Senate to Consider Democrats’ Election Reform Bill, House to Roll Back Trump Era Regulations

How do you feel about this week’s congressional schedule?

  • 611

    I fear our democracy is almost dead. Brought about this “republican party”. Actually it is the RINO/A.L.E.C party now. A.L.E.C. Is a bill writing mill supported by our large corporations.. Citizen United is another corporate organization. This tRump/RINO party is backed by anti democracy militias like the three percenters, proud boys, oath keepers, etc. Trump asked them to kill Americans, and they obliged. Trump continues to weaken our democracy, continues to promote murder and division. All the RINO party senators and a majority of the RINO party congress turned their backs on America and supported the insurrection and trump. We lost a lot of good Americans fighting for our democracy. Trump called our dead veterans “ losers and suckers”. I guess he knew what he was talking about. He and his trumpasexual supporters are destroying the Union, our democracy.

  • 1,085

    Glad to see Democrats at least confirmed 2 more of Biden’s judges this week. Now, if only they could shorten their August recess to get more nominees confirmed.

  • 27.8k

    Has everyone using the IOS version noticed that Causes is using paging now e. i. scrolling left and Right in addition to up and down? I don’t get it and I don’t particular like it either. Seems some people are missing the additional issues. Look for the paging marks: °°°°°° ###

  • 42.2k

    larubia: me too!

  • 285

    All we can expect from Republicans is stupidity & obstructionism. Florida was a much better place to live when we were majorly Democrat!!

  • 112


  • 240

    Do YOUR JOB! I’m too old for rally’s abd yet here I am.

  • 7,796

    ANY ONE WHO AGREES THAT IDENTIFICATION IS NOT REQUIRED NEEDS THEIR HEAD EXAMINED! Instead of NO ID requirement, these states should be implementing ways to obtain a legal ID! In order for an election to be "free and fair," it has to be administered in a way that allows its CITIZENS to vote and treats all political parties and candidates equally. That means the process 1) needs to be accessible to everyone who meets voting qualifications and 2) as unbiased as possible. The United States relies on the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to create all new legislation. It's the job of the judicial branch—including the Supreme Court—to determine whether new laws violate the Constitution or Americans' constitutional rights. Check out the Constitutional Law Reporter to learn more about how constitutional law is practiced in America today. I WOULD SAY THIS VIOLATES THE AMERICAN PEOPLE’S RIGHTS!

  • 42
    Doris J.

    my neighbor's sister makes $88/hr on the computer. She has been laid off for 7 months but last month her paycheck was $15820 just working on the computer for a few hours. look at this website >>>

  • 9,353

    I support everything in the Election Reform bill!!! Everything!!!!

  • 262

    Now is our chance to have the democracy we have been praying for. Don’t waste it. Pass HR 1, voting rights act, and dump the filibuster or it will go back to to the broken undemocratic system we have been suffering with.

  • 32

    Freedom to vote without restrictions, no matter your race, gender or religion is a basic right that must be protected. The GOP push to restrict and overturn that right in most of the stated must be prevented. Vote YES on the Voters Rights legislation to save our Democracy.

  • 753

    With the sham audit the interaction of the capital and 1 million other absolutely ridiculous things republican party has proved itself to be the winner of the race to the bottom. It’s bullshit republican party needs to be dismantled and rebuilt.

  • 753

    This is off-topic but it needs to be mentioned as it is now apparent to the Republicans that there’s no way they can win any national election because of what they’ve done to their party, supporting liars, supporting insurrection in the capital, pretending a half 1 million Americans didn’t die due to neglect of Donald Trump – they are now trying to make it impossible where is difficult as possible for people to vote. It’s also very telling that the Republican state of Texas has made it so difficult to vote which is right under the constitution but allowed anyone in the entire state to buy a handgun in carry it. The right to vote is designed to make people’s lives better caring a gun is designed to kill people. That’s where the Republicans are today. I invite any scene Republican to leave the party now enjoying the Democrats or an independent party to better this nation.

