563

    156 White people, 102 Black people killed by police this year, group says UNACCEPTABLE by any stretch of any imagination!

  • 171

    Not a good time to be asking that question. We are faltering with GOP pushing us over the edge with all its clientele money. I cannot state with any degree of certainty that there is one single person in all of Congress or in any state govts who has anything but themselves as their focus. Money gets the attention. The rest of us are considered worthless, shiftless, stupid, and useless except when it comes to scumming up a vote based on lies. I have hope in Biden as a moral person with a genuine desire to right this country, but I have none in any Republican. They would sell their own mothers into slavery if they thought it would get one dollar in their pockets, their clientele’s pockets. They are without souls. Until the people of this country say ENOUGH! and kick the bastards out for decades will we ever stand a chance to go forward instead of trying to keep from being pushed over the edge into a Republican hell. There is nothing that will alter any Republican’s mind set no matter how tragic it is. Not mass shootings. Not poverty. Not a pandemic. Not corruption. Not a violent attack on the Capitol. Not throwing out votes. Not any insane conspiracy theory. Nothing! It is all golden to Republicans. They glom onto all of it and generate more. Like bees to honey. They like the awfulness of all of it. If this was a horror movie demons would be whispering into the ears of Republicans this awfulness speaks so loudly and authoritatively to them. They want despair and will pay any price to get it, because it means more for them and their patrons. Like I said. Not a good time to ask that question.

  • 432

    What I really love are folks who run, not walk, to get the Covid vaccine. Not only does it serve to protect them, their being fully vaccinated protects the whole community from the ravages of Covid. What I don’t understand or appreciate are folks who refuse to get vaccinated—often for what seems to me very selfish, spurious or misguided reasons, thus needlessly exposing themselves to an extremely virulent virus and totally ignoring their responsibilities to help protect the greater community. Please folks. Do the right thing and get the damn vaccination.

  • 72

    To our Representatives we as Americans want a Congress and Senate to work together for the good of the people they serve. We are tired of hearing one side blaming the other.

  • 3,563

    Marjorie Taylor Greene compares Biden vaccine push to Nazi-era 'brown shirts' Hey mtg thats part of your dna ‘white supremacy’ so quit deflecting and speak plainly that you are a bigoted racist with zero capacity for tolerance or solutions

  • 3,563

    GOP Rep. Chip Roy (mitch junior) says he wants '18 more months of chaos and the inability to get stuff done' …he wants to jam Democrats' legislative goals so Republicans can win the 2022 midterms Gop is ensuring there is less to love America as they have been working on sabotaging this great country for decades … at least the last one

  • 416

    I love the geological diversity of all the states and our national parks and state parks. I like that we can freely travel and experience so many unique and creative places, events, and historical sites around the country. I like that many people are friendly, caring and helpful. I appreciate our military and space program. I appreciate our moral corporations that care about the safety and health of their employees and customers, and refuse to sacrifice our environment and us for more profit. I like the technological advances we’ve made to better our medical equipment, weather monitoring and prediction, communications, robotics, transportation, sports and overall standard of living. I love that we have rights and the ability to make personal choices.

  • 128

    America has a lot of potential. However, it’s way too divided, torn to bits. And I am not certain if America will ever be whole again. It’s moving in the wrong direction, towards a disaster.

  • 7,796

    I miss America the Beautiful, land of the Free! I miss WE THE PEOPLE having a voice. I miss a nation that helped one another vs put each other down. I miss a nation that wouldn’t stand for the shenanigans of these Democrats that are ruining our beloved country with criminals, traffickers, drug lords, etc. I MISS PRESIDENT TRUMP that ALWAYS put America first! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  • 7,796

    I miss people respecting our nation, especially the Democrats. I miss the patriotism of a nation that held high standards for all citizens. I miss the Camaraderie

  • 771

    America, land of the free and home of the brave!!! WELL, that is true at least within the minds of those brainwashed by FAKE FACTS and LIES. I highly suggest all of you who said you LOVE America to take the time and energy to find out the TRUTH about our history. We did NOT settle this country, we INVADED it and SLAUGHTERED MILLIONS. Slavery is NOT dead it had grown to cover every man, woman, and child who is not lucky enough to be rich and powerful. I could go on about the REAL history of this country but most won't believe it, that is just how brainwashing works.

  • 41.9k

    I love the potential of what our country can, once again, become. Ever since the Regan trickle-down economy nonsense and the Gingrich regimentation of the Republican party and declared war on Democrats, our country has declined in most multi-national metrics. Our educational performance in many areas is no longer even in the top ten and we have increasingly fallen behind in life expectancy, access to health care, childhood poverty, homelessness, incarceration rates, shooting deaths, wealth income gaps, nutrition, health care costs, quality of life and other measures. The pandemic clearly showed many of these differences. It is not the we went backwards in all of these measures, but that we have not at all kept up with the rest of the industrialized world. … … … We champion the promise of capitalism and free market economies yet allow the wealthiest and largest companies to get a better return on their investments by purchasing political favor rather than investing in being competitive by making better products and services - we gave that up to foreign countries instead, who needed to actually compete by delivering better products and services. … … … Biden’s initiatives collectively address most of the issues that have kept our country from reaching it’s full potential, and gives me hope for the future. It begins to get dark money out if politics so our industry will have to thrive by providing competitive products instead of getting assured cash flow via purchased political influence. It further focuses on building our economic future by strengthening our country’s foundational core, our people, and preparing us all to meet the significant challenges ahead and to profit from overcoming these challenges. Like a ‘house divided cannot stand’ neither can a large building stand without a strong foundation - no matter how much gold leaf or ominous statues it may be adorned with. … … … If we can prevent our politicians from selecting who gets elected to protect their political parties, we can begin to collectively demand that the will of the people actually once again becomes more important than the will of a political faction. By that measure, all of Biden’s and the Democrat’s initiatives should be passed by the Senate. The two things that may hold this up are the Republican Political Faction’s obstructionism and the conservative Democrats desire to keep their dark money benefactor’s gravy trains. … … … The electorate must become more informed and overwhelm those politicians striving to protect their comfy ‘status quo’. Our future challenges will require innovative and carefully planned strategic actions - something that has historically been a hallmark of our country. Abject conservatism to protect ‘what was’ must give way to enlightened protection from ‘what is coming’. To quote a comment on this site from Bo some time ago: “The status quo has gotta go”.

  • 225

    Love our country hate the corrupt politicians running it. I love our constitution, the bill of rights, the enlightenment and judeo-Christian values our nation is built upon. I only wish our current regime in power understood these and the nature of government.

  • 129

    Republican politicians are fascists. Them and right wing media have brainwashed enough Americans that it could likely take over democracy. I love America as a democracy. I will hate a fascist America.

  • 3,563

    America the true land of the free … you can just shoot anyone anywhere anytime! Thanks gop you may as well distribute free guns & ammo and then proclaim the liberal commies are against ‘law & order’? At least 150 people fatally shot in more than 400 shootings over the Fourth of July weekend

  • 48.2k

    I'm so tired of the whole "if you don't love this country..." ultimatum. If you think it's ok to ransack our Capitol and threaten the lives of the VP, Speaker, and other members of Congress, then maybe you should leave. Insurrection is not patriotism.

  • 203

    Our freedoms that the Obstructionist Democrats want to take away!