World Oceans Day: Someone Needs To Save the Seas

Tell your reps to take care of our oceans

  • 93

    Nuke the plastic 💣!!!

  • 148

    The problems with our oceans must be addressed in a substantive and impactful way for both us and our children.

  • 38

    Save the oceans!

  • 44

    Please put forth legislation to save ocean wildlife. Pollution and harming the environment must end.

  • 468

    Not “Someone”. EVERYONE! Everyone needs to do their part. Without the healthy ocean, life on earth as we know it will end. It’s not hyperbole. We will suffocate.

  • 674

    Start voting out anyone eligible for social security I’m old I know of what I speak We need representatives that live in the present The ancient congress thinks everything is fine and it is just a phase Really-we have people over 70 making decisions concerning modern society Half can’t use their cell phones and one ancient idiot got mad and posted a law with his passwords attached I’m ready to retire to peace and quiet I’m willing to let the next generation clean up the mess we made They can do it Let’s give them a chance

  • 3,555

    GOP Rep. Gohmert suggests altering moon's orbit to combat climate change With gop wackos you can’t save anything. This planet is doomed!

  • 845

    Seaspiracy on Netflix scared me bad but the global warming has even worse. We have to shut down corruption dear senators. If you can’t we the people must come in as we’re equal in power to the government so as stop America becoming a banana republic under the former president Donald Trump. He was psychotic and nazi. He was also an asset of Russia yet he somehow isn’t in jail. I will now investigate our Department of Justice. I’m afraid he may have done something quite troubling. If the democrats wish to forgive all the corruptness of the trump regime and say that was the past let’s move forward then they’re forgetting just how much the Republican Party goal is to rewrite the constitution of the rich by the rich and for the rich. They are for slavery, propaganda, third world country, fleecing is of all our money, a horde of crimes which they make disappear with their money and power. So, 75% of American politicians are owned by the rich. They are fascist all the way. Just think Europeans, you came killing 95% of us, as the years went by you controlled all governments of the Americas. 95% dead. So all these years South American countries are controlled by racist Europeans. Torturing a continent isn’t as hard as living the life of the captured and tormented like in former President Trump’s concentration camps. When Trump was President Bolivia had a right wing military coup because the Europeans didn’t want their kids going to school with the aborigines. And the OAS came and said the coup was good for democracy. The USA media states it that way so the coup was successful. The Koch brothers stopped taking oil from Valenzuela when they got a new socialist president. Valenzuela only made money from oil sales. They are now extremely poor. We need to cut corruption. We are intelligent. Bernie Sanders should be President but the electoral college said they’d go Biden even if sanders won the popular vote. End the toxic epidemic, I really hate this broke as all hell itself government! Tax the rich! We want a Roosevelt President not a corporation loving maggot working for the rich maggots!

  • 394

    We must stop making unnecessary plastic items which comprise about 95 percent of the plastic crap made. Stop buying plastic clothes. Why do you think you need bottled water? What a waste of money!!! Start cleaning up our oceans. Without life in the oceans, we die. Period.

  • 430

    I wouldn’t begin to know how but someone in the know needs to start implementing changes to help protect the oceans! Oceans are the lungs of the world and provider of quality food.

  • 242

    The USA should take the lead in organizing and participating in global efforts to clean the seas and protect the environment.

  • 741

    Anybody that’s a student of geological history knows that when the acidic level of the ocean changes life dies. Over the history of the earth there have been five great Epix when 90% to 75% of all life on earth has been wiped out we are well on the way down the path of this happening again. This is what happens when people turn their back on science and the truth.

  • 7,958

    Plastics, fishing nets, global warming and over fishing are KILLING our oceans, only 5% of the Earth’s oceans are protected. If we continue on the current trend, the prediction is that the world’s oceans will be empty by 2048! “fishing takes 2.7 trillion fish from oceans globally each year. If this rate of fishing continues, the oceans will be “virtually empty” by 2048, according to marine biologist Dr Sylvia Alice Earle.” We are all connected. We cannot live without our oceans! Stuff you can do: Eat less fish, or none. Stop using single use plastics. Pick up your trash. Urge your representatives to protect our oceans. The oceans can recover, if we act NOW!!!

