Miami Condo Collapse Death Toll Hits 18, Weather Has Potential To Affect Site

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  • 1,605

    This is yet another example of a tragedy that did NOT have to happen. The powers that be have known about some hinky things going on with the foundation/support of this building for three years.....and nothing was done. Information is only good if you act upon it.....this time it is an unsafe building with probably around 150 dead.....needlessly. On 1/6 several deaths were attributed to the prior orders were made to have the Nat. Guard on standby even though social media had been atwitter with all kinds of potentially dangerous talk......even the "president" out and out said it was going to be a "wild time" and STILL nothing was done. Ignorance, apathy and greed can be blamed for alot of the worlds these 2 cases, the problem was NOT ignorance.

  • 3,405

    Pure hell! That is it. There is nothing anyone can do about this. The odds are after 8 days all are dead. Yet we all wait for a miracle don't we............(never lose that).

  • 2,427

    Very possibly, Surender. ❤️😊❤️. With devil-worshiper DeSantis at the helm, we can be sure something fishy is afoot!

  • 3,567

    Demolition at Surfside condo could happen in days, ahead of Tropical Storm Elsa, officials say What a shame using a tropical storm as an excuse to demolish before full recovery of bodies? Its called destruction / tampering of evidence! Someone is going to be paid off to reduce insurance / owners exposure! But then anything is possible with gop oversight & dumbkopf mob. No surprise if his fingerprints on this quick demolition for an indirect contribution!

  • 194

    This is what happens when the government decides it doesn't want to annoy businesses with tiresome regulations. I mean: free market, right? Caveat emptor and all that. Besides, if enough buildings fall down, people will stop buying them, so the market will take care of it. Sure, a bunch a people will die, but that's a small sacrifice to make to the God of the Marketplace, right? Clearly that's the way they think in Florida.

  • 219

    This was a tragic event that could probably have been prevented through regular inspections. It needs to be investigated to see what the culprit of the collapse was and determine if there are any other buildings that are still at risk.

  • 150

    This is truly a very sad situation. I feel bad for the hardworking g responders too.

  • 159
    Michael J

    Florida resident former president Fascist Herr Trump hasn’t broken his silence on this tragic event because it doesn’t affect him personally. DeSantis wants Donny to call off his Saturday rally. Good human being (ahem) Don says f*** No. The show must go on. The Texas Three Stooges Love 💕 Trump and his show. They’re Trump Sewer Rats 🐀 🐀🐀.

  • 1,221

    Someone failed to properly inspect this condo. They should be brought to trial, and Justice. Said Justice must be Prison time, not money.

  • 243

    After reading and searching articles. I came across the video I have below. Ya. Copy/paste into your YouTube. If it was structural problem what is everything in bits and pieces instead of bulky building fallout 😧 Does anyone realize what actually happened 🤔 just suggesting a maybe cover for 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • 289

    Which building inspector was on the take here? I have a feeling there's something terribly corrupt going on.

  • 41.9k

    This is truly sad and must be horrifically difficult for families and friends of those still missing. We really won’t know much about the Who, How, What and Why of this disaster until a full fledged fault tree can be developed and it’s branches pruned by careful examination - and not much of that can began to happen until rescue operations end. There is a lot of speculation and reports that must be put into proper context before any definitive conclusions can be drawn. … … … It is too early to focus on this or that report or event, because it effects the common narrative before all of the facts are on the table and clearly known. That is why NTSB investigations are held quite closely until the fault tree analysis is complete, all possibilities considered and the ‘populist fluff’ is intelligently separated from the real substance. The problem of highlighting what may well turn out to be extraneous information now is that it lingers and can become the fodder to fuel conspiracy theories that cause people to act in counter productive ways.

  • 228

    this is a stupid question on the part of Causes - who is going to smile over it?

  • 341

    Bad thing. Closer inspections to make sure these things don’t happen again.

  • 196

    I'm not expecting many survivors.

  • 7,976

    Once it was established that the concrete was failing, that should have been the time to immediately evacuate the building & render it CONDEMNED. No one there needed to die. This wasn’t an “accident”. This was a failure, probably by many, to do their jobs. Now they are criminals and should be held accountable.

  • 349

    So sad to hear of such a tragedy. Hopefully, some good will come out of such sadness.

  • 2,427

    Absolutely, Larubia! ❤️😊❤️😊. And those responsible should be JAILED, fined heavily, and not just FIRED! This, certainly, should be a criminal investigation!

  • 1,085

    Still think investments in infrastructure is too costly, conservatives? That’s the problem. Conservatives keep believing that money is more important that people! You all do realize money can always be earned back, but lives can not. If spending a few trillion dollars in infrastructure can improve and help save the lives of millions of Americans, then why not do it? The sooner we fix our infrastructure, the less we will have to pay later when it ends up fully collapsing because we chose to not invest enough to maintain it!

  • 108

    Our STUPID anti-climate people need to investigate the geological surveys that were shown by FIU a few years ago. It shows that Miami Beach has water intrusion that is causing "sink holes" due to water. STOP!! Do not allow the banks to let these people have 30 year mortgages!!! Miami Beach will be under water in 30 years!!