Should the U.S. Continue to Celebrate Confederate Memorial Day?

Confederate Memorial Day is a:

  • 21

    The war began when the south was invaded at Charleston. They came into the states voluntarily and had every right to leave. Also, the heavy duties imposed by the Republicans caused a lot of financial problems in the South. Slavery was an evil that began much earlier as indentured service with mainly white orphan children kidnapped and sold for 10 pounds for 10 years service. The blacks were treated the same until 1613, hence that ridiculous Times story. It would be nice if truth were taught instead of all the lies.

  • 2,468

    They just celebrated their day on January 6, 2021! Why would we want to make another day of celebration for those Right Wing Wackos??? I will celebrate when their leader and traitor Trump is a permanent resident of Riker’s Island!

  • 112

    Not sure

  • 226

    What next? Will people start memorializing the 9/11 hijackers? The Confederates who lost their lives did so in an attempt to destroy the United States, and while any loss of life is saddening, it is not something anyone in this country should honor.

  • 87

    Celebrate “Traitors Say”, you mean? Lmao. No.

  • 741

    It’s not a bad idea it’s a real bad idea. A holiday for people who were traders to America! Just like the Republican party today.

  • 192

    Absolutely. Southern pride is completely acceptable, the Confederate Flag is also acceptable, despite the black population hating anything Confederate. They should be honoring all the White men who died during the Civil War, protecting their ungrateful asses.

  • 2,412

    Why should we celebrate people who fought to maintain slavery? I really see nothing honorable about keeping any human in bondgage, not anything honorable re. those who thrived/profitted off such barbaric practices. The official celebration of the Confederate soliders only works to maintain the longstanding divide/tensions that still exist. If we're going to celebrate those who fought to maintain human bondgage, then states that fought to end such bondgage should have a day to celebrate those who fought to end such bondgage. To me, it's never the right thing to do to celebrate human rights violations.

  • 178

    We shouldn’t celebrate a group’s secession from the Union and war to keep an entire race enslaved.

  • 255

    The confederates were the losers. They were traitors. Lincoln only pardoned their leaders to bring the country back together. Celebrating a day like this is an afront to everything this country is supposed to stand for. Next, we'll be celebrating a facsist day like Germany's invasion of Poland.

  • 38

    The Confederacy LOST. Since when do we coddle the losers of a war? The Confederate flag should be banned in the United States and around the World.

  • 25

    Let's stop celebrating being a insurrectionist & slavery. This is insanity & the 21st century. Take these immoral remembrance days off the calendar, or we will be hit with many more Jan. 6th, 2021 days around the country. Not what America needs. We need infrastructure, education, jobs with a living wage,, good economy & a fair playing field for all. Tax the wealthy to fund these things. They play the loop holes & don't pay their fair share & instead "play" the other 99%. Decades ago when America was trying to rebuild itself, the tax rate on the ultra rich was 92%. Then they didn't hoard the wealth built on the backs of their employees. Or buy more homes or yachts or start their own foundations. They reinvested capital back into their companies & paid their employees a GOOD LIVING wage & helped local communities. As it should be. CEO's think 35% and 21% is too much in taxes. It is NOT enough. Tax the millionaires & Wall Street. It's about time these modern monopolies & robber barons shared their spoils & gave our society the means to invest in the American people & our country. Today the income inequality is WORSE than the Great Depression times. Why do we have so many people & kids in poverty, or most US families living on the edge. Why so many homeless? Why health care is so inaccessible to so many? Why so many mass shootings? One main reason is we didn't learn from FDR & the policies and practices & regulation needed to help fix/balance American society. Back Biden's INFRASTRUCTURE plan & MORE. Life should't be a daily struggle for most. Fix the system, level the playing field & protect the American people, AGAIN. Thank you

  • 3,405

    It is just two different sides that believed in what each was fighting for. Friends and relatives died on both sides. I think it would be awful if you stopped celebrating together. Make sure you do it was brother against brother, cousin against cousin. It ended and peace was made! Let's try to keep it that way!

  • 108

    Celebrate those who fought against United States of America, making them TRAITORS! Preposterous! Celebrating TRAITORS who fought their government to maintain economy based on free labor of Black slaves. Stupefying! Celebrate those who enslaved, raped, tortured, maimed, and killed Blacks, for control and sport, to preserve white supremacy and domain over other human beings! Confederacy was an abomination and should be vilified, not celebrated! Celebrate racists by naming their sins against humanity including genocide! Celebrate in ptivate, if you must, but know you are unAmerican and should be ridiculed as such, in this age of diversity, a strength of the United States of America!

  • 21

    I believe celebrating the lives of those who have passed is quite beautiful. Just because a person honors the life of a loved one doesn't mean you believe or have to believe in what they believed in. What you're believing in is the love you felt for the one who passed. I think it's a matter of perspective. Memorial means to remember. Why not remember the love and leave the rest out of it??

  • 284

    We should not commemorate traitors.

  • 86

    The point from Lincoln himself is that they were still Americans at the end.

  • 146

    I don’t celebrate traitors of our country.

  • 64

    Maybe rename it Traitors Day.

  • 217

    No … Juneteenth Would rock!