  • 41.9k

    The impact of the climate crises on the oceans and the effect that oceans have in facilitating the processes that drive global warming cannot be overstated. The ocean’s photosynthetic life processes an estimated 70% of the atmospheric CO2 into oxygen as well as basic proteins and sugars largely by phytoplankton that are at the root of the food chains that support most marine life. The increased acidity due to ocean warming is decimating phytoplankton and puts most marine life at risk. Further, the warming waters and changing ocean currents are allowing massive amounts of methane sequestered in colder waters in the ocean depths to be released. The processes that drive climate chained are accelerating and are 1.5 degrees C away from becoming unstoppable no matter how much manmade CO2 emissions are reduced. The world can no longer be thought of as being an infinitely available resource to dump this or that, or to hunt or fish animal life as much as we like. The world is finite and must be thought of in that way if we want to preserve animal and plant life and any semblance of life as we know it - including the live’s of our future generations which are currently being put at great risk by our global incompetence and inability to act responsibly to protect our future.

  • 25.8k

    @Dave, I have to respectfully but most strongly disagree with your assessment. In general, the stronger the sentiments of their constituency, the more likely the representatives are moved by those sentiments. It’s why voting rights must be supported, why gerrymandering must be stopped, why civics must be taught, and why analysis and critical thought must be taught. Please, be mindful of the power our influence good and bad. It may not be as powerful as we wish but it’s greater than we fear. @Dave wrote: "I appreciate all of the comments offering some hope but I do not share your optimism. Writing or calling our elected officials is worthless..." Read more here:

  • 41.9k

    Thankfully most of the poorer Asian nations have began to stop accepting the non-biodegradable waste that wealthier nations produce but do not want to pay the price for properly disposing of. Plastics are a phenomenon of not anticipating their impact on a finite planet when deployed at scale. Many things we take for granted or have taken for granted that have great local benefits also have severe long term consequences when deployed broadly by free market enterprise for those benefits while ignoring or not taking the time to think about the consequences. Plastics are now everywhere and used widely because they are light weight, durable, efficient and cost effective. No one bothered to look at the consequences of a broadly discarded material that, by design, lasts forever. To solve the plastic pollution of the oceans and even ourselves we need better recycling and fully biodegradable plastic variants (it is estimated that most people routinely ingest a credit cars’s worth of micro plastic residue mixed in with the foods we eat - because they are everywhere).

  • 388

    By saving animals and oceans, we save ourselves, according to science. Research concludes that biodiversity in animals, fish, plants, and insects is what sustains our planet. They are interdependent and we are dependent on the adequate functioning of this system for our survival because the system influences weather, climate, and food supply. The system also influences the development, spread, and management of diseases to which we are the ocean, species are being hunted to extinction, we must now be mindful of mercury in certain fish (which we seemingly introduced), microplastics are now in species we consume and we then consume them with limited knowledge of the long term consequences to us or our descendents, and the oceans are environments we know comparatively little about so we are limited in our ability to evaluate or predict the consequences of our impact. It is foolish, in my opinion, to ignore, neglect, or take for granted the oceans (and rivers, lakes, and marshes for that matter).

  • 1,741

    Human pollution, overfishing, and plastics are some of the ways we have been destroying our oceans, seas, lakes, and ponds. The warmer ocean temps are “bleaching” our coral reefs and killing them. We must do better and through international groups put pressure on polluter/overfishing countries.

  • 865

    Jay work on this. I know you’re hoping the oceans will rise so Big Bear can be a coastal resort town and before that, Mentone will finally be a beach town, but I thought all that would occur when the Big One occurs. Let’s save the oceans as my part of the district heads north towards San Francisco and Seattle.

  • 666

    I appreciate all of the comments offering some hope but I do not share your optimism. Writing or calling our elected officials is worthless. They are all busy either trying to destroy, or salvage, what’s left of our Democracy after the shit show that was the last administration. To actually do something positive for the environment? Forget it. Republicans care more about making sure everyone has the right to carry a concealed gun and that trans girls cannot play soccer with their friends. Dead coral reefs? Who cares. Democrats try to present constructive solutions, but overwhelm their constituents with complex ideas that span hundreds if not thousands of pages that actually require one to sit and read and apply critical thinking. Dead turtles? Who cares. The world continues to spin, each area beyond our borders confronting its own problems and demons. The earth’s demise is born of greed, lust for power and disrespect for each other and the planet-with the exception of indigenous peoples, who like the land they protect and care for, are being systematically exterminated. If it makes someone feel good to observe Ocean Day, or Earth Day, or Whatever Day, go for it. Whatever works for you. But we have tipped the scales and I fear it’s too late to save the planet. At least as we know it today. You can’t fool Mother Nature and she is really pissed off for our centuries of indifference to her well being. So go ahead and decrease your use of single use plastic. I have. But it mainly is to alleviate my personal guilt because I know the tons of plastic flowing into the oceans will never stop.