IT: šŸ§« Majority of Americans believe COVID originated in a lab, and... Should Pride Flags be banned at U.S. embassies?

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  • 217

    Only the America flag should be flown at our embassy and no other flag. The America flag represents all Americans whereas any other flag only represents a small group of Americans. The American flag unites us, where as any other flag tends to divide us...but I guess that is the goal of the Communist Democrats now days. Now why has Kamala not executing her duties what was given to her on the border crisis? Why is she not visiting the border...after all ...President Trump went several times to talk with border agents, ICE agents, Homeland security, ect to fix and protect our country and citizens. He took his oath of office seriously where I donā€™t think Joe or Kamala takes their oath to protect our country and citizens. They are trying to destroy America and they are the traitors. They need to be impeached and removed from office. All they do is divide our country and they are the racist party. They are the party of slavery, the party of the KKK (which Joe was friends with one of the leader of the KKK in congress), the party of Jim Crow. Remember Joe trying to stop desegregation as he didnā€™t want his kids to go to a racial jungle. Donā€™t forget he told an interviewer (who was black) that if he didnā€™t know if he was going to vote for him or Trump, then he wasnā€™t black. He is the racist one. Also need to wonder why the Communist Democrats doesnā€™t want o protect our borders, you can wonder no more when in an interview with Nancy Pelosi was asked if she was worried about the polls showing Hugh support for Trump with the minority groups, she said she was not because here will be a huge growing of Hispanics that will vote for them...hence open borders to let them in, then trying to pass the HR1 where you donā€™t need a voter ID to vote...letting illegals vote plus takeaway other safeguards to vote. They need to cheat to win. Want to know where the Durhamā€™s report is, or has the Bidenā€™s administration hid the report or stopped it to protect the Communist Democrats party and Joe and his family. Now I hear that Joe wants to hire thousands of IRS agents to go after people just like Obama did with Lois Lerner did targeting GOP , conservatives, and the Tea Party. Lois Lerner never was held responsible for her action just like many more communist democrats personal who was not held responsible. They went after GOP or conservative who lied to Congress, but any communist democrats personnel who lied, gets off Scott free...double standard and a two ter Justice. You liberal and Democrats better watch out in case you start to question or turn away from their rules, they will turn on you and go after you as well. Why us Joe and Kamala still in office?

  • 217

    Yes, I believe the virus came from the China lab. All the hiding and evasion and trying to divert fact to blame America troops that spread the virus is showing their guilt of inventing this virus. If they didnā€™t, then why keep other countries from going to China to investigate, why did they try to shift blame and why threaten countries when they were speaking about the virus coming out of China. All indicates is that China knew it came out of their lab. Why is Joe letting China off the hook, and why rejoin the WHO who is a puppet of China....could it be that China leaders has dirt on Joe and family, that makes Joe caters to China ahead of America. Also why does Joe states China is not a threat to America when there has been reports and video of China saying that they want to replace America as leader of the world, has increased their military equipments and has threatened countries, all the while Joe has stop funding our military. Is he trying to let China take over our country...really makes you wonder what dirt China really has on Joe for him to break his oath of office to protect our country.

  • 38

    Pride Flags should not be banned at US embassies. We should celebrate the LGBTQ community.

  • 41.9k

    Thankfully, what people ā€˜believeā€™ regarding the source of the pandemic is irrelevant. There has to be some facts, some evidence to support those beliefs in order to draw conclusions. Too many people are motivated by innuendo, alternative facts, false equivalences, and cherry-picked facts. I believe that there are many possibilities regarding how the world was introduced to the ravages of Covid-19 and that some are more likely than others - and that it is more probable that this emerged from wet markets or a lab accident than other possibilities. Without more raw facts, there are no actionable conclusions that can be drawn except to tighten protocols for managing or eliminating potential wet market sources and for the assured safe handling of viral specimens in labs. To use any of this as a geo-political tool or to cast blame of any sort is ill-advised and disruptive unless facts can be found that indicates some malice of foresight. ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ Putting up flags that symbolizes the principles that out country abides by at our embassies is a proactive statement that can send a message to host countries. The embassies can determine whether or not to put such symbolic flags up without Republican supervision. The only relevant restriction would be to assure that any such flags be placed lower and clearly subordinate to our countryā€™s flag which represents all of the values our country holds true. This does not need to be suppressed by Republicans desperate to change the focus away from their blatant obstruction of the Democratic legislation which is broadly supported by a majority of Republican leaning voters, Democratic voters and Independent voters alike. ā€¦ ā€¦ ā€¦ Please Republicans, reform yourselves back into becoming a political party instead of a political faction - work for the country instead of just your party, yourselves and even just for your constituents (Your Oath of Office and your constitutional duty is to preserve and protect the Constitution and the Country - and there is no other nor higher allegiance that you have sworn an oath to protect).

  • 94


  • 7,967

    DOJ investigating DeJoy for his political fundraising. Don McGahn, former tRump aide, will finally testify before House Judiciary Committee. Get the popcorn. This is getting good.

  • 276

    Thatā€™s great and why do they get a month and vets. Get one dayā€¦ government is so F.. th up.

  • 40

    The pride flag only represents some people. The American flag represents all Americans. Only Old Glory

  • 440

    There are only 3 labs in the world that study coronavirus with one in Wuhan. With a known history of poor lab practices as well as all scientists becoming ill then silenced. Fauci is meddling in foreign policy rather than focusing on the science. Itā€™s not his job to manage how the US should approach China. Fauci needs to be fired. There should have been investigations from the beginning rather than a year later.