  • 373

    Not into considering, election reform needs to get done as with infrastructure and all the other policies the majority of we the people want to see put forth or building back better. The gop/gqp have proven again and again that they are not of good faith or should be trusted. Obstructionists is putting it mildly while state by state they are suppressing and deconstructing our rights to vote, let alone bringing them to a remote cabin that violates and is against federal law. Where is the law by the way. The majority of we the people are not considering anything we want it done. You don't compromise with the compromised and if you haven't learned that by now you don't deserve to hold office and should be voted out. (that is if we can still have our votes counted or if our votes are not overturned) Enjoy the recess that we pay for and all of the other privileges denied to we the people, we can't afford a recess and don't get any of the perks.

  • 27.8k

    There Is A Weasel Named Tucker Who considers each loyal viewer a sucker. In secret he admits Trump’s a loser but not to an addicted FoxViewer. After all, it pays much better to pretend, incite and pander. (Perhaps we should use some words more vulgar.) An article of some importance: pointing to the Tucker who lives in reality prime. Tucker Carlson Calls Journalists ‘Animals.’ He’s Also Their Best Source. Plus, a little corroboration: “Fox News’ Tucker Carlson is key source for media he ‘hates’, columnist says” And the “news" is spreading like dog feces smushed under a new pair of shoes! "Tucker Carlson Revealed to Be Insider Source for Many Journalists He Trashes On TV"

  • 2,427

    Mitch McConnell MUST GO! Dems grow some balls and do the same things that Mitch has done for, at least,12 years now! You are the majority. If Mitch can make his own rules, so can you. You’d better DO IT NOW! Who made Mitch God, anyway? You have been letting him get away with it. HE WILL NEVER BE NONPARTISAN. HE DAMN WELL TOLD US ALL THAT! BELIEVE IT AND MOVE ON! And what’s this about needing a month off in August so that they can be “reading! Reading what? I call bull! Your damn well doing NOTHING right now. Are you not able to read in your office? I say one week for the July 4th holiday and one week in August. You’ve already had so many days off ON OUR DIME! It’s time you have the SAME DAMN PAID TIME OFF AS MOST OF US - TWO DAMN WEEKS! Mitch already delayed Biden, over a month, at the beginning of the year, by refusing to turn over control to him. With all their vacations since then, we’ve lost months more! The clock is running out. Several years ago, Mitch took away the Senate month off in August and gave them only a week - just to make it look like they were ACTUALLY working, when they weren’t. DAMMIT DEMS, TAKE THE REINS AND STAND UP AGAINST THEIR HYPOCRISY! WHAT GIVES THEM MORE RIGHTS THAN YOU! All they do is obstruct, obstruct, obstruct! NOW TURN THAT AROUND AND GET THE VOTING RIGHTS AND INFRASTRUCTURE BILLS PASSED - NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES. IF YOU DO NOT, YOU CAN BE SURE TO LOSE THE MAJORITY IN 2022! ENOUGH OF REPUBLICAN’S STONEWALLING TO STOP YOUR AGENDA! 90% OF US WANT THESE THINGS DONE! JUST DO IT ANYWAY YOU CAN - JUST LIKE THE BASTARD MITCH DOES! KENTUCKY YOU ARE DAMN FOOLS TO KEEP VOTING THIS BASTARD IN! YOU HAVE RUINED OUR COUNTRY! I HOPE YOU GET WHAT YOU DESERVE!

  • 27.8k

    More on the 4 "Realities" of America. I am convinced that “Smart America” and “Just America” must claim the Mantle of “True American Patriot.” We must not allow the ignorant and the racist to claim that title for their degenerate purposes!

  • 310

    This is either a vote for democracy or a vote against it. Any Senators who vote against election reform and voting rights votes against the very idea of America. One of the few freedoms we enjoy is the vote. Senators who vote (VOTE) to block this are working to strip you of YOUR freedom/power while consolidating THEIR freedom/power.

  • 753

    You can Roll back the insanity, roll back the lies but you can’t roll back the deaths of 600,000 Americans nor the insurrection that led to the taking over the capital of the United States while the vote was being certified. Insurrection at the direction of Donald Trump. Donald Trump is clearly the worst thing that’s ever happened to America. An anti-American bullshit artist and liar. An entire family of grifters living off the backs of Americans by avoiding taxes.