Americans’ Anxiety & Depression at Lowest Levels Since COVID-19 Pandemic Began

Have you experienced feelings of anxiety or depression during the COVID-19 pandemic?

  • 22

    The suicide rate has increased massively during covid. Countless people lost their job. Shut down of countless businesses around the world made huge chaos. all these sudden Scenarios caused an increase in the suicide rate. Many people had to take help from [url=[spiritual[/url] coaches and consultants to get out of this uncertain time.

  • 35

    Please don't be fooled by this, mental health has not changed because Covid has gone down. This is the same idea as if you eat a piece of cake and drink Diet Soda. The pandemic has shown an ending and there is a temporary positive. Even of it's going down for Caucasians, it's still higher for people of color and women. Don't lose sight that in terms of Mental Health we still need work.

  • 373

    Yes, and proudly so, if you have not felt profoundly saddened by the amount of deaths/illnesses or lives affected and the capacity of those unwilling to believe or take the pandemic seriously I question your humanity. In some ways much worse than the virus itself. A vaccine to infuse intelligence and heart would go a long way toward protecting us against both heartless vectors, ravaging our country and others.

  • 890

    Yes I think so.

  • 1,124

    This pandemic and the poor handling of it by our former president have really harmed our Nation and the citizens. People who followed Donald's lead are anti-vaccine and many refuse to wear a mask. They are sometimes causing fights over the masks. My grandchild works in a government building and must tell people who enter the building that they cannot enter without a mask. People have assaulted my grandchild! I worry for their safety. People have been killed over this!

  • 8,978

    Covid , Trump and followers created much anxiety. Mental out look much improved since Jan. 20th!

  • 192

    All involved in this hoax needs to be arrested for what they have done to its citizens and the country.

  • 2,937

    I have to say NO! I refuse to accept the word of anyone in government power without a full investigation into the matter. Human beings are prone to accept any negativity laid before them. As the old saying goes, "misery loves company." I refuse to become a member of the status quo, believing only what I am told to believe. I was brought up with good Christian morals and taught to think for myself. I WILL NOT FOLLOW where I know I should not go. I have suffered with Chronic Hereditary Depression and learned that I AM the only person who can control it. "The mind is the healer" if you allow it. My choice, my decision knowing full well I will answer to any consequences that may arise. At the same time I can take credit for my own successes when I win. The media makes money by feeding us negative information and Congress ends up in control of what happens to anyone of us that does not come from a "higher power" ( the Divine, Universe, or God). I am on my 75th year of a life that was given to me and have fought tooth and nail throughout the entire time to keep on keeping on. I was blessed with an excellent immune system which hasn't failed me yet so I refuse to allow COVID-19 take me down physically, mentally, or emotionally. Only the strong survive. I have Cancer in remission, suffer from COPD while on oxygen, and recently been diagnosed with Stress-Induced Cardiomyopathy. However, I am still fighting, still surviving with good grace and doing whatever I want to maintain a positive attitude on life. The cancer took away my vocal cords and left me with a hole in the base of my throat through which I breathe and because of the need for oxygen in my lungs, I have to wear a mask to cover the hole and deliver the oxygen I need. When I sneeze, cough, burp, it all comes out into the mask. As the saying goes, "God helps those who help themselves". Blessings to all and may the Universe guide you in attaining your strength to combat any type of depression.

  • 422

    Yes, but it had nothing to do with the pandemic and everything to do with the fact that Trump was president. My anxiety level is highly reduced by the fact that he lost the election, bigly, no matter what he says and what his cult believes. (;-)

  • 992

    The dominance of depression in so many citizens is surely the result of political leadership that has prioritized personal and party achievements in a power game rather than what is best for all American citizens. As such, it is unlikely that such depression will continue until traditional American belief in the dominance of “Rule of Law” is proven with a win for Lady Justice over the abuse of power by Trump and his minions and until his “Big Lie” is proven for the attempt at political gaslighting that it is. Such can probably not occur until the judicial system indices and convicts the abusers and a major sweep of the GOP from offices occurs in 2022.

  • 114

    Between Trump, Covid, And my Texas republicans I have started therapy.

  • 17.0k

    My anxiety has decreased a hundred fold now that the grownups are back in charge.

  • 409

    No....I didn't....This Floridian has a Great Governor Desantis....My grandbabies went to school...Granddaughter was troubled for 2 months but is ok now...Thank You...Governor Desantis..🇺🇸🇺🇸👍🙏❤

  • 122


  • 1,020

    Yes, but it really didn't have a lot to do with the pandemic. I was anxious way before that. I think Trump made a lot of our country nervous and depressed. He was changing this country in a way that was dangerous and he is not going away. We need to be very concerned!

  • 1,927

    Hell, yes. Resentment, too, especially toward the Orange Monster who had it in his power to stem the worst of this and consciously chose not to. At least half a million of our nation's Covid deaths are on his overinflated head.

  • 2,412

    Anxiety for sure. Who wouldn't be anxious when there is a "killer" virus circulating at alarming rates and our damn gov. under the "leadership" (and I put leadership in quotes since no visible signs of leadership were present during 2020) of Trump? We lost too many lives that could have been prevented if Trump had done his job, but hell no, the asshole didn't do a thing but sit back and lie to the public. A second reason to be anxious is the reckless beh. of citizens' who didn't take the virus seriously, wouldn't follow public health guidelines and thus put themselves and others at risk. Finally, a third reason to be anxious is the damn Republican governors who followed Trump's lead and put the citizens' of their states at risk by ignoring public health recommendations. In fact, I'm still anxious, since the CDC guidelines indicated that fully vaccinated individuals don't have to wear mask in public. The problem with that is you don't know who's been vaccinated and who hasn't and if idiots wouldn't wear masks when it was mandated, what makes us think that these same idiots have been vaccinated. So, anxious-YES because there are too many reckless and selfish people out there that are putting all of us at risk.

  • 374

    When Trump was calling the virus a hoax & suggesting ridiculous cure/ preventative measures, I was guiding my students through virtual learning. Before i learned how to set boundaries, it felt like a home invasion, & that really sent my PTSD & anxiety into warp speed; meanwhile, Trump & the GOP were splintering the country & turning medical issues into political issues as hundreds of thousands of people died. It was surreal. Now the GOP is acting like nothing happened on January 6th. How do these people still have support?

  • 1,827

    COVID-19 gas kept me away from other people and fox news watchers have really bullied me during the pandemic

  • 565

    While Covid has definitely affected my mental health what has affected it much more is the special kind of stupid that the GOP has exhibited for the past 4+ years. Now THAT has affected my mental health.