IT: 🗽 Civil Rights legislation in America, and... Do you support freezing arms sales to Ukraine?

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  • 42
    Doris J.

    my neighbor's sister makes $88/hr on the computer. She has been laid off for 7 months but last month her paycheck was $15820 just working on the computer for a few hours. look at this website >>>

  • 41.9k

    Robert P: You raise some assertions of fact, so let me respond directly. The Russian firehouse of alternate facts is successful with the right-wing news entertainment media and it takes a lot of time to unwind. It would appear that you may have drank some from that hose, so I have decided to spend some time this once to respond. … … … “1. President Trump is a puppet of Putin.” … … … … … … “2. Russian interference in our elections was the reason Comrade Hillary didn’t win.” … … … … … … “3. Russian conclusion with President Trump and Putin. He once after getting elected like in February 2017 made a statement to a question that he thought that him and Putin could get along and maybe work together to defeat ISIS caliphate. The Democratic and mainstream media had there hair on fire for him to say that as it was proof of Russian conclusion”. … … … … … … “As it turn out he was actually tuff on Russians and Putin. He did work with Russia in Syria to defeat the ISIS caliphate. However when the Russians used Chemicals on the Syria Kurds he struck back hard on the base that sent the planes up with Russian pilots. Putin learned that President Trump was not going to let this happen and that Putin had stepped over that red line. Comrade Obama had drawn a red line in the sand and when Russia stepped over it he did nothing.” … … … … … … “Putin found out that President Trump was not like Hillary who sold the Russians 1/3 of the United State Uranium. Wonder what you would use that for?” … … … < A Russian Company bought a controlling interest in a Canadian mining company that had some operations in the US that produced 20% OF THAT COMPANY’s Uranium ore – not 20% of the US production of Uranium ore. Hillary never had any authority to stop that sale. She was put on a panel (of I think 8 people) that could have recommended that the President attempt to stop the sale, if he chose to or not -the only one with the authority to mess with another country’s business if it is necessary to do so. None of the panel wanted to mess with the sovereign rights of our close ally, Canada, which had approved that sale. … Just because the trump spouts nonsense does not mean that it is true. > … … … “The recent G7 summit and the private meeting with Putin show why he made this statement about Comrade Biden you quoted. The Russians had just since January 20th at noontime hacked into two major infrastructures in the United States.” … … … < WRONG, Organizations operating within Russia organized the ransomware attacks, not Russia. Biden authorized the retention of cyber currency which had never before thought to be even possible – as a punishment and as a warning, While the G7 meeting was in progress diplomats were already working with Russia to get them involved with policing rouge operators within their country and to layout frameworks for cyber warfare ‘treaties’. The most substantive cyber intrusion in the history of our country happened under the trump and compromised a great number of governmental sites and governmental contractor’s data – the depth and damage of the Solar Winds intrusion has yet to be fully determined. The cyber warfare people could have responded rapidly, in kind, but could not without diplomatic cover and Presidential authority to prevent a cyber war from escalating into a shooting war – neither presidential authority nor diplomatic cover was provided by the trump> … … … “Comrade dear leader Beijing Biden on day one shut down the Keystone pipeline then in the next month shut down the federal lands for oil. He then signed off to allow Russia to finish the pipeline that will bring in natural gas and oil into Western Europe and Russia and Putin get the profits and gain Western Europe.” … … … < The Keystone pipeline was still being planned. It would transfer particularly ‘dirty’ oil through critical watersheds and lands sacred to Native Americans- and with the looming Climate Crisis that flat earthers like to forget about, there is no need to increase oil production. The European natural gas pipeline from Russia was 90% complete, heavily invested in by our European allies as a needed resource. NOT THE SAME THING> … … … “So Comrade dear leader Beijing Biden is now in with Putin as his BOY and Puppet and now Comrade Hunter Biden will get another bonus check from the Mayor of Moscow.” … … …

  • 83

    We should be helping the Ukraine defend itself against Russia. Biden and the Dummycrats are in bed with Russia and China and are all tied in the corrupt dealings with both countries. Every Dummycrat should be investigated and prosecuted for treason.

  • 41.9k

    As far as the voter ID requirement in Manchin’s proposal. The issue is not so much having a voter ID or an alternate means of identification, the problem comes from what hoops people have to do to get a voter ID and what kinds of alternate documentation is acceptable at the polls. … … … When by mother moved in with us in her early nineties from Tennessee where see was living with my brother, we started the process for her to get a state ID card. She had a validated ID from Tennessee, records from Social Security, but these were not sufficient. We had to get her birth certificate, her marriage certificate (from 70 plus years prior), and official state or utility mail addressed to her at her new address (ours). We went to the BMV three times to present the documentation only to told to come back with more. It was physically demanding for her to just make the trip and she finally just refused to go back again. She was very politically astute and absolutely terrified when the trump got elected. She predicted almost all of his bull crap long before it became evident to everyone else. But, she was unable to vote because of asinine restrictions for documentation from the long ago past that very few people could provide nor figure out how to get. … … … The issue with voter ID is not the ID per se, it is the hoops that one has to go through to get one. … … … Perhaps we should have bought her a registered handgun so she could use her gun registry for voter ID. Did not think of this earlier.

