Supreme Court Upholds Arizona’s Ban on Ballot Harvesting, Voting in the Wrong Precinct

How do you feel about the Court’s decision?

  • 458

    It's the Supreme Court. They are corrupt. They are driven by Republican values that no one not white male should hold office and tell people what to do. It is so starkly obvious!

  • 137

    All states need to protect good election law and thwart the Central Committee (Washington DC) from creating a one party state. Can you say China, Russia, Cuba, and the like!

  • 223

    It is unbelievable how ignorant and racist some people are to think minorities are too stupid to find their correct places to vote based on where they live or if they are unable to go in person to vote, they cannot possibly request a mail in ballot! Really? Just because someone is considered in a minority group doesn't mean they are stupid! I'm glad to know our Supreme Court believes minority groups can and will be able to cast their votes in an election.

  • 81

    What AZ means by ballot harvesting ,makes it very difficult for the Tribes, and exceedingly rural people to get their vote out. For instance it would prevent an younger person on a reservation from picking up sealed mail in ballots from extended families and elders to drive and drop off at a polling place or mail box. I am so tired of the GOP doing their best to make voting easy for themselves and harder for all others. Pass the "For the people" act. Do it now. Voting laws should be all the same in every single state.

  • 179

    Honest Voting! Voters ID! Investigate workers for honesty! Democrats handled the 2020 Voting System with such Negligence that is was disgraceful. The Vote had so many issues of dishonesty that it reminded me of Socialist Managing the Election. Henceforth people are saying China-Joe is a puppeteer of communist party! How Free Speech Depressing!

  • 69

    Senator Sinema, you and Sen Manchin are helping the GOP limit our voting rights and rig our elections. Not only will you lose your seat, but the Democrat majority will be stolen by a Republican minority. END THE FILIBUSTER NOW to save our democracy!!

  • 392

    So sad that the Court ruled to gut the voting rights act again, We are watching our representative republic die a slow death. This is what happens when the minority party steals court seats and has an all out assault on the right to vote. Sadly there are too few members of our government that will up hold their oath to the constitution, fight for this once great country that is on the verge of an authoritarian fascist dictatorship.

  • 230

    I am sick of the Supreme court making laws for the country.

  • 40

    This is a blatant effort to steal elections. It must be stopped.

  • 63

    We all want access to Vote, not make it easier to cheat! God only knows how Dick Durbin keep getting elected in IL

  • 1,605

    Speaking of voting....the GOP is on a "march to the sea" smashing binge when it comes to our voting rights......they have NO platform....they have NO plans for ANYTHING other than a MAJOR push/power grab. All those who want to keep a democracy.....WAKE UP......if we lose the right to vote.....the availability of voting.......being able to vote in a peaceful place and the guarantee that ALL our votes will be counted.....we are lost.

  • 276

    Ballot harvesting is a serious danger to the integrity of elections and it is good the ban was upheld

  • 103

    Common sense decision unless you are in favor of voting fraud.

  • 226

    The decision by SCOTUS has both right and wrong elements. First, Arizona has a Constitutional right to legislate it’s own laws. It is also not unreasonable to expect voters to show up at the correct precinct assuming there is no discriminatory game playing going on with their locations. The prohibition against “ballot harvesting” is wrong. It does not matter how a sealed ballot gets to the poll, only that it does. Since this practice occurs among predominantly Democratic voters, it is merely another attempt by a shinking minority to cling to power that the voters have decided they should not have. SCOTUS should have split their decision and if not possible, demanded the law be rewritten as separate concepts.

  • 171

    Obviously the USSC is not in favor of cherishing a democratically elected govt and prefers only white Republicans just choose whomever they want rather than wasting time voting. They have become handmaidens of Republicans. Is that Jim Crow lurking behind John Roberts and literacy test questions being constructed by Kavanaugh? Which one is working on the poll tax formula?

  • 276

    Harvesting another-way to CHEAT! We are in the now no need for this ?? Crazy no commonsense here. We need to keep our elections pure or the worst will be cursed and we all don’t want to go that way…

  • 771

    It has been proven the last election was fair and legal. Just attempt by trumps cronies to make it harder to vote.. surprised they didn't pass law that only white male property owners can vote.

  • 78
    Kathy N Grant

    It's REALLY pathetic! So the way to win an election is too SUPPRESS the Citizens ability to VOTE? Disgusting what the states and governor's have done! Hope it comes back to bite ALL of them!

  • 39

    Republicans are shameful, absolutely anti-American & anti-democracy. This is fascism & there’s no debate on that. Republicans cannot be trusted & continue to threaten voting rights! The republican scotus is a major threat to democracy & America as we know it. Just unbelievable. Cheating the vote? Buying elections with Dark $? Republicans r allies of Russia & dictators obviously! Takeover & lies, deception, greed, corruption fraud, criminality, no law & order. Destroying America?, & to what end?

  • 590

    GREAT decision!! NO LESS THAN Jimmy Carter called absentee ballots “rife for fraud”. BALLOT harvesting if a political TRAVESTY! The intention is not enfranchisement but CHEATING.