A History of Civil Rights Legislation in America

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  • 23

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  • 192

    Since the dreadful civil rights movement, the black population has shown time and time again they do not deserve the rights they have been given in this country. The more you give them, the more they want. This country was founded as a White Christian nation and they are unfortunate guests here. Since they have made this the most unsafe country to live in through their violent behavior, time to fulfill President Lincoln's intention to deport them all to Liberia or some other Third World country that will take them off our hands. At the very least we need to bring back segregation since we were never meant to co-exist. The government has a duty to protect the native population, if africans are making the White population unsafe, they need to be removed from this soil pronto.

  • 42
    Doris J.

    my neighbor's sister makes $88/hr on the computer. She has been laid off for 7 months but last month her paycheck was $15820 just working on the computer for a few hours. look at this website >>> www.BigLifestyles.com

  • 41.9k

    I am always moved by the wisdom of the framers and the founders and the key foundational premise that underlies most of the concepts and principles that define our democracy, ‘that all [people] are created equal with certain inalienable rights’. We have not fully lived up to that ideal but have made many great strides toward it. Our democracy was, is and will continue to be a struggle because it is based on ideals and principles that can be compromised by those dominated by the demons of greed, desire, fear or political power. The history of civil rights in our country runs parallel with the struggle to protect our democracy from those that would suppress the freedoms of some or abuse our democracy’s freedoms in pursuit of their own self interests. … … … This topic on Causes clearly documents the kind of struggle that righteous Civil Rights has faced and still faces today. We STILL have not ratified the Equal Rights Amendment! Progress has been slow and incremental, but there has been progress. Unfortunately, the same demons of democracy are gaining strength today, fed from the wellspring of disinformation and dishonesty for the sole purpose of distorting and limiting democracy’s hard-fought rules and norms to suit their political ambitions. … … … I see the fight for true democracy and equal rights for all to be the same inextricably linked struggle. Our black sisters, brothers, friends, colleagues and neighbors have most visibly had their rights suppressed. The struggle is broader and includes anyone that some can see as a somehow being an unworthy ‘other’ who is unworthy not because of who they are - not their character, their skills, their achievements and well, their soul; but rather the color of their skin, ethnicity, religious beliefs, life style choices, gender, sexual preferences, elite status or any of the ‘other’ labels we can put on others. We do not need to agree with other people’s choices to respect their worth as people who should have the same opportunities to thrive in our society as anyone else. No one should have the right to impose their beliefs on others unless they are breaking laws or ‘bearing false witness’ either intentionally or because they just do not know better. … … … The struggle to preserve our democracy and the struggle for equal rights and opportunities for all are inextricably linked. The struggle must continue and those who want to preserve and protect our democracy must be vigilant and ready to use all legal means to overcome suppression, get to the polls and vote those willing to sacrifice our democratic principles for personal gain into a well deserved political oblivion.

  • 2,414

    While we have made progress re. civil rights, we still have a long way to go. I watched the movie "Selma" last night and thought about how the Republicans are trying to limit the right to vote and how some cops are too quick to use lethal force against black males, how the police and other law enforcement continue to use force to stop peaceful protest, and how right-wing racist groups are still injuring and/or at time killing people of color. What I saw in the movie and what I see on the news on a fairly regular basis seems to only have changed by a sm. degree. While I hate to think this, maybe it is the nature of some whites to only feel secure and superior to others when they can repress them.

  • 48.2k

    The work is not done. Until minorities in this country are treated equally and justly, we must remain vigilant, reform and legislate where necessary. Black and brown people are still more likely to be stopped by police, sentenced to prison time, and killed by police than all other groups. Trans women of color are killed at least every week in this country, while white women and white trans women face much less violence. Black and brown people are much more likely to be working lower-wage jobs and face burdens to fair and affordable housing. These things aren't coincidences, and can't be fixed by the groups affected by them alone. We need systemic reform to level the playing field. Yes, everybody should get the same chance, but you can't be "equal" when you're starting below the playing field that white people get. I hope this year we will see more reform in policing, voting protections, and protection for LGBTQ+ people.