  • 41.9k

    TheDarkside: Another excellent and informative comment from erstwhile Republicans who can the see the danger of the entrenching Republican Political Faction. Thanks! Always enlightening!

  • 25.8k

    Another response to @Robert @Robert wrote: "1. President Trump is a puppet of Putin. 2. Russian interference in our elections was the reason Comrade Hillary didn’t win. 3. Russian conclusion with President Trump and Putin." Robert, do not trip over your insights! Your emotions are getting the best of your arguments. Slow down, Lose the inflammatory nonsense from the Right Wing media and the Left-Wing Media. 1. President Trump is a puppet of Putin. Of Course, this Is Probably Nonsense. Trump doesn't listen to anyone's advice. But, Trump does have a rather obvious psychological profile. A more nuanced opinion would be derived from answering questions along the lines of "What "deals" were Trump looking for and which secrets were he trying to hide?" Further, "Did Trump set up _anything_ with Putin or the Russian Federation that benefited a significant number of the people of the United States of America?" No one is claiming Trump accomplished anything concrete in this area. No one! 2. Russian interference in our elections was the reason Comrade Hillary didn’t win. Of course, Russian propaganda influenced those in its orbit. However, like Trump in 2020, her baggage was too great for many people. Much of it was based on lies, but Team Hillary could not deal with the negative stuff. Plus, recall the Former FBI Director's role at the last days of the 2016 election season. Note that unlike Trump she accepted her loss even though she had a numerical majority of the votes – something like 3 million more votes. In 2020 Trump lost by some 7 million votes. 3. Russian collusion with President Trump and Putin. We have evidence of this, but due to Republican lies (starting with Trump and AG Barr) and obstruction by Trump and a host of sycophants, the evidence is inconclusive. Adamant denials plus obstruction = guilty. To me, the real issue is that Trump was an ineffectual leader in every way except braggadocio. He holds the record for both lying and bragging. It would help if you thought about actual accomplishments. How you can counter the assessment of Trump being ineffectual with facts, not inflammatory right-wing headline news jibber jabber, or what about-isms. Finally, stop using really inappropriate derogatory labels. Both Biden and Clinton are more closely aligned with corporate capitalism with a dollop of social justice and no where close being any flavor of Communism or the resulting totalitarianism that occurred in some countries like the defunct USSR.

  • 7,935

    I support actions that lead to more understanding, compassion & peace. Frozen arms sales, civil rights legislation…if it works to make the round, blue ball more equitable & peaceful, then yes, I support it. The thought of bringing my dog to work, brings me joy. Until the reality of that thought plays out in various scenarios throughout my mind. I work at a cat shelter! The point is to govern making decisions based upon what is best for ALL people, and this includes the health of our Earth. Those decisions must continually be evaluated for evidence of effectiveness. Those laws, policies & stances must be changed/discarded if found not to be working. So, bring your dog to work, if it brings joy & comfort to all involved! Freeze those arms sales to Ukraine, if you think we will have better outcomes with Russia. Continue to legislate laws that will bring equality to all people….but then evaluate the effectiveness & act upon the evidence. Happy bring your dog to work day, people!! Tell me about your Fido(s).

  • 41.9k

    B.R.: I cannot surmise the ‘oranges’ of your statements. Oh wait, that was the trump during one of his mini-strokes; he said that repeatedly because ‘origins’ is kind of a big word. Strategists have a plan and don’t just blurt out bull crap like saying Putin was right and the sum total of US intelligence was wrong. Even Putin stated that the relations with the US were strained under the trump and was glad to have a more rationale leader with Biden, because the ‘lines’ that cannot be crossed and rules would become clearer. Will it work out? Hopefully, it is always better to start with diplomacy than unconstrained bluster. Defensive weaponry was not withheld. The hold on Ukrainian lethal attack weaponry gives Putin a chance to honor his commitment for a Ukrainian troop drawdown and was probably discussed with NATO allies since, after all, the NATO alliance is the only reason for supporting Ukrainian arms sales. And on, and on. … … … I think the right wing radical echo chamber has infected your cult which are all clearly long past due to get mental enemas to clean out the bull crap.

  • 468

    Wow… B.R. is a window into the mad recesses of the internet. That’s a full bar of you-tube conspiracy cocktails right there. Dude. Lay off the snow.

