Nation Marks Anniversary of George Floyd's Death

Has the U.S. changed one year after Floyd's death?

  • 106

    Great point Anne !!

  • 184

    This insect historically shows and a mini penis and brutal hatred crimes as well as January 6, 2021 forever etched in our memories as this at other evil acts Mississippi burning and Jonestown all hate supremacy groups all levels as well as voter suppression is the other end game or way of controlling people and cities of color, yes act an way of trying to justify by any lawmaker or legislative should be abolished gun control needs to be connected now not later now is the time our nation is the only nation that surpasses and exceeds any other nation in this world…..There must be commonsense laws strengthened heart to the core that there will never ever be evil such as VTA, what happened in LA today, Washington DC insurrection January 6, 2021 They should not be up for debate that should not be a question that should be an act it has a national and international law as well all United Nations should adopt us as well.

  • 109

    It’s changed for the worse . The knee didn’t kill him the fentanyl and meth did . So let’s take a criminal and glorify him .

  • 165

    We were never a racist country

  • 67

    We have taken great strides forward in strengthening the authoritarian state. We are that much closer to replacing local cops with federal cops. America has become racist again, with skin color being the new defining characteristic of our people. Our government has made many new skin color based laws.

  • 276

    That was a sad time but he died from drugs in his system as I see it…

  • 239

    Yes, but not in a good way. People are so divided. You have a group so far to the left that want to make this country communist, you have a group so far to the right that they want fascism, you have the left wanting to “cater” to the communist so they look “woke”, you have the right that believes in QAnon, we have a GOP that will not stand up to the truth, we have allowed the rich to take over and manipulate our news so nobody sees the full truth. The last 4 years has changed this country and not for the better. The only change I see is that we rejoined the world organizations, other than that our rights are still at risk. Women are losing rights left and right, each state is making laws to discriminate against marginalized groups, the hate is stronger than ever.

  • 219

    George Floyd’s murder was a wake up call to the country and the world that not everyone is treated equally by the police and marginalized people are more often in danger of being killed by police rather than being protected by them. Even though there have been many protests and discussions surrounding Black Lives Matter and police brutality, they are not enough to create real change. Republican senators are never going to agree to any systemic change that democrats and progressives are pushing, and Democratic senators need to realize this and end the filibuster so that we can pass bills like the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act.

  • 208

    Just in case you missed it, 127 law enforcement officers have been killed since January 1, 2021. Not a single one of their families were invited to the White House!

  • 69

    I have a question, why are we honoring a criminal,? This act should have never happened , however let’s give a little blame to Floyd for putting himself in that position. People need to wake up and see what’s happening here. Our sorry politicians are pushing a narrative that does not match up to the facts , but people today don’t care about facts.

  • 23
    Paul R.

    my classmate's step-aunt makes $67 every hour on the laptop. She has been without work for five months but last month her check was $16720 just working on the laptop for a few hours. read this >>>>

  • 389

    The Marxist progressive secular humanists have only tried to make big government the answer to all our problems. This is the cause of our problems. We must return to our original Judeo Christian values that our constitution was founded on. If not, we will continue on a path to destruction.

  • 706

    Don't really care about George what's-his-name and the mentally challenged lefties that want to elevate a doper felon to sainthood. Especially when they're wanting to tell kids that are trying to do the right thing that they should feel guilty about their privileged upbringing - whether it was/is or not. You people are sick. Chauvin was wrong but Floyd is rotting somewhere south of the border.

  • 184

    Abolish hate crimes abolish all police officers who take the badge for the wrong reasons that take the badge for power or empowerment stop all levels of hate and every avenue state wide national wide federally and now

  • 7,880

    You will find the states that take it serious, will change, the one that don’t will be slow or force. There is no place for racist bigots in any government agencies or political position. People will away be bias and opinionated, but there is no place in employment, jobs or in the world for hate and action.

  • 1,221

    Floyd used his own , tragic, drug overdose death. Radical Marxists (BLM, Antifa) have used this tragedy to punish Law Enforcement. Congress has allowed this destructive, criminal behavior.

  • 48.4k

    @Freethinker, please tell us specifically which cities have "defunded the police", and by how much? I think Minneapolis is the only major city that has done anything like this. Can you cite your sources?

  • 289

    It really takes a full year to wake up and get a bill passed? In the meantime, how many more people will be mistreated or killed with no recourse? A baby learns how to talk and walk and eat solid food in a year, but Congress can't accomplish crap.

  • 48.4k

    I really hope this year our friends on the right will learn the difference between protests, riots, and insurrections, and stop trying to confuse them for political purposes.

  • 7,976

    George One year later. The knee of an officer on George’s neck. Taking the breath from him Offering no aid We all watched In horror. One year later We add more unarmed black men to the list The list Of brothers without breath Say their names One year later and we have no laws in place To keep our brothers’ breath in their bodies. One year later Hate crimes at an all time high For people of color One year later The question Has the US changed? No My brothers need to breathe One year later. One year!!! -La Rubia