Senate Considers China Competition Package, House Begins Recess

How do you feel about this week’s congressional schedule?

  • 1,085

    The Senate has been disappointingly slow on passing meaningful legislation lately due largely to their hesitance to reform the filibuster. Democrats need to nuke it or they can not move forward.

  • 423

    Three week recess for House floor which means no votes on important bills. This Congress uses every opportunity to delay doing their job. 2022 is the time to remove these non-performers and NAY voters on important bills. Vote BLUE!

  • 389

    More bigger Government is NOT the solution to our problems, but, actually, IS the CAUSE of most of our problems! STOP this irresponsible limitless spending of our money! This is evil!

  • 42.2k

    The best answer to our competition with China is to make sure that our country earns it’s leadership position by investing in the people of this country so we can earn leadership by the capabilities of our people within the context of long term world changes. The best way to do this is to pass all of the Biden legislative proposals without watering them down or diverting funding to other programs. That, and re-thinking the legislative process to be more strategic and focused on long term problems instead of this year’s GDP. … … … China has that long term focus and has been outpacing this country in education of their youth, research and development to address future goals, tremendous infrastructure gains, a much more affluent populous and their own version of a ‘Marshall Plan’ to invest in developing country’s infrastructure - thus gaining tremendous world influence. That and the free market capitalistic greed which outsourced almost all manufacturing to China who has developed (or stolen) the technology enabling them to efficiently produce high tech products. … … … Even Russia has recognized the damage of the evolving climate crisis and over the past four years has militarized the Arctic, laying claim to international waters and building advanced military bases all around the Arctic circle. When the ice melts, they will claim the mineral rights uncovered by the melting ice and demand control over new, shorter and highly profitable shipping routes through the Arctic. Meanwhile, our country is focused on this years GDP, increasing the wealth gap and denying that the world changes or even the climate crisis exists - with Republicans unwilling to see the reality of what is coming and choosing to live in their disinformation shell of the alternate reality that they promote. … … … The best strategy is to accept Biden’s legislative packages as is- all of it, and get them passed. Each piece of legislation is highly synergistic and complementary- all leading to vast infrastructure improvements, requisite research for looming crises, increased work opportunity and skill training, and a much more productive populous. It ties in with the climate crisis and would help our country earn a profitable leadership position in combating it. It is, in my view, a masterful long term strategic plan that addresses our issues and gets us ready and able to deal with future crises. … … … If the filibuster is going to be used to damage our country’s future, eliminate or neuter it. As it stands now, a filibuster can simply be called with little effort, political cost or accountability. It allows the minority to overrule the majority without debate or accountability for voting down programs endorsed by the majority of each of the Democratic, Independent and Republican Voters - which can effectively be nuked by a party more interested in political power than governing with no political cost, since nothing is on the record to hold them to account for. As the filibuster had been redefined, it has little value to a functioning democracy or a democratic Republic. … … … The risks of inflation pale into insignificance to the risks of the first ever manmade life extinction event that the Climate Crisis is on track to becoming in a few decades. Penny-wise, pound-foolish strategies put the world at increasing risks from global climate processes which will result in a global self-sustaining, accelerating chain reaction that cannot safely be slowed or stopped no matter what mankind attempts to do. … … … Fundamental issues of right and wrong need to be part of the discussion and guide the Congress and the DOJ. Pass the voting rights legislation to at least slow down the Republican attack on democracy- it is the right thing to do. The DOJ should open up investigations into the trump, the Malevolent Mitch, master of political double speak and others who would sacrifice the rights of our people on their alter of lust for unearned political power. It may not be politically advisable, but it is the right thing to do. … … … I remain inspired by the comment of Lt. Colonel Vindman, an immigrant from a Russian dominated Ukraine in his youth, who said about his testimony that, ‘In America, RIGHT MATTERS’. I like to believe that this is still true, so as a famous starship captain once said, ‘Make it so’.

  • 24

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  • 90

    How many vacations can the congress take. It’s as if there are no urgent matters at hand. No China control. There is just too much happening to spend so much time on the golf courses. Br responsible for your oaths and get to meaningful work.

  • 51.8k

    Is Congress really going to let the anniversary of George Floyd's murder to pass without doing anything to attempt to reform policing in this country? Are they really that out of touch with the way police treat minorities? Why should we support any Congress member who hasn't signed on the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act?