  • 347

    A warning from The Lincoln Project founder Steve Schmidt … 'We’re all getting this wrong. You have probably heard by now that it is very unlikely that HR1, the federal bill to protect voting rights, has any chance of passing the Senate. Joe Manchin is unwilling to get rid of the filibuster because he is still hopeful of a bipartisan solution. This is not to blame Joe Manchin personally. But it’s clear that he, too many of his colleagues, and too many in the media have read the situation completely wrong. There is no bipartisanship anymore. The GOP of old - and the idea that both parties come together and negotiate to get things done - is dead. It doesn’t exist anymore. Matthew Dowd called it the GOP’s “black mold problem” and made it clear: you do not negotiate with black mold. You have to rip out everything it touched and rebuild. And if you deny it exists...and breathe it makes you sick. What we all have to realize is that we are falling into a trap. The media, Democratic leadership, former Republican leaders - we are mistakenly believing this is still a two party system, and we’re missing the point. Everyone is still making an assumption that there are these two parties...but that’s not the fight we’re in. There is only the Democratic Party, and on the other side is an authoritarian movement fueled by Donald Trump. That movement has grown to hold so much power in what used to be the Republican party that it has purged former leaders and left them fearful for the future. We have to stop them. Help us fight back. So when we mistakenly think “bipartisanship” is the solution, who are we negotiating with? Either those held hostage by the black mold - or the hostage takers. Neither is a tenable solution for our democracy. This is no longer a choice between two parties. You’re either part of the authoritarian movement and support their treasonous activities or you are against it. This is what we are tasked to do. You, me, the Lincoln Project, and every American who wants to stand up for our democracy. And it’s also important to remember that many of our fellow citizens have been lied to. And they believe those lies. But those people, they are not the enemy. In order to help them overcome this and wake up to what is happening, we need to offer those people the truth. This is no longer a political fight. It is an existential threat to the future of our democracy. Our role in this is simple. We need to deliver the truth to the people who have been lied to. And every time that someone uses bipartisanship as a reason to negotiate with the black mold, we have to call it out. We need to make every American realize what the stakes are not just next November, but every time someone repeats the Big Lie or cries bipartisanship. The truth matters. The more that Marjorie Taylor Green takes the mic and shows the rot in a Republican party fully co-opted by Trump, she proves it is in fact now a movement of autocrats who seek to destroy democracy. This is bigger than Trump. This autocratic movement will not implode while we stand by and wait. We have to take action now because it is much larger than that. If these people regain the House and the Senate, how much further do you think they’ll go? We have to stop the spread and we can’t do it alone. Talk to your neighbors. Reach out in your community. We have to start having these conversations before it’s too late. Thank you for keeping us in this fight. -Steve

  • 440

    Wow Darkside. Quoting from The Lincoln Project really? They are just as bad as BLM organization with all their million dollar donations going to their firms of the founders or directly to the founders. These organizations are nothing but fraudulent money laundering for political propaganda.

  • 389

    BR said it well: So what did Causes miss this week: 1: COGNITIVE TEST - Biden getting worse by the day. A call for Biden to take a cognitive test is loud and clear. 2: COVID-19: Biden calls for the WHO to do another investigation of Covid's origination. Is he for real? The WHO has been compromised from the very beginning and does he really think that China is going to co-operate. 3: ALL IN THE FAMILY: Walter Shaub, the director of the United States Office of Government Ethics under Obama is calling out Biden for hiring so many relatives of senior White house officials. 4: THINNING THE FOREST: California now is adopting Trump's idea of thinning the forest to help with maintaining forest fires. I guess the idea is no longer funny. 5: G7: Success or failure. Biden says "I did what I came to do." Just exactly what was that. Just a couple of months ago, Biden called Putin a killer, but now he says that Putin is a worthy adversary, bright and tough. By Democrat's definition, doesn't this make Biden a Russian asset. Biden says he gave Putin a list of 16 American entities that if he attacked, the US was ready to hit back. What kind of strategy is this? Did he also give Putin a list of those entities that he could attack? When Biden was asked whether he trusted Putin, he nodded yes, to later have his administration do the back stroke. It appears that Biden is tougher on reporters than Putin. Just ask Kaitlan Collins, CNN. Can you say freak out. God forbid anyone ask Biden a question that is not pre-approved by his staff. Overall, the meeting was embarrassing. Among other things, Biden has proven that he is not mentally capable to serve as President. His only strategy is to try make people like him. Just ask Putin. He got everything he wanted even before the meeting. A true leader he is not. A true leader does not criticize their own country.

  • 130

    B.R. You realize Causes doesn’t cover conspiracy theories and unsubstantiated claims, right? Maybe you should go back to Newsmax and 4chan.

