Hong Kong’s Last Pro-Democracy Newspaper Shuts Down Due to Chinese Communist Party Repression

How do you feel about the CCP forcing the Apply Daily to shut down?

  • 444

    Duha! You think so?

  • 2,996

    Hong Kong’s Apple Daily Silenced SADLY the Apple Daily, Hong Kong’s last major pro-democracy newspaper, printed its final edition on Thursday and will cease operations going forward as a result of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) using its national security law to stifle the free press.  We seeing the typical Communist and Socialist ideology of denying free access to unbiased counter political information. The closure comes after the CCP arrested Apple Daily’s top three editors and two executives last week, and also seized materials from the newspaper’s office in Hong Kong. Apple Daily said in the aftermath that it would cease operations due to concerns about the safety of its workforce.  The Apple Daily operated for 26 years in Hong Kong and was responsible for breaking a story involving the hidden wealth of CCP leaders and unethical activities of Hong Kong officials. Its owner, Jimmy Lai, was arrested under the CCP’s national security law after it took effect last year and is currently incarcerated.  I'm in agreement with President Joe Biden released statement condemning the CCP’s efforts to stifle the free press in Hong Kong: “It’s a sad day for media freedom in Hong Kong and around the world. Intensifying repression by Beijing has reached such a level that Apple Daily, a much-needed bastion of independent journalism in Hong Kong, has now ceased publishing. Through arrests, threats, and forcing through a National Security Law that penalizes free speech, Beijing has insisted on wielding its power to suppress independent media and silence dissenting views.” SneakyPete. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 7. 21. 21

  • 67

    China is taking freedoms away from Hong Kong citizens, who always had their freedoms up to now. Closing newspapers, targeting journalists, denying citizens the right to protest..........you know what? THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE. The united states under republicans has sunk to the level of China, and all the other dictatorships on the planet.

  • 103

    I think that some of you smiley faces should move to China or better yet Russia get a real feel for what’s it’s like to live in a communist society! I think you’ve been spoiled and now Trump and the cons have spun you all in a circle, got you thinking what’s right is wrong & wrong is right!!

  • 56

    As much as I hate what is going on in that corrupt nation I support our hesitancy to become involved. China is a world power, like it or not, and the US is far too divided and fractured to attempt to defend against its policies in its territory.

  • 119

    The Biden administration lack of support for Hong Kong and Taiwan is an atrocious failure. 25th amendment this traitorous demented buffoon while America still can be saved.

  • 87

    China is a bigger problem then global warming/climate change/climate crisis/global cooling/*insert eco-terrorist term of the day*

  • 257

    As I recall that UN Amessbly in NYC, New York USA voted to invite Communist China to become the full time UN member but UN members voted to expel Twain from UN Amessbly on October 1971. On December 1971 I made my true prediction in my dream to foresee that Communist China took over Hong Kong under its control as Communist Chinese government In Beijing, China makes more arrests of the Hong Kong protesters and democratic government officials following its invasion to enter into Hong Kong after United Kingdom surrendered Hong Kong to Communist China in end of 99 years treaty. It happened recently then my prediction in my December 1971 dream finally became true! Only I honestly tell truth. Then I acknowledge that international community and Biden Administration and our America outcry in outrageous rage in our protests. Our US military forces, international military forces, and UN forces should protect our innocent Hong Kong citizens in Hong Kong and Asian nations from takeovers by Communist China. Communist China should be expelled from UN by UN Amessbly votes but they should put strict & tough sanctions. In a fact Communist China continues to commit numerous human rights violations so there.

  • 159

    This is not what China agreed to when Britain gave Hong Kong back to China. China has breached the contract

  • 304

    While working on the election of 1996 I was working calling newly registered voters. I got a list of "K" names & there was 10 people named Kang who had fled Hong Kong because they knew when China would take over the colony they would not keep their word to keep Hong Kong free. As British citizens they flew to BC Canada and just walked across the border to come to America to become illegal immigrants. I felt sorry for him & his family, Their family was here in Washington the state gave a driver's license to everyone without certification of citizenship, thus they registered to vote.

  • 2,503

    It was not hard to predict when the 50 year treaty was concluded that Chine would violate it. And now it has come to pass.