  • 51.8k

    Here we go, yet another week of vacation upcoming for Congress while many Americans won't even get Memorial Day off, let alone a week's of paid vacation. And the Senate still hasn't confirmed all of Joe Biden's federal agency heads. This isn't working; the Congress doesn't work enough for the people.

  • 3,039

    @Frank i think people are upset with recess and the amount of time off because GQP are collecting paychecks and producing nada. They are not problem solving nor writing any legislation; that’s purpose isn’t to undermine our democracy or inflict pain and taxpayers are financing it

  • 8,811

    I’m glad to see we are addressing competition with China and look forward to reading what is proposed. For years our dependence on China has grown, as they have “forced technology transfer(s) from American firms to domestic firms as a condition of doing business..., (have made) cyber intrusions into commercial networks, theft of trade secrets, massive subsidies to state-owned enterprises and intellectual property abuses.” If the pandemic taught us anything, it’s that “the United States is too dependent on China for critical or strategic products like medical equipment, pharmaceuticals and certain technologies like semiconductors.” This coupled with the pull out of the TPP and the tRump trade war that left Americans paying more for all the tariffs and agricultural bailouts. We have some real work to do!!! My hope is an investment in world class STEM education, manufacturing that provides security for Americans& renewable clean energy businesses...we need to think toward the future.

  • 27.8k

    @Dorothy wrote: "Damn autocorrect. Their purpose is solely to undermine our democracy and inflict pain Sorry i hate typing in this phone😱" Hahaha! You are far from alone. There are some ways to deal with the small on-screen cell phone keyboard. Getting a large phone helps a little. Using a Tablet helps more. Conversely, a cousin got an iPhone 12 Mini, and her texts have gotten much worse. Yesterday she sent me a message saying she will hate me in two hours. Go figure. 🤷🏻‍♂️ She later sent an apology. I thought it was a funny and likely premonition. I have purchased a couple of alternative keyboard apps. They help a little too. Using a text editor and copying from it and pasting it can be very helpful. When I get fed up, I just turn off auto correct and fly solo. To Turn Off Auto correct On your iPhone or iPad: Go to Settings > General > Keyboard > Turn off the switch for Auto-Correction But then you'll have no excuses. No idea how to turn off auto correct on other types of phones. ¡LOL! 😂

  • 3,039

    Damn autocorrect. Their purpose is solely to undermine our democracy and inflict pain Sorry i hate typing in this phone😱

  • 27.8k

    People are still whining about "Recess.” Please, get informed! We DO NOT only want our reps in chambers all the time. They need to study, prepare, discuss, etc. “What is a Congressional recess? A Congressional recess, or district work period, is a period in the legislative calendar where no votes are scheduled in Washington, DC. This allows Members to return to their districts to meet with constituents and develop new legislative proposals.” “Understanding Congress" – Representative Jim Langevin (RI)

  • 27.8k

    Recess is not Politic Inaction. Political Inaction is a strategy. @Dorothy wrote: "@Frank i think people are upset with recess and the amount of time off because GQP are collecting paychecks and producing nada...." Hey Dorothy. You raise an issue that has nothing to do with recess. The issue you are referring to is political inaction. There have been periods where I have been happy to have representatives obstruct legislation I don't like. Further, I have been grateful for inaction at times. "Obstruction" and Political Inaction are strategies. Such strategies require attention, thoughtfulness, and timing. Now in my lifetime, the mission and goals of the GOP/GQP have always been to obstruct good governance and provide as little as possible (and usually less) for the majority. In the past, it seemed to favor the Ultra Wealthy and leaned towards becoming a Corporatocracy; now, it has gone of the rails of decency and the GOP/GQP's mission has become to facilitate the creation of a Corruptocracy run by a Hierarchy of Oligarchs – a Putin style regime. I think it is relatively rare for there to be lazy representatives. We may not like their politics but it's not sloth. The national parties would frown on that. It's more "We are Republicans we don't do nothing for no one but our friend$."

  • 47.8k

    Way, way Off Topic, but ... OMG‼️. Phil Mickelson💕‼️‼️‼️👍😀🤞💲💲. 2nd PGA Championship ‼️‼️‼️💲💲💰🙃👍🤞🤞😁😆. at 50! Not a mask in sight!

  • 27.8k

    Chinese Competition. Chinese Goods. Dave, it is a common misconception that China only produces “cheap shit" sold in big box stores. While inexpensive items, much of it of inferior quality, are made in China for export to the US, that’s not the whole picture by any means. Many “high-end” stores throughout the world sell "high-end" brand items that are made in China. (Some examples with links are below. Also, @Dave’s comment which sparked my curiousity.) I do not know nearly enough about China’s political, economic and business systems. Still, it sure seems that while we are correctly informed about worker and other abuse in China, there is also more economic progress being made for some than we have been lead to believe and / or too lazy or busy to pursue. While I initially agreed with your statements, such as "So these Bills are always going to be nothing more than window dressings to get re-elected." After reading up on the many issues your comment raised, I am pretty sure you cannot be 100% correct just from an economic standpoint. While solutions from the left, center, and right will vary. We need a socially and economically strategic plan and are far more likely to get a reasonably sensible one under a moderate center-left government than a profit-driven right government lead by a self-centered criminal moron would provide. Luxury Brand Made In China * Louis Vuitton * Gucci * Bvlgari * Cartier * Dior * Tiffany * Burberry * Prada * Apple Products * Android Products * Forbes * Not precisely "low end shit" * Calvin Klein * Converse * New Balance * Nike * Ray-Ban Sunglasses * Lenovo * Motorola * Gillette Razors * It also appears that even the better tools used by homeowners and the building trades are often made in China. But, for now it's more on a tool by tool basis. Apparently once well respected American and European made brands are now under Chinese control whatever that entails. The Top 10 Luxury Brands in China 8 Luxury Brands Made in China That’ll Blow Your Mind - A Fashion Blog American Made Cell Phones 2021 [NOT!] (A discussion with some insightful assertions) Milwaukee made in China? | Garage Journal China's youngest, richest billionaires and how they made their money @Dave wrote: "I went to a Dicks Sporting Goods yesterday with my nephew. I have never been to one by before. ... Everything single thing I checked out was made in China. And there’s a second floor. I hardly think that any Bill authored by any member of Congress will change this situation. Americans want cheap shit but don’t want to work for cheap wages. So these Bills are always going to be nothing more than window dressings for the purpose of getting re-elected. China has the manufacturing of crap locked up and will continue to export this crap to the US, people will continue to buy it and it will continue to pile up in our garages, closets and basements before it finds its way into a landfill or the ocean. " Read more here:

  • 666

    I went to a Dicks Sporting Goods yesterday with my nephew. I have never been to one before. He needed some specific fishing lures nobody else carries. Way in the back corner. The store is huge. As I followed him I checked out quite a few items: straw hats, fishing poles and lures, shorts, shirts and shoes, kayaks, paddles and balls. Everything single thing I checked out was made in China. And there’s a second floor. I hardly think that any Bill authored by any member of Congress will change this situation. Americans want cheap shit but don’t want to work for cheap wages. So these Bills are always going to be nothing more than window dressings for the purpose of getting re-elected. China has the manufacturing of crap locked up and will continue to export this crap to the US, people will continue to buy it and it will continue to pile up in our garages, closets and basements before it finds its way into a landfill or the ocean.

  • 394

    Hey Robert, it’s the republicans who comprise 25 percent of the House that’s not vaccinated. Just the republicans,remember them, the obstructionists.

  • 3,959

    Maybe now that we no longer spending billions on an undeclared war. We can invest in our own country. I remember when both Democrats and Republicans were all for investing in our countries industries, agriculture and education. China has taken over that policy. We now have ignorant politicians who throw up a big flags of wearing masks, but do nothing to support their constituents. Just a bunch of hoopla, all noise no action. Yes we must take those billions and invest in our country, so we can regain our world respect, defeating China economically. Either we invest into our country through education, industry and agriculture or we lose. I would imagine Republicans will choose the later.

  • 394

    The Senate needs to get to work on approving Biden’s nominations for the USPS board and oust that clown dejoy. Last week I received a piece of mail that was sent prior to Halloween 2020. My local taxes took 9 weeks to deliver. The trip was about 40 miles. Fix this mess now.