  • 2,915

    @jimK: I have no problem with diplomacy tactics, but I do have a problem with ignoring the past. Many of Presidents have tried to use diplomacy with Putin and have failed, which applies to China as well. As far as your statement about the origins of my statements, as it relates to the G7, I can only assume that you did not watch the news coverage. Lastly, you speak of mental enemas, I think you yourself can benefit from one. Perhaps it will help you to get over your obsession with Trump.

  • 2,915

    So what did Causes miss this week: 1: COGNITIVE TEST - Biden getting worse by the day. A call for Biden to take a cognitive test is loud and clear. 2: COVID-19: Biden calls for the WHO to do another investigation of Covid's origination. Is he for real? The WHO has been compromised from the very beginning and does he really think that China is going to co-operate. 3: ALL IN THE FAMILY: Walter Shaub, the director of the United States Office of Government Ethics under Obama is calling out Biden for hiring so many relatives of senior White house officials. 4: THINNING THE FOREST: California now is adopting Trump's idea of thinning the forest to help with maintaining forest fires. I guess the idea is no longer funny. 5: G7: Success or failure. Biden says "I did what I came to do." Just exactly what was that. Just a couple of months ago, Biden called Putin a killer, but now he says that Putin is a worthy adversary, bright and tough. By Democrat's definition, doesn't this make Biden a Russian asset. Biden says he gave Putin a list of 16 American entities that if he attacked, the US was ready to hit back. What kind of strategy is this? Did he also give Putin a list of those entities that he could attack? When Biden was asked whether he trusted Putin, he nodded yes, to later have his administration do the back stroke. It appears that Biden is tougher on reporters than Putin. Just ask Kaitlan Collins, CNN. Can you say freak out. God forbid anyone ask Biden a question that is not pre-approved by his staff. Overall, the meeting was embarrassing. Among other things, Biden has proven that he is not mentally capable to serve as President. His only strategy is to try make people like him. Just ask Putin. He got everything he wanted even before the meeting. A true leader he is not. A true leader does not criticize their own country.

  • 440

    All the leftists who are saying BR is spreading conspiracy theories remember the same was said about the coronavirus lab origin, Hunter Biden laptop, the tear gas, China travel restriction as xenophobic then Biden does the same, etc. So yeah you guys are so blinded by Trump hatred that you can’t make a critical or objective thought to save your life!!!

  • 194

    B.R. - might want to loosen that tin foil derby your sporting and start sipping that KoolAid instead of drinking it from the fire hose. You are an entertaining troll if nothing else.

  • 7,807

    The republicans party and some religious group talk out both side of their mouth on amendments, constitution, civil right, human rights and even religion they don’t walk the talk and when they do it’s against America and humanity. I.e Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham and some so called Christian. Also, conspiracy theories is just that, only a theory and beliefs, not facts.

  • 2,915

    @burrkitty, sylvia, jimK, and Jim: You spout out "conspiracy theories" because you don't like seeing what I said. But where is the specific rebuttal.

  • 2,797

    jimK I wonder why the relationship between the United States with Trump as President and Russia with Putin in charge over there might have been strained. Do you think that after the election and even before being sworn in the Democratic talking points and the bias mainstream media and the big tech guys all on those same talking point 24/7? 1. President Trump is a puppet of Putin. 2. Russian interference in our elections was the reason Comrade Hillary didn’t win. 3. Russian conclusion with President Trump and Putin. He once after getting elected like in February 2017 made a statement to a question that he thought that him and Putin could get along and maybe work together to defeat ISIS caliphate. The Democratic and mainstream media had there hair on fire for him to say that as it was proof of Russian conclusion. As it turn out he was actually tuff on Russians and Putin. He did work with Russia in Syria to defeat the ISIS caliphate. However when the Russians used Chemicals on the Syria Kurds he struck back hard on the base that sent the planes up with Russian pilots. Putin learned that President Trump was not going to let this happen and that Putin had stepped over that red line. Comrade Obama had drawn a red line in the sand and when Russia stepped over it he did nothing. Putin found out that President Trump was not like Hillary who sold the Russians 1/3 of the United State Uranium. Wonder what you would use that for? The recent G7 summit and the private meeting with Putin show why he made this statement about Comrade Biden you quoted. The Russians had just since January 20th at noontime hacked into two major infrastructures in the United States and Comrade Biden’s response was please don’t do that especially these 17 things but you are free to hack in other things in the USA. Comrade dear leader Beijing Biden on day one shut down the Keystone pipeline then in the next month shut down the federal lands for oil then shut down anwar that now make America go from energy independence and the largest exporter of fossil fuels which included natural gas to being now an energy importer from countries that don’t like us. He then signed off to allow Russia to finish the pipeline that will bring in natural gas and oil into Western Europe and Russia and Putin get the profits and gain Western Europe as there new dependent countries of Russia. So Comrade dear leader Beijing Biden is now in with Putin as his BOY and Puppet and now Comrade Hunter Biden will get another bonus check from the Mayor of Moscow.