IT: 🤬 SCOTUS rules cheerleader's "F****!" are protected speech, and... Are you concerned about microplastics in your diet?

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  • 24

    My last paycheck was $3200 for working 18 hours a week online. My sisters friend has been averaging 11k for months now and she works about 26 hours a week. I can't believe how easy it was once I tried it out. The potential with this is endless. This is what I do...

  • 41.9k

    You know I fear we may all be falling for one of the tricks taken directly from the trump’s ‘Swindler’s Handbook’. The really big issues of voter rights, infrastructure, human infrastructure, green energy, the climate crisis and democracy itself are being discussed less and less as we focus on cheerleaders swearing, the escapades of Republican morons like Goetz or Ms. QAnon crazy pants, Giuliani’s disbarment, McConnell’s pronouncements, and general culture war topics. We are failing to keep our eye on the ball, the critical issues that must be resolved to protect democracy and provide a pathway to deal with the looming and increasingly consequential challenges of the climate crisis; the complex geo-political issues, technological requirements, innovations, monitoring and world cooperation needed to address climate change. … … … The public broadly supports the entirety of Biden’s proposals; Republican voters, Independent voters and Democrats alike. The Republican faction cannot say anything substantive to rebut this public support that they absolutely are opposed to for a variety of self-serving reasons, so they find other molehills to be cast as great mountains to divert public attention and essentially rope-a-dope legislation that they do not want but have no factual basis for dispute (other than meaningless but highly emotive buzz-words like ‘too expensive’, socialistic, will kill the country - without any statement of what, how of why). This is why the National Republican faction wants to draw our attention away from what is needed and what the people support to topics that have emotional appeal, are somewhat interesting but have little to do with the big issues of profound import. … … … The Biden announcement of a bi-partisan infrastructure agreement today needs to be carefully watched and get to at least a test vote quickly to assure that the Republican Senators who said they support the package that they endorsed will actually vote for it when it comes to the floor. This could very well turn out to be a tactic to simply run out the clock while appearing to want to negotiate - like they did for a year and a half of gutting the ACA with no intention of ever voting for it, ever. We all heard what McConnell said earlier with regard to Biden’s agenda. … … … I think we all need to be careful to not lose sight on the big issues as we intentionally get drawn into commentary on other issues of much lessor import.

  • 174

    On Causes, jimK wrote: "You know I fear we may all be falling for one of the tricks taken directly from the trump’s ‘Swindler’s Handbook’. The really big issues o..." Read more here: I agree with you on some portions. I do agree that these massive piles of Republicans which the extremist Left is trying to witch hunt roast constantly is 100% a distraction... but you’d be hard-pressed to convince me of anything other than someone like that self-serving disgusting human Pelosi is actually behind the distractions. Distract you from the failing health of good old Comrade Biden... of the massive failures to get the border crisis under control by “can’t stop laughing in the face of those suffering from the crisis” Kamala Harris. As a woman, she is the most disappointing useless piece of garbage to take the title of “First Woman VP”. Not a role model ever. Just lazy and hungry for $ and power. Like Biden and his son. Like Pelosi and Schumer. Like all politicians in my opinion to this day. However .. over the last year.. anyone with eyes could see the clear agenda by the Democrats to normalize the violence and looting and burning over the summer... to piggy back off of the pain and confusion of the American people ... to fan those flames for their own politics and advancements... and to convince everyone that Republicans are the most racist POS on the planet... You want to know who has fanned the flames of division and aggression and lack of open discussions in this country?!! Look to your Democratic sold out comrades. Look to the biased media that pushes racial and political divisions constantly.. who defends the lying completely inept Fauci who failed when HIV was newly discovered - causing a lot of needless fear and deaths... now Covid - more needless fear, baseless non-scientific claims - also causing more deaths... emails they clearly show his lies... book deals and magazine covers and publicity stunts while Americans struggled (and are still struggling) to grasp the reality, and the constantly shifting narrative, related to this Virus. Now we know he used our tax dollars, in addition to Google’s donations, for GAIN OF FUNCTION RESEARCH IN WUHAN. Many Democrats censoring the truth... many truths that Trump (albeit very unprofessionally) tried to warn us of (“China virus”.. “Wuhan virus”... “fake news”)... again and again .. story after story comes to light that the media and the leftist extreme censored information and stories to defend their ability to continue using our tax payer dollars to lie to our face and give it to special interests. I’m tired of everyone letting these things just be brushed under the rug. I’m tired of lying politicians. I’m tired of people pointing fingers at Republicans with emotional jabs, attacks at a few crazies or conspirators.. and generalizing them all as “bad”... just like you all did with Trump. At the end of the day, be as mad as you want that you didn’t like him .. but his actions have spoken louder than words .. especially seeing the disgusting mess Biden has made, just in his first 100 days.. by pretending “all Trump stuff bad” and reversing policies that actually were helping everyone... This country is falling apart.. because these politicians don’t care about any of us and are playing on your emotions as well as your want for a return to normalcy ... These politicians believe: “never let a good crisis go to waste - rules for thee and not me..” I do not hold any anger towards my fellow Americans. Because I can see all of the manipulation and neurolinguistic programming they’ve worked so hard to establish ... I blame our officials.. and I’m ashamed of them as a whole. This country was built on freedom.. not Power and manipulating more and more taxes out of the people to fund political self interests.. the sooner our officials remember this truth, the better off we will all be.