  • 159
    Michael J

    China is suppressing the media so there are no other voices, points of view, or dissent yet the GOP/Party of Trump is silent. Why? It’s the same tactic they tried in the USA and failed. Another reason is they are busy protecting the pocketbooks of Wealthy Corporations and Individuals. Nothing for the Middle Class let alone the Working Poor. The GOP is a one trick pony whose time is almost up. The Texas Three Stooges are 3 reasons why its become a joke 😆🤣😁

  • 17.0k

    The Chinese powers that be, lied, again! They never intended to let Hong Kong have any semblance of independence.

  • 244

    A few years after WWII ended and China was freed by the allies from the Empire of Japan, the new leader of China, Mao Tse-tung, a.k.a. Mao Zedong, founded the Communist Party of China in 1949. The CPC, now known as the CCP, nationalized all commercial enterprises in the new People's Republic of China and took over all operations of government and educational enterprises in the PRC. All farmers, teachers and landowners who did not agree with the Communist Party were imprisoned and brainwashed or else met their end by execution or starvation. Millions of Chinese were killed during Mao's reign until his death in 1976. It was a cultural revolution that made Joseph Stalin's revolution look mild in comparison, although millions of Soviets starved to death in work camps and gulags. The first thing that Communists do to democratic people is to take over the news media and push propaganda while keeping the 'masses' under complete control and influence of the Communist Party. Shutting down Hong Kong's Apple newspaper is just the start. Soon the people of Hong Kong will fall under the complete influence and control of the CCP. It starts out subtly and grows increasingly authoritarian until those who cannot forget the freedoms of the past are quelled and forced to forget what they once had. The best analogy what happened to the Chinese people of the PRC under Mao Tse-tung's dictatorship is what happens when a rabbit is slowly surrounded by a python so slowly that it does not notice. The the python wraps around its victim and begins to constrict the rabbit. When the victim realizes that it is trapped in the python's grip, it is too late to escape. The python then opens its mouth, disjoins its jaws and swallows its prey head first until it is a meal. The difference is that with Communism you don't get a ball of fir and bones come out the rear end. It would be too gory to explain what happens to the 'extremists' that are ground up and discarded by the system. Remember that both Stalin and Mao had millions of their people done in for the good of the Communist systems. The system grinds you up and spits you out when 'useful idiots' are no longer useful. And it can all begin with the shuttering of local newspapers. Then they come for the guns. Then for dissidents. And eventually for guess who? Communism is no picnic. It is always best to learn about it from those who have lived under its iron fist and escaped to freedom to tell about it. Never think that it can't happen here. Don't become like the python's rabbit. Be vigilant and be prepared. Freedom is never free. "Don't it always seem to go that you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone." - Joni Mitchell.

  • 81

    The CCP is not only corrupt and nearly inhuman, they are incredibly stupid. Their initial statements on regaining Hong Kong were that China would let them be autonomous. After all Hong Kong is the Golden Goose in Asia. But China being China, they lied. They jumped in and started choking down a virtual mountain of gold. The CCP is really dumb.

  • 13.3k

    American news is also censored, or stories are buried forever. Not happy for Hong Kong, but I want Americans to stop acting like we don't do this. Our news media typically misinforms, or frames the narrative in such a way to distort fact.

  • 122


  • 817

    Funny stuff right there.Almost like all the state run media here CNN, Msnbc and all the others in the tank pushing the democrats talking points just like the communist China media.

  • 1,927

    Imagine for a moment a parallel universe. Trump and his cronies have installed a right-wing autocracy in America, but (let’s say) New York had been leased to (perhaps) Spain for some reason and been allowed to continue and expand its democratic ways. It’s language of choice becomes Spanish during the lease period. Suddenly, the lease was up, but Trump said, with his usual level of honesty, “Don’t worry, we’ll have a parallel system and nothing’s going to change.” And then, of course, everything does. Independent thinkers are locked up, non-Fox news sources are shut down, Spanish is banned, Trump banners are everywhere, his "speech police" are listening and tapping every line…. Something like that almost happened here in the last four years. How would we have expected anything different in Hong Kong?

  • 116

    And does anyone see that this will happen to Taiwan if we don’t stand up? Communist China slowly confiscates its neighbors and since they view the US as either an ally or an impotent adversary they will continue to annex the Pacific rim.