At Least 8 People Killed in Shooting at San Jose Rail Yard; Shooter Also Dead

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  • 53

    In schools there is violence in a lot of forms. The way to stop shootings is not take away the 2nd amendment. We should be learning in schools about bullying, child abuse in all forms as well as how to know what abuse looks like and how to protect the child whether it is abuse from a family member or a friend or anybody. What we should be teaching in schools is how to prevent school violence in every form so shootings don’t happen in the future. The next Generation is a steak here.

  • 184

    This insect historically shows and a mini penis and brutal hatred crimes as well as January 6, 2021 forever etched in our memories as this at other evil acts Mississippi burning and Jonestown all hate supremacy groups all levels as well as voter suppression is the other end game or way of controlling people and cities of color, yes act an way of trying to justify by any lawmaker or legislative should be abolished gun control needs to be connected now not later now is the time our nation is the only nation that surpasses and exceeds any other nation in this world…..There must be commonsense laws strengthened heart to the core that there will never ever be evil such as VTA, what happened in LA today, Washington DC insurrection January 6, 2021 They should not be up for debate that should not be a question that should be an act it has a national and international law as well all United Nations should adopt us as well.

  • 184

    This didn’t have to happen at the same to you now in LA, Congress states assemblies of all 51 states must come together all must pass and abolish all hate levels of crimes hey organizations abolished an amendment must condemn, more strengthened laws to condemn a person to life without any parole or sanctions to be with rod or implement it from any other states or countries they must be prosecuted to the highest on all levels of hate crime through the DOJ or FBI Horry US Secret Service. There should be a national and international database those persons should be on closer watch and therefore said Congress state assembliesThroughout the 59 states And territories as well,do their diligence to come down and abolish all hate organizations now

  • 67

    This is what happens when Americans are stripped of their 2nd amendment rights. This is also why people should ignore any Illegitimate gun law and always carry. Murder has always been in the hearts of men, but the more Godless, honor-less, and narcissistic a society gets, the more likely it is that a simple suicide is going to turn into “I might as well kill everyone I hate on the way out.”

  • 41.9k

    I certainly agree with the many comments that enraged people without access to guns could use machetes, poison darts, throwing knives or weaponized boomerangs to go on their killing sprees. OK, I accept that argument on its face but guns are soooooo much more efficient and soooooo much more difficult to dodge or hide from, or run away from or take away from the person who is rapidly killing people at a distance or those hiding behind bullet penetratabke shields.

  • 783

    Do you really expect me to give a shit about this? Fuck this and honestly, why should this be a “national spotlight”? Because 8 people are dead? Ummm, where the fuck is the post about the “12 mass shootings” that CNN reported? Or the daily body count in Chicago

  • 741

    The Republicans have controlled this narrative with their bullshit interpretation of the second amendment for years and just like beating your head against the wall it is proven not to work. Somewhere along the way the republican party became the fringe party of ideas and applications. The party as a working machine was finally sunk by Donald Trump and his pedophile and crazed Followers in the Congress and the Senate. It’s time to stick a fork in the republican party and call it quits. The Republican party has surely quit on America and American ideals. Out with Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham with a human cyclops Ms. Greene In her idiomatic fantasies, Getez and his what could turn out to be taste for little girls. The Republican party has become this it’s fractured it’s broken it’s full of crazy losers who have done nothing for the past four years and again are trying to drag this country down and do nothing for four more years it’s bullshit it’s old tired bullshit. Anyone who liens Republican should be able to say that their leaders do nothing about Making things better for people they spend their time trying to think of ways of stopping democratic proposals. It’s all crazy it’s mixed up it’s skewed, the only way you accomplish anything is by accomplishing something. The republican party has lost the ability to do this; accomplish anything.

  • 41.9k

    Yet another, and another, and another. … … … When will they ever learn?