  • 355

    Democrats have always been slavers. They just changed the meaning of words to keep it going . They have it going bigger than ever today, right now. There are more slaves in the United States as we speak than there ever was in the 1800s. FOR REAL!

  • 7,970

    You know what I would like to see legislated? 1. Quality education for ALL children. Education is the great equalizer. 2. Universal Healthcare. COVID-19 exposed our racially & socioeconomic disparities in healthcare. Legislate this.

  • 208

    13th amendment abolished slavery- 100% Republicans/23% Democrats 14th amendment gave slaves citizenship- 94% Republicans/0% Democrats 15th amendment right to vote for all men - 100% Republicans/0% Democrats

  • 224

    Good article until the authors opinions at the end. Let’s not forget Biden’s place in the history of civil rights, his relationship with Robert Byrd and segregationists. His intention along with CRT is to divide the country along racial lines. Wake up people, the Democrat party is the same as it always was.

  • 663

    This article was an interesting read. After Klan was all but destroyed in the late 1800 it was brought back to life at the 1924 Democratic convention. And now we have had prominent Democrats eulogize Klan members. We have a President who does not think that minorities know how to get on the internet. Oh and thinks that poor kids are just as smart as white kids. Just seems that the Democratic Party has not really progressed.

  • 347

    You know what teaches us that there’s systemic racism? Trying to ban the teaching of systemic racism.

  • 1,479

    It is indeed true that we have been terribly slow as a country to bring forth equal rights to all Americans. And, many have expressed these thoughts eloquently. But as a world citizen I am ashamed at how this has come about and why we are still working at it. I ask myself why pale skin, blonde hair and blue eyes should dominate? And delving deeper than that why the human race awards power and money? Why we shun certain occupations and feel superior to one another? The “white folks” want to be superior to the black and brown folks. The rich want to be superior and control the less fortunate. And the power hungry just want their way with everyone. And, the funny thing about these scenarios is that they are often taught by “folks of the word” whether it be the Bible, the Koran or another organized religion. So even one’s faith is compromised by what should be just and righteous to all men. So how can our government change these century old habits? How can we make the masses accept the equality of all men regardless of the color of their skin, the amount of education that have, the amount of money they make , or the prestige that carry? We can force these things through legislation but we cannot change the mindset of most without something more. I think the terrible demise of George Floyd’s video helped some people understand what has been going on for centuries…but I think more equalizing events need to be revealed before society can move forward with more compassion for one another. Im sorry I don’t have any answers to offer, just questions to ponder and hope that Congress reading these thoughts can help bring us to a more equatable place.

  • 349

    The Civil Rights Act has done a lot of wonderful things for black people but we have a long way to go until all people have equal rights.

  • 3,039

    @frank. Interestingly at the same time Prof Curtis Banks ( Standford psych) was doing a sabbatical yr in the dept as P’ton was heavily recruiting him. He would have been P’ton’s first black prof. He decided to return to Standford. As i remember Shockley he was an egotistical pompous ass. It was difficult to take him seriously, he had no training in genetics, psychology or any discipline except physics. He reminded me of a closet Nazi… but what did i know i was only a young student

  • 25.9k

    @Dorothy - I don't recall a Prof. C.W. Banks ever being on my radar. "I remember Shockley he was an egotistical pompous ass.It was difficult to take him seriously, he had no training in genetics, psychology or any discipline except physics. He reminded me of a closet Nazi… but what did i know i was only a young student." Even as a young student you had good instincts! But being children during the 60's, I suspect many of us were primed to resist even scientifically packaged racism by '73. It seems he came out of that Nazi Closet hoping to make a glamorous splash. Instead he tripped on his Nazi Tiara and fell on his face in front of the world. Karma! Shockley did provide an impetus to learn more about racism, and the methodologies of Psychology and Genetics. I remember conversations with the psych majors and grad students. One strong outspoken girl, I forget her name, was a bio major. Everyone was refuting Shockley’s assertions. For some reason he was taken seriously for his 15 minutes. Was he the "My Pillow Guy" of his day? Seems even the outspoken racists have gotten dumber, if no less arrogant. 🙄 ###

