The End of Slavery: What Is Juneteenth?

Did you learn about Juneteenth in school?

  • 50

    I was appalled to graduate both high school, college, and have to move halfway across the continent before I learned about this.

  • 226

    It was not taught. I found out about it when I was in my 50's. This is exactly why the declaration of this holiday is so important.

  • 23

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  • 406

    I first heard of Juneteenth when I was an intern in Houston. The holiday was celebrated in Texas—for once ahead of the curve…

  • 112

    I do not support this Marxist Commie holiday! Vote no

  • 152

    No comment I believe this federal holiday is a trick question. They are 18% of the American population with an 80% prison population do the math for yourself. This is just another political ploy to segregate and keep tension between the citizens of this country no matter what color. And agreeing with whatever they want to stop possible personal retaliation against the government representative.

  • 48

    I grew up in AZ and I learned nothing about Jim Crow as well.

  • 771

    I graduated from high school in 1973. Their was a lot of our countries history that was not taught.

  • 42
    Doris J.

    my neighbor's sister makes $88/hr on the computer. She has been laid off for 7 months but last month her paycheck was $15820 just working on the computer for a few hours. look at this website >>>

  • 33

    I grew up in Pearland, a suburban community of Houston Texas in the 1970’s, and we learned about Juneteenth in Schools. But it was a Texas-related holiday

  • 48.1k

    @Freethinker, please stop with your "Democrats were the bad ones" what-aboutism. It isn't productive and it doesn't absolve you and the Republican party of the systemic racism that so many states are continuing to advocate. Yes, the parties seem to have changed their position on racial equality, but does it really matter? Does blaming the Democrats of old for what the Republican party of today is perpetuating erase the continued white supremacy we are seeing now? Are the Democrats of yesterday to blame for the "red states" which are now trying to ban the history of slavery and Jim Crow and suppress the black vote? If so, please tell us how so, because it sounds to me like you're just trying to distract us from the truth.

  • 162

    No, the south lost the revolution but obviously won the PR, the south has tried to perpetuate their bigotry, it's time to include actual history in our school books, not fairy tales. We need to better educate all Americans as to how our country was built, the negative as well as the positive, people need to recognize the difference of FACTS, vs BS!

  • 3,405

    Native American history was more brutal than Black American history. At least the Black Americans were allowed to live. Check out America's "Mass graves" all over America the Beautiful, just full on dead Indians.

  • 324

    Trump wanted to make this a holiday and leftists said no. Then, the Biden administration emboldens racism and violence against white skin, then makes juneteenth a holiday, and mobs of black people in Chicago pull a fair skinned puerto rican couple out of their car and execute them, amongst many other acts against white flesh. Ignorant black people and racist leftists are being used to divide this nation and execute white skin. Biden serves China and we are being entirely dismantled as a nation. If like July to be declared white history month and id like to know what's being done to stop racism against whites. FBI has revealed that 95% of racially motivated crime in the US is blacks being violent against whites.

  • 1,051

    This should be part of all curriculums in our schools. We all need to understand this new Federal Holiday!!

  • 380

    I learned about the EmancipationProclamation and celebrated that.

  • 22

    To finish my comment, my education was slanted to favor business interests, there was no even-handed treatment of any issue. Now, (I graduated high school in 1969) the average worker is worse off than I was in high school and for at least 5 years after. Between my pension and social security, I’m able to live comfortably, not many new retirees can say that. We need our education “system” to tell the truth about everything: Race relations, the after-effects of Brown v Board of education (closing public schools to avoid integration and on and on) the fight for public health, the fight for the 40 hour work week, for respect. We need to own up to our racism, present-day as well as historical. In Germany they have markers in the pavement commemorating people murdered by the state. I don’t know how we’d accomplish something similar but whatever we do it has to be similarly “in your face.” The psychopathic Republican Party will obstruct every attempt to tell the trutjh

  • 2,934

    We need to teach both sides of history in school

  • 218

    It wasn’t called that of course back in the late 60’s but the end of slavery on this day was in the history books. Doubt it is today, our education system lacks in so many ways. The meaning was respected, never down played but all of a sudden in 2021 the government wants to pander to black Americans. The so called “ inequity “ theory just another pandering technique they now are using. This is America where if you are motivated and work hard achievements can be made. But, so many actually are bringing this ethnic group down by claiming they have not received a fair shake of the opportunity pot. What is misunderstood is that each are everyone of us, no matter what color has the ability to advance themselves. Where there is a will there is a way. That path does not mean holding ones hand out to take all the assistance they can possibly reap. So, now we have a Federal holiday to pander , what we forget is this is the Land of the Free NOT Land of Free stuff.

  • 218

    It wasn’t called that of course back in the late 60’s but the end of slavery on this day was in the history books. Doubt it is today, our education system lacks in so many ways. The meaning was respected, never down played but all of a sudden in 2021 the government wants to pander to black Americans. The so called “ inequity “ theory just another pandering technique they now are using. This is America where if you are motivated and work hard achievements can be made. But, so many actually are bringing this ethnic group down by claiming they have not received a fair shake of the opportunity pot. What is misunderstood is that each are everyone of us, no matter what color has the ability to advance themselves. Where there is a will there is a way. That path does not mean holding ones hand out to take all the assistance they can possibly reap. So, now we have a Federal holiday to pander , what we forget is this is the Land of the Free NOT Land of Free stuff.