  • 41.9k

    Justin D: I think realistic gun control is a necessity. I do not accept the notion that only people with criminal records commit these crimes. As I recall, most if not all of the mass killers using guns were not known criminals before their attacks. Their mentality issues were not really uncovered definitively until after the fact when people tried to understand why they committed such acts. … … … I own a handgun and think that I could use it if someone was threatening my family’s lives in my home. I feel it would be irresponsible for me to have a hand gun on my person elsewhere because of the very real threat of collateral damage from stray gunshots in populated areas. There was a gunfight in an apartment building parking lot near here recently and five people were shot. Four of the five were just at home in their apartments and not looking out windows or involved in any way. One died, another was in critical condition in intensive care (and may have passed by now), and two others had non-life-threatening injuries that may still cause life long debilities. The fifth shooting victim was thought to possibly be one of the shooters and had non-life-threatening injuries. … … … At an indoor shooting range, we had a couple of authorized gun owners who just bought one of those large-magazine automatic rifles a couple of positions down from us. I left when they were gleefully unloading their magazines as fast as they could spraying their down range target, whooping it up and cheering as they accidentally shot rounds into the roof (which was prohibited by the range operators). They scared me with their casual incompetence. Gun control is needed to better assure that irresponsible people who are not criminals cannot run around with lethal weaponry. I would be glad to undergo a more in-depth background check, certification or even be required to purchase liability insurance if these were laws that everyone had to comply with.

  • 48.2k

    The worst thing about this is that nothing has changed and likely nothing will. As long as people continue to defend the rights of all Americans to carry and bear any kind of gun they want, even a gun designed for killing large numbers of humans in war, these mass shootings will continue. This doesn't happen in any other country at the rate it happens in the USA, so what makes us so great? Because we have the right to mass murder any time we get upset?

  • 266

    Dear Third Reich “Reps”: “Pimp my mommy to the Racist” Fulcher, Risch, & CRAPo at what point will you actually give a shit about people? Do We The People need to ask the LEGITIMATE Biden Administration to hold a special lottery for every mass shooting that members of the Reich and File American Nazi Party have to put their loved ones names in the lottery and however many victims of the mass shooting is how many names are called from the lottery and your loved ones are put in an area and shot? Because you are OUT OF EXCUSES FOR NOT GIVING A DAMN!!! No I do not wish harm to your loved ones, and I wish no harm to you—you will rot in hell when your time comes. But your sorry ass excuses of we need to protect gun rights are KILLING PEOPLE!!! So rot in hell on your own time stop literally murdering people!!

  • 674

    Just read he was stopped at the border coming from the Philippines in 2016 Had issues at that time Had criminal record, minor but had a criminal record How was this guy working on our transportation rail lines and how did he get a gun permit? Somewhere our background checks need to be overhauled

  • 3,959

    Listen up Texas.

  • 148

    The mass shootings have become so frequent in the US, that we as a nation have become numb. Thoughts and prayers are meaningless platitudes. They are quickly forgotten and the gun lobbyists continue to rail against any kind of reforms to the laws. When will we ever stop the madness of gun violence??

  • 7,875

    I like to know how the police reform or BLM have any thing to do with mass murder that are exercising their second amendment rights to own and bare arms? The thing with arming everyone with out any requirements, like in Texas, is all the wackos are armed also! So we have shoot outs, because everyone will have a gun and not knowing who is doing what. So far as religion not in schools, religion organization give you pedophilia, dark ages, crusades and corruption hiding behind religion. Teaching morality, Ten Commandments or any social justice, all start at home, by the way who’s religion?

  • 468

    FYI: if we actually used the Second Amendment as it was written, only people in the military would have a right to guns. Y’all conveniently warp it to force it to mean other things, but really, only the National Guard have any constitutional benefits spelled out in 2A.

  • 252

    I read with dismay that the pro-gun crowd feel that the solution to gun violence is…more guns. It’s like saying the solution to traffic accidents is more cars. Abolishing guns is not the answer. Clearly our population is sick. Until we are able to employ more self-control, gun control is an unfortunate necessity.

  • 66

    this is horrible. this is beyond horrible- because we have seen things like this over and over again and yet we do nothing. I want to do something- but we need to work together, your second amendment right doesn't matter as much when millions of people are going to die by brutal, heartless mass shooting murders. they will be your friends, your family, your neighbors. our whole world is going to be ravaged by this violence. 12 mass shootings. this WEEKEND. that is not normal, that is not okay, and we need to change this.

  • 224

    How many more people have to die? We must DO SOMETHING. Plus the climate change! We need government to pass common sense laws and take away people’s CARS!

  • 7,970

    My voice & my vote are linked to actions that solve problems, not thoughts & prayers. Just save it for someone stupid enough to think you care. I’m so f’ing tired of the lack of commitment for common sense gun laws....that the MAJORITY OF AMERICANS SUPPORT!!!! Take your thoughts and prayers and shove them up your ass.