What's Next for Infrastructure in Congress?

Should the bipartisan infrastructure bill be delayed until Democrats pass their reconciliation bill?

  • 79

    Absolutely not you’re spending money we do not have!!

  • 3,405

    Whatever process is going to move the fastest to get going on the infrastructure before the snow flys is the best!

  • 230

    We need both bills to pass--not just one. It would be another victory for the republicans

  • 66


  • 41.9k

    Remember the low ball stimulus package passed around November? The Democrats wanted a larger stimulus package as did leading economists. The Republican position was that an augmentation could be added later. Fine. When ‘later’ came and the Republican position changed to. ‘What? We already did that!’. They have done this time and time again. So, I fully support holding the bipartisan package until a reconciliation package is also passed. … … … In fact the recent events which represent the earliest impacts of the growing Climate Crisis are minor precursors of what is coming. All of Biden’s synergistic and complementary initiatives need to be passed - it is the only way for our Country and the world to have the opportunity to live through the climate crisis and the only path forward that allows our country to actually benefit by developing a growth industry to provide the methods and tools needed to do so. … … … The biggest issues with any deficit spending is the cost of servicing the debt and not the debt per se and it costs less to invest in the future now than dealing with the costs of not doing so in the future. Interest rates are close to historic lows and our currency is still the world standard. … … … It may already be too late to prevent the Greenland land ice cover from melting and raising the ocean levels by 23 feet - and the destruction of coastal cities and increasing severity of weather cycles which will follow. Siberia recently registered an unprecedented surface temperature of 118 degrees F. The West coast is currently setting new record high temperature which will soon be considered the new normal. Time is running out. … … … Yet, this country continues to ignore the obvious and refuses to fund preparing for the future. If we had risked grossly underfunding our world war 2 efforts, we would all be speaking German today. If we continue to grossly underfund our effort and do not get started now to slow and reverse the Climate Crisis we will lose this ‘war’, but will not all be speaking German in a few decades - there won’t be that many of us left to do much ‘speaking’ at all. … … … Biden’s initiatives taken collectively are very synergistic and collectively address the long-festering societal issues that continue to divide us and hold us back, that will make our country more productive (quality childcare for working parents, expanded early and post high school education, job training, new investments on focused research, our infrastructure of both things and people, and more), a coherent strategy and goals to finally begin working to attack the climate crisis and tactics to make doing so a profitable growth industry for our country. These initiatives need to be fully funded. … … … The long term humanitarian and economic costs of not winning the Climate Crisis war are too great to not fully invest in meeting this challenge. This is a new kind of threat, the likes of which are only being currently hinted at in these initial stages. Conservatively protecting the ‘what was’ is far less important than proactively and overwhelmingly investing in preventing the assured ‘what is coming’ if we do not.

  • 66


  • 8,978

    We Need both !

  • 219

    The House should wait to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill until every democrat has agreed to pass the social infrastructure bill through the budget reconciliation process and steps have been taken to do so. Republicans have given no hint that they will support the American Families Plan, so House democrats will have to be sure that its party members all agree to pass it before accepting the bipartisan bill. I also strongly support democrats not agreeing to any package that lacks real climate action measures. This summer is proving how much the country needs to improve its infrastructure and combat climate change for the health and safety of everyone.

  • 41.9k

    Carina: Please take a moment to write some letters describing your opinions for your grandchildren to be opened 20 years from now - so they can know who was responsible for the world that they will have to face should we not have the courage to thwart the Climate Crisis. Is that how you want to be remembered? … … … I won’t be around long enough to experience the full brunt of the Climate Crisis which will get worse before it can begin to get better no matter what we do now - but at least we have the opportunity to slow it’s progress and hopefully find manmade ways to extract the excess CO2 that drives the process before the thousand years that it will take for nature to process it. I do not want my grandchildren to suffer due to my generation’s greed and ineptitude. It will be hard and it will be costly, but the long-term costs of not doing enough are much, much greater.

  • 217

    Shame on Nancy holding the American people hostage just to get her and her communist party ramp down our throat items that is not popular with Americans and things we can’t afford. Remember she let the Americans suffer before the election on a bipartisan covid relief bill until after the election. She didn’t want to give Trump a win and she would rather people suffer first. Remember when she finally brought the relief bill up for a vote, why she waited...her answer was...we have a new President. In other word...the hell with the Americans, we don’t care for you. If Nancy and the Communist Democrats wants all the pork, then have them pay with their millions they got while in office. By the way..how did they get so rich hold office on their salaries?