  • 7,951

    We consume about a credit card sized amount of micro-plastics every week in the typical American diet. Yes, I am concerned.

  • 741

    This is what I’m really concerned about, I’m concerned that at every turn the Republicans are trying to block any investigation into what happened at the capital and the answer is obvious; the Republicans happened that’s what happened. Republicans zealots tried to overthrow the government at the direction of Donald Trump with the support of people like Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell and Devon Nunez and others it’s bullshit it’s anti-American and it’s got to go all of these people need to be brought to justice every single damn one of them.

  • 7,951

    Just to clarify First Amendment rights, as some of the posts indicate a serious lack of understanding: The First Amendment protects your right to speak/write without being censored. It does NOT protect: obscenity fraud child pornography speech integral to illegal conduct speech that incites imminent lawless action, speech that violates intellectual property law true threats commercial speech such as advertising Stop with the false equivalency. It’s truly exhausting. The word “F*ck” by Osho…if you need a good laugh.

  • 674

    Everyone out there-if you’ve ranted about anything in your entire life you thought was not fair-raise your hand ✋🏼 Anyone not raising their hand-please stop fibbing Plastics in my diet-yes indeed-scares me We need more scientist to fix the crap we did to ourselves

  • 388

    Off topic: Privatizing infrastructure to pay for it. Apparently, from an NBC report today, the newest infrastructure proposal may consider paying for infrastructure repairs, upgrades, etc. is by privatizing in whole or in part the needs of the country and it’s infrastructure. “Fixing our infrastructure would yield enormous economic (not to mention traffic-relief) benefits from more jobs to greater efficiency to increased trade, including for businesses like ours, Transurban, a private company that partners with governments to build and operate toll lanes, giving us a financial stake in this topic.” I think it’s a good idea for us to remember that private companies tend to be profit-driven. That drive has led to lay-offs, manufacturing jobs sent overseas resulting in the rise of unemployment and poverty at home, an over-stressed workforce at home deprived of family and leisure time, a workforce that has had flat wages for 30-40 years accompanied by dwindling health care and retirement security, the Great Recession of 2008, and other social and economic ills because of dwindling regulation and oversight that allowed greed to overtake ethics and accountability. “Right now,$4.6 trillion of private financing is sitting in money market accounts, $4 trillion is sitting in corporate coffers, and $32 trillion is sitting in pension funds. New infrastructure legislation can unleash this capital by creating ways for private companies to invest in America’s infrastructure — that is, highway construction, dam maintenance, port expansions and much else. Among the most promising opportunities is “asset recycling,” where a private company buys the right to rehab and operate an existing government-owned property (like a toll road or parking lot) and in exchange keeps a portion of the future revenue charged to the public to use the facilities.” The example to be studied in determining whether or how to support privatization of our infrastructure can be found in Texas. The privatization of the Texas power grid led, directly or indirectly, to an official count of 700 dead (likely more when related causes of death are included) from the shutdown during the recent snowstorm. How many will die, directly or indirectly, from the corporate takeover of private thermostats and temperatures requested if 78 degrees during the day and 85 degrees at night with temperature highs of 100 degrees and more is yet to be known and will also likely be undercounted. Sleep deprivation is related to major organ failure, including heart problems. Dehydration. Heat stroke. Infants unable to effectively regulate body temperature. People who don’t perspire sufficiently due to their biology. Before supporting this method of paying for infrastructure, we should ask ourselves how much we trust corporate America and ask which foxes will guard the henhouses. Another question is whether this us the only or best way to pay for it when, according to Pulitzer-winning Pro Publica, the very rich frequently pay less than most of us in income taxes that fill federal bank accounts and, by other accounts, corporations pay very little sue to off-shoring, asset manipulation, and tortuous accounting. Oh, and the so-called tax reform of 2017 that benefitted primarily the very rich and corporate America.

  • 8,471

    So the former president can incite an insurrection, five people dead and the insurrectionists going to prison, no fine, no prison time for him, but a teenaged girl has to take her case clear to the Supreme Court so she can say the word “fuck?” Is it just me, or is something wrong with this picture? The message seems to be if you have money and power, there are no consequences!

  • 50

    This comment is meant for Causes. Please raise your standard of reporting by adding sources.

  • 128

    Court’s decision is correct! Yes I am concerned about micro plastics in my diet.

  • 165

    Where is questions on Causes about harris going to the border, is she just doing it before President Trump? Is the border really closed-NO, the highest illegal aliens crossing at borders in decades, children in cages

  • 246

    I am not overly concerned about micro plastics in my foods

  • 246

    The scotus did the right thing. I still believe it was a accident

  • 260

    Well now isn’t The Govt. agency called the FDA suppose to protect me ?