  • 388

    EDITED: At the moment, it seems to me that Manchinā€™s idea of bipartisanship is to bend over backwards to meet Republican demands in order to retain some nugget of what the Democrats want. The Democrats gave the Republicans what they asked for on the bill to establish an investigative commission, and the Republicans still blocked it. President Biden has reduced the infrastructure bill from $2.7 trillion to $1 trillion and taken increasing baseline corporate taxes from 21% to 28% off the table (despite the fact that many corporations end up paying no taxes at all) because the Republicans demand that, and the Republicans are still balking (their last offer was a $800+ billion if my memory is correct). I donā€™t have details, but Iā€™d guess to get there Biden accepted Republican demands for the bill to include only their narrow definition of what is infrastructure. I predict the Republicans will block that one anyway with Mitch McConnell leading the building of the wall. Sinema (who missed the vote on the commission because she was supposedly called away by ā€œfamily mattersā€ but was recently touring with Republican senator John Cornyn who has supported McConnell and Trump without fail) says that Congress members should ā€œfix their behaviorā€ rather that reform or eliminate the filibuster. I donā€™t necessarily disagree, however Iā€™ve seen no evidence of the Republicans ā€œfixingā€ their behavior in mindlessly saying no to anything proposed by the Democrats and President Biden. In the face of that, it seems to me that eliminating or reforming the filibuster as Plan B is necessary if anything is to get done even if those ā€œthingsā€ are supported by the majority of Americans. Manchin is said to care only about West Virginia - as a senator, he is supposed to care about all of us. With regard to a question about the filibuster, Manchin replied that ā€œthe minorityā€ has to have input. The filibuster as it is used isnā€™t ensuring the minority has a say, itā€™s being used today instead to give total power to the minority because they can block any legislation they donā€™t like. ā€œOn Thursday, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) told CNNā€™s Manu Raju he thinks the Senate should vote again to try to authorize a bipartisan commission to investigate the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.... After Manchin stressed the need for unity and bipartisanship, Raju pointed out Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnellā€™s opposition to the January 6 commission, which led to this exchange: Raju: What evidence do you have that Mitch McConnell wants to work with you? Last week he blocked a commission bill and he could haveā€“and youā€™re saying that he wants to work with you? Manchin: Iā€™m not saying that oneā€™s dead either. Iā€™m not saying that oneā€™s dead either, you know? I was very disappointed. I think it was wrong what he did, and Iā€™ve said that. He knows how I feel about thatā€¦ It was totally everything they asked for. It was totally bipartisan. I think Nancy Pelosi was very gracious in what she had offered, basically making it totally bipartisan. Chuck Schumer said, ā€œOk, Iā€™ll do the sameā€¦ā€ Everything was done in the most bipartisan way. And for himā€“ Raju: But they blocked it because of the filibuster. Manchin: Well, one person blocked it on that. But the bottom line is we have seven people, six that voted, seven would. We need three more. Letā€™s give it another shot. Some context: The senator here is seemingly referring to the six Republicans who voted for the commission and a seventh Republican ā€“ Pat Toomey (PA) ā€“ who did not vote but said he would have voted yes. Democrats Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) and Patty Murray (WA) supported the commission but also did not vote. Had all three voted, the motion would have received 57 votes. Hence, Manchinā€™s ā€œwe need three moreā€ remark.ā€

  • 194

    Anyone else get the feeling that "Carina" is actually originating from one of the Russian bot troll farms? She seems to spout the same highly inaccurate misinformation as though it's been scripted. Or just another right winger conspiracy nut job living in that alternate universe. Either way, entertaining to see what BS talking points they are promoting on any given day...

  • 117

    It is completely irresponsible to fly anything other the the Stars and Stripes at any US embassy. Other countries may not share the same cultural belief and shoving it their faces is not good Diplomacy

  • 150

    I donā€™t know where the virus originated from! I am skeptical about making any statements of such. I DO believe that the pride flag has a place at embassies!

  • 557

    One additional comment re pride flags - the houses in the area where I reside that display a pride flag NEVER have an American flag displayed- NOT ONE even on National holidays - It is a common belief that the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts - but for some it appears that the parts are not only more important but that the whole does not even need to be recognized Lots of places in this world to live in - why choose a place that obviously is not fulfilling your needs? I strongly believe in the first amendment for EVERYONE- but I also believe in and love my country

  • 321

    So whereā€™s the straight flag and the catholic flag the American indian flag.. If one group has a flag let's fly all of the flags.. The USA IS NOT A B LM or a gay nation and only one flag represents the USA

  • 22

    With exception of it being deliberate, which is beyond unlikely, knowing where SARS 2 came from probably wouldnā€™t be all that helpful in developing vaccines and treatments at this late stage. It could prevent or delay a SARS 3, however. I support continued investigationā€¦ with caveats. I may not understand all the ins and outs of the LGBTQIA+ and whoever else needs to be added to that list, but until society and the law treat us all the same, we should all be flying that flagā€¦ our embassies included.

  • 2,915

    Covid: Fauci should be censored from speaking about Covid on behalf of this administration. His inconsistencies on the subject matter from the beginning have caused nothing but confusion and doubt.

  • 90

    Your oath is to protect our way of life as given in our constitution. This includes all people. All types. So of course fly any flag representing these ideas anywhere.

  • 90

    I agree with Jiimk. It is irrelevant where the virus came from except if there was malice or some sort of forethought. The problem is preventing it from happening and hoe to better handle it when it does. Because it will happen again; lab or no lab.

  • 882

    Very strong indication the virus came from the lab. The US flag represents us all. Otherwise you would need so many flags to be fair to all.