  • 196

    The infrastructure bill should be pared down and passed without reconciliation.

  • 159
    Michael J

    Democrats will do what they have to do to get our Nation moving forward again. America knows #MoscowMitch lies through his teeth. The Texas Three Stooges stand right beside him smiling. Raphael our Hispanic foreigner is building his resume for another doomed presidential run because he likes to vacation in Mexico more than being a decent human being.

  • 1,022

    Yes, the GOP always has something up their sleeve, they have not played bipartisan politics in years. the Democrats should have this in their back pocket.

  • 694

    No more negotiating with the Republicans when they are just fear mongering and trying to prevent any legislation from successfully passing.

  • 1,696

    Hold up a minute...what part of infrastructure and climate change don't the trumplicans understand? Ask the questions please!!! You take life for granted! ......Let's start with some simple questions to you guys. Do you not enjoy having a clean water supply to drink, cook and bathe in? Do you not like having a food supply? Do you not want better roads and bridges to travel on...also the trucks that bring your food and products to the stores? Do you not like having communications like your cell phones, computers, tablets, watches and stuff you use daily? Do you enjoy the crazy weather? Do you enjoy not being able to grow any crops because of drought? That comes under the water supply which comes from nature. No rain...no water! Lakes and streams are drying up! Before you know it...the drought will spread further East...why? Because the Weather which is controlled by the Climate has changed. The glaciers are melting... there's not enough snow up on the mountains which the runoff feeds the dried up lakes and streams...but hey...just keep ignoring it all! ......Everything is connected to surviving on this planet! Everything you take for granted is connected with something else. So keep denying or ignoring what is going on! Look around you! In order to sustain what you take for granted we have to take those steps to repair the damage done in order to save our planet. Mother Nature is kicking ass and it's only going to get a helluva lot worse! Open your eyes! Stop denying! Face the facts and do whatever it takes to save ourselves from suffering because some people don't get it or think they are not affected in any way. If they don't experience something...it's not real. It's all BS...right? Well when you run out of what you take for granted you will be crying for help!!!

  • 350

    Nancy, Nancy, Nancy! So much power that you’ll throw ALL the people under the bus just to get YOUR way. How like you and my Democratic elected representatives. Pass the Bipartisan bill & then go to war over the other objectives but don’t waste a good compromise with good projects the US needs & wants. For once think about what’s good for the country & our future generations so they’re not saddled with debt this country will never dig their way out.

  • 13.4k

    bipartisan? seriously?!? republicans have vowed to do nothing but obstruct- in Mitch's words '' I will oppose everything Biden tries to do''. pretty clear. They weren't interested in bipartisanship in the last 4 years, under trump- they bulldozed through legislation without any input from democrats. they put two conservative judges on our supreme court, wasted millions of tax dollars on boarder walls, and cut taxes for themselves and their donors...bipartisan-ha!

  • 2,942

    I have to go "neutral" on this. McConnell has repeatedly said he will prevent all bills coming out of the Biden administration. This alone shows neglect of sworn duties to the U.S. Constitution and should be considered traitorous behavior and requiring him to lose his authority over the Senate and be removed from office and prosecuted to the fullest extent the law allows. The same goes for any other member of Congress involved with this BS. The only way to put an end to this partisan nonsense would be to outlaw all political parties ASAP and then submit a single bill for each item. Corporate lobbyists should also be outlawed as they do nothing but buy congressional decisions for corporate gains. This power grabbing must come to an immediate halt. We have become a diverse nation and our laws and regulations must benefit ALL the people not just a select few with over blown egos and those too lazy to obtain a real job. I will do my part and vote those I see as incompetent out of office. Will you?

  • 48.2k

    I don't think we should wait for the reconciliation bill, since we know it has to pass by the end of the fiscal year. If enough Republicans will sign it now as it is, then it should be brought to the floor and signed, then sent to the House. Our country can't afford to wait on infrastructure, and there are people who need the jobs this bill will provide. I still think we need the "soft infrastructure" that Biden and his allies have touted, but we can start with this bill and build on it from there.

  • 1,221

    The Dem bill would bankrupt Us, and pervert Our culture, and Nation. You must prevent it. You allowed an invalid election put this madman in power.