  • 3,039

    @frank some may be old enough to remember the ‘73 debate monitored by Dan Rather at Princeton’s psych dept. Psych Chair Leo Kamin (who authored The Politics and Science of IQ) and physics prof William Shockley from Stanford. Shockley was an ardent eugenicist who was invested in his theories of black racial inferiority. I was working the dept at the time and it was truly amazing to hear this brilliant physicist spew out this garbage. He became an academic pariah

  • 25.9k

    Re: Carina being targeted by Anti-fans, the Daves. (Not to be confused with Antifa.) Did Carina have a recent change of heart or did she just change her tactics (ie her trolling antics)? Anyway. Without context, some readers will just take her comments at face value. Good on her for quoting Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. today!

  • 404

    Truly a reflection of the racist democratic policies when in years 2008 and 2012 we had the highest rates of black voter turn out; yet, the racist Democratic Party is now trying to change voter laws under the guise of racial equity so that fraudulent voting and election interference can run rampant to try and manipulate elections and usurp the black vote and votes of all citizens alike. And the use false narrative claiming it’s to protect voting rights, when in fact, it’s to take them away. All the Democratic Party has ever wanted to do is control government, control people, control money and the economy, and everything else. They are power hungry fascists and do not care at all about people, black brown white red or yellow! They only care about power money snd control. The history of the Democratic Party clearly shows this and their actions today still do. They will never change. They are a dangerous cult snd have brainwashed way too many people. And still they can’t win elections without lying, cheating, and stealing, because their policies and agenda is clear as day to people who are paying attention; people of all races are paying attention because race is inconsequential. We are all equal under god and the law in this country. If only the Democratic Party treated all people equal and stopped perpetuating racism, we could truly be the shining beacon on the hill. Go away Demoncrats! You are a plague on my house!

  • 25.9k

    The Justification of Bigotry, Discrimination, Hatred, and Slavery by "Christians" In response to @Dave's question*, many before us asked some variant of that question. I suggest an internet search for something like the "justification of black inferiority." As far as I know, race isn't given any consideration in the Christians’ "Good Book,” so other criteria took precedence for generating and maintaining such seeming hypocrisy essentially based on a convenient but massively erroneous premise, yet another "Big Lie." The first time I encountered the notion of justifying the notion of racial inequality was an extensive scientific "study" (1) coming out claiming to validate the notion of “black inferiority” while I was in college. Turned out it was just another attempt in a long history of "rational racism." For starters, see, for example a historical perspective — “Race - Building the myth of Black inferiority.” https://www.britannica.com/topic/race-human/Building-the-myth-of-Black-inferiority and for the junk science of racism — "Scientific racism: a history of the phony theories that perpetuate white supremacy." https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/a-brief-history-of-the-enduring-phony-science-that-perpetuates-white-supremacy/2019/04/29/20e6aef0-5aeb-11e9-a00e-050dc7b82693_story.html * @Dave asked: "Reading all this legislation enacted just for freedom, human rights and voting rights, which should not be a no Brainer for the so called religious right, left or independent from the time this country was started and the constitution. Course Hindsight is 20-20, but didn’t they read their bible or any religious book? What are churches or religion for, to justify hate, bigotry, discrimination and slavery?" ADDENDUM (1) "WILLIAM SHOCKLEY "William Shockley, Stanford professor and winner of the 1956 Nobel Prize in physics for his co-invention of the transistor, was arguably the single person most responsible for ushering in the computer age. He was also an ardent eugenicist whose theories of black racial inferiority eventually made him an academic pariah." From "William Shockley" Southern Poverty Law Center https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/william-shockley (This article is well worth reading.) William Shockley https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Shockley "Shockley and Free Speech" https://www.thecrimson.com/article/1973/11/6/shockley-and-free-speech-pthe-law/