Senate Committees Release Bipartisan Report Detailing Intelligence & Security Failures Related to January 6th Capitol Riot

Should the committees’ recommendations about fixing these failures be enacted?

  • 226

    Of course these need to be fixed immediately. There also needs to be a full investigation of the insurrection including any facilitators in the White House or Congress. This was a terrorist action seeking to harm the United States and should be dealt with completely.

  • 1,302

    Start with getting Pelosi OUT....

  • 1,271

    There was not a Jan 6th riot. Go after Antifa and BLM. Review the full video.. Billions in damage from BLM and Antifa. Drag queens on Nickelodeon, CRT in schools. I think most Americans are saying to you "Bite Me".

  • 105

    That would make sense. We don’t neEd another riot.

  • 56

    But, what about holding those who are complicit in the Big Lie accountable for stirring citizens up? All of the other fixes are just bandaids on the REAL problem of misinformation and disinformation. Until those furthering falsehoods are held to account, none of these other things will matter much. We are watching our democracy slowly slip away.

  • 195

    Never let this happen again! Imprison everyone who supported and/or participated!

  • 96

    First fix the cause of it all……………….. holding EVERYONE involved ACCOUNTABLE!

  • 219

    I think that the committee’s security recommendations should be enacted, but there needs to be more investigation into the politicians who helped the national terrorists attempt the coup. Senators like Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz openly supported the insurrection and many more have downplayed the severity of the events that took place that day. These politicians, in addition to Trump who spent the day watching his TV and refusing to call off his supporters, need to be investigated and prosecuted for their crimes. More action needs to be taken before another attack takes place, ex-National Security Advisor Michael Flynn openly supported the military coup in Myanmar and suggested that something similar occur in the United States. Do more investigations and punish those who are still a threat to the country.

  • 73

    Fixing the security breakdowns are important and should be fixed but that alone is only treating the symptoms instead of treating the disease. The Senate reports omitted the word insurrection and avoided addressing any of the causes or other key questions. Why were the Capitol security forces directed before hand to treat the crowd with kid gloves as agitated concerned citizens instead of as a potential mob? Why was there no one available or with delegated authority for hours to deploy the National Guard. Why, shortly before the insurrection was the policy changed to only send National Guard units unarmed? Why didn’t Trump even attempt to call up support when the Capitol building was first breeched or even after we saw legislators barricaded in chambers? Why did he not respond to calls from senior Republican legislators? Where was the DNI who normally would warn of anticipated threats to our government and it’s institutions and assure security forces would be ready? … … … No, these reports are helpful bandaids but do not address the causes - and endorse an alternate reality cooked-up for political expediency.

  • 42.2k

    Fixing the security breakdowns are important and should be fixed but that alone is only treating the symptoms instead of treating the disease. The Senate reports omitted the word insurrection and avoided addressing any of the causes or other key questions. Why were the Capitol security forces directed before hand to treat the crowd with kid gloves as agitated concerned citizens instead of as a potential mob? Why was there no one available or with delegated authority for hours to deploy the National Guard. Why, shortly before the insurrection was the policy changed to only send National Guard units unarmed? Why didn’t the trump even attempt to call up support when the Capitol building was first breeched or even after we saw legislators barricaded in chambers? Why did he not respond to calls from senior Republican legislators? Where was the DNI who normally would warn of anticipated threats to our government and it’s institutions and assure security forces would be ready? … … … No, these reports are helpful bandaids but do not address the causes - and endorse an alternate reality cooked-up for political expediency.

  • 59

    It is very important to address the security issues but it is not enough...Trump & his supporters/enablers in Congress need to be held accountable for their roles in this heinous attack on democracy. It deeply saddens and worries me that Congress would not work across the aisle on the proposal of a bipartisan investigation of the January 6, 2022 insurrection. It smells bad.

  • 3,405

    You missed step one! Fire every single person in the IC, the DHS, the FBI and any other organization of very expensive people that failed to do their job! That is where you start! That's my tax dollar at work and I feel robbed!

  • 36

    We need to find out what happened and hold ALL accountable. The dems need to get off their asses and quit trying to be bipartisan! Take off the gloves and get moving!

  • 1,221

    Other than the murder of an unarmed female AF vet, by Cap. police, nothing of significance happened Jan 6

  • 1,706

    It's not good enough and no mention of the cause of the shitshow that occurred on Jan 6th. God forbid it happens again because you don't wait for approval to stop this kind of thing in its tracks!

  • 1,530

    The greatest security failure of the January 6 breach was voting a tyrant into the office of the President of the United States. And, that is what needed to be investigated and what needs to be fixed. But, that is not what has been done. This is disgraceful! Trump and many others are complacent in this disaster!

  • 376

    So the problem was that we didn't know how severe the issue is and would be? Because WE ALL KNEW that its going to be BAD. Another white washed incident. The problem was that the president of the United States, Donald J. Trump urged his supporters that were heavily armed to march to the capital and stop the votes from being counted. We saw this on television as it played out and this report is focusing that not enough information on how severe this would be was shared with other entitites?

  • 28

    Bipartisan is important The departments responsible for reporting their findings is VERY important Start listening to constituents instead of party committee members and heads of PACs

  • 9,166

    Fix the failures! Investigate independently the causes and hold ALL involved accountable.

  • 43

    It